Chapter 4

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I reached home that night completely done for. I was so exhausted. My mum was hovering over the stove, I could smell five spice chicken, My absolute favourite, mum reckons I would've eaten the dish blended into a smoothie. "well damn mum, what's the occasion?" I said as I propped my right elbow onto the granite based counter. "Well, since today was your first day of high school, I just thought I'd make you your favourite meal." she said as she drained the water from the boiled potatoes. "Here baby, can you mash these for me, I've already put the milk and butter on the table." I picked up the pot and the masher and got started. The kitchen atmosphere was quiet and peaceful. "Where's dad?" I asked slowly. It had been almost a whole month since we had seen his face in our house. "He's working, I don't know." she said like she had something in her throat. "Mum I'm going to change." I left my mum in the kitchen and went to my room. It was still a little empty, My personal stuff were still in boxes and my book shelf was yet to be filled. I put on a pink tank top and some old black board short. I entered the dining room and my mum placed her fine china on the table. "Sit down Alana," She was the only person that called me that. I sat down and smiled as she bowed her head in prayer. "Thank you lord for giving me such a beautiful daughter, who is so respectful, Please give her the strength to go through this year. Amen," She looked up at me and winked "You know mum, you should pray for yourself too," I said with a smile "You mean more to me than I mean to myself." She passed me the chicken and we began to eat. "You know Alana this is a very important year for you, I don't want you getting distracted like last year or the year before last," she said as she reached for the salt. "Mum stop. I know." turns out mum found out about Pierre and I, three times within the 3 years we had been an item. She was pretty disappointed in me. I didn't blame her. I was such a cretinous being, I regretted it every night. "I just want you to have a good life. I mean look at me. I got pregnant to you when I was only 16 years old. I didn't have the freedom to do anything after that, Let alone walk around without getting this feeling that everyone around me was talking about me, I brought great disgrace to my mother, She threw me out and well that was that," I looked up from my plate I felt a pang of pain in my heart. My mother did not deserve to be thrown out. She had a good heart, I never met my grandmother and even if I did, I don't think I'd find it in my heart to forgive her. She hadn't spoken to my mother ever since she was 16. It's been 15 years now but still no word. It made me feel disgusted towards my own grandmother. Who does that to their own flesh and blood. My mother could've died, but of course I don't think that would've meant much, she would've just thrown a big party instead of a funeral if that was the case, The party would've represented that there would be no further stigma on their family name. In fairness we didn't use my mother's family name, 'Conzelias'. We used my father's. Even though he left us too. I decided to push away all of thoughts of the people that left us and focus on what we did have. That was each other. "Well, you finish up let me go check on the caramel, honey cake," she said as she rose from her seat. "Cake?"I asked almost surprised  "I told you, you mean more to me than I mean to myself."

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