Chapter 14

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Carlie texted me all day begging me to attend this party,i didn't even want to go but her mom said that ONLY if i was going Carlie could go... So here we are at the mall buying dresses

"I'M GONNA GET THIS ONE! " she screamed of joy, i just wanted to wear a jean and a crop top to this party but NO! Carlie forced me to buy a dress, we ended buying laced dresses...

Carlie's Dress:

Carlie's Dress:

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Evie's Dress:

"Girl you're fab!" She  shouted in a happy tone

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"Girl you're fab!" She  shouted in a happy tone

"Stop moving! i'm trying to do your makeup!" i shouted back at her.


Once at the party i told Carlie to stay besides me, i didn't want her to get lost believe it or not but Carlie gets lost literally everywhere! once we were at i supermarket i was just buying some Tea and turned around and BAM she wasn't there next to me anymore eventually after looking for her for fifteen minutes i had found her in the toys section....

"So Carlie..?" i turned around and she wasn't there! COME ON!! WHY!!??

i let a frustrated sigh out and texted her

me: Meet me at my car whenever you're ready to go ok?

Carlie: OKIII byeeeeee

i walked around and went in the kitchen to grab a drink by a drink i meant a beer. don't drink too much you have to be sober to  be able to drive Carlie back home My inner voice told me.

one hour later..

"Carlieee there you are!!, i saw a unicorn!" i shouted like a five year old

"Yaaaa, well i saw a ..... what did i see again?" Carlie said  scratching her head and continued to dance.

If you couldn't already tell YES we were both drunk and we danced our asses off.

"Carlieeee" i giggled

"Evieeeeeeeeeee" she giggled back and we ran around the house when i suddenly bumped into a wall. 

"EXCUSE YOU WALL" Carlie shouted

"Carlie?" Jason said

"it hurts...HEY LOOK THE WALL TALKS!" i said rubbing my head and pointed at Jason

"are you both drunk?" Kylan asked

"NO YOU ARE!" we shouted at the same time and started to giggle

"Okay i think it's time for you both to go home" Brent said

i looked at Carlie and said " SHH SHH!" while giggling and added "We have to get away! these monsters are trying to kidnap us! Carlie nodded and we both ran outside and hid behind a tree.

"PHEW THAT WAS CLOSE" she giggled

"SHH carlie! they are going to find us!" i said covering her mouth while she giggled.

i saw two arms wrap around my waist and heard " Gotcha!" it was Zack

"Gotcha!!" Brent said grabbing Carlie.. we both giggled and Carlie said " You can't touch me!"

"Why?" Brent asked

"Because you said you consider me just as a friend..." Carlie said in a sad tone.

"Well you agreed with what i said" Brent added bringing us into Jason's car.

"well i had no choice! I never meant it...i actually do like you" She said pointing her fingers at each other and i shouted " AWKWARD!!" and she said " OH SUSH!" 

"HEY! NOBODY SUSHES ME!" I shouted back and she stuck her tongue out at me and looked away.

"i wanna go home!" i said shouting!

"we can't bring you guys home like this.." Jason added

Jason ended up bringing us to his place and Brent took Carlie's phone and texted her mom saying that she was staying at mine.

"hey where's Carlie!" i shouted as Jason tucked me in bed.

"She's in the other room sleeping with Brent" i covered my mouth and giggled

"what!! did they do the nasty??...Oulala..." i said giggling

"No"Jason laughed and added "Brent is sleeping on the sofa in her room, he wanted to take care of her" he said kissing me on the cheeks.

"GOODNIGHT!" i shouted making Jason jump and closed my eyes.


when i woke up i head the worst migraine ever, i got up brushed my teeth and headed downstairs.

"Morning!" Brent and Jason shouted.

"Shut up! head hurts" i said pressing my hand on my head and plopping down on the sofa.

"Morning!" They shouted again seeing Carlie come down with her hand pressing her head

"SUSH!" she shouted and sat next to me.

"Hangover?" Jason said and i nodded.

"here take this" he said handing me and Carlie a cup of coffee

"Do you remember anything you guys did yesterday?" our eyes widen 

"all i remember is seeing a unicorn and bumping my head against a talking wall and running around" i said

"that wall was me" Jason said laughing

"well I remember running around and telling Brent-" Her eyes widen and she looked up at Brent who smirked.

"SHIT!" she whispered to herself.

"what did you say?" i asked not remembering what she said to Brent, she didn't say anything.

"You said how much you liked me" Brent said winking at her and she blushed

"Oh shut it Brent you like her as much as she likes you" i said taking a sip of coffee.

"You like me!?" She asked Brent and he nodded and bent down to kiss heron the cheeks which made me and Jason smirk.


"And THEN HE LIKE BOUGHT ME THIS CUTE TEDDY BEAR WHICH SAID 'BE MINE' ON IT!!!" she shouted happily painting her nails.

So basically Brent and Carlie went on a date, And since yesterday she kept on telling me what he got her, what they ate, what she was wearing...basically annoying me, at first i was like awh! and then she re-told me about her date about five times.... FIVE FUCKING TIMES!

Hope you guys liked this chapter! 

I kid you not my best friend is like that in real life she tells me the same stories over and over again at least five times... But i love her anyways!!

i hope you have a great day or had a great day

-xoxo kiternity

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