Chapter 12

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"Hey why did you make me come here?" she said

"because i don't think that you should not go on that date with Ched" i told her seriously 

she stared at me confused "why? he is hot and everything..".

"remember my childhood bully? that's him Ched...Ched Willis" i said looking away from her.

"Oh come on Evie.. That was when you were 8... he changed i swear" she said trying to convince me. It kind of made me mad to know that Carlie is going on a date with my childhood bully and she actually thinks that "he changed" .

"Are you serious right now" i stared at her clearly pissed off.she was about to say something then she looked away and sighed.

"Can you at least give him a chance? he actually changed i swear" she said placing her hands over mine, i pushed it away and stood up.

"fine, But don't come crying when he hurts-" 

"he won't...can you just be happy for me?" she said

"Fine but i swear if he hurts you i will-"

"i know, i know that's why i love you" she said hugging me and i hugged her back.


~Jason's P.O.V~

"So where's Evie?" Zack asked

"she went to talk to Carlie" Brent said

i heard the door opened and saw Evie she seemed annoyed,she mumbled something and headed to the kitchen to grab a drink.

she walked back into the living room and sat on a single sofa staring at the television,i could tell that she wasn't herself. first of all she always sits next to me, And right now she's looking at Conjuring 2 and just staring at the television...she didn't even jump at the bit where the little girl saw the demon.

I looked at the dude's and they stared at Evie..

i cleared my throat and said " So how did it go with Carlie?" She looked at me pissed and turned back to the television.

"Not so well huh?" Trent said trying to make her react but she just ignored him.

*RINGGG* her phone started to ring 

"What do you want" she said 

"I don't give a damn..." she said again the boys and i just stared at her, this wasn't our Evie..

"THEN FUCKING GO! I DON'T GIVE A DAMN, GO TO AUSTRALIA AND NEVER COME BACK!" She shouted hanging up and storming outside the house.

"What just happened?" Trent Said

" let's just give her time to cool off?" Dave said sipping his coke we nodded and continued to watch the movie.


~Evie's P.O.V~

i stormed out of Jason's house crying, my parents had called to tell me that they are done with me and if i don't come back tomorrow morning that they will leave and go to Australia without me. 

Where am i? Great i think i'm lost! i looked at my phone and was about to call Jason but me being stubborn i thought that i could find my way back.

It's so cold..and i'm hungry! god next time i should bring food before running away like that.

*RINGGG* i picked up my phone and heard Jason's voice

"Evie where are you!? are you alright!?" he said worried

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