Chapter 26

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Later that night I had a shower and my mum started on my make up. I had only worn make up once before and I absolutely hated it. My mum put on a dark shade of purple on my lips and light dusts of brownish gold on my eyelids and cheeks. She pulled my hair in a dutch braid, my plait rested on my right collar bone, sitting nicely because of the hair spray and hair mousse. She placed the diamond clip on the left side of my head and smiled. "Okay, now I'll leave you to put on your dress, I know it's a little back to front in the usual manner of getting ready but I just didn't want anything to stain or wet the dress, I'm going to have a shower." "Thank you mom." She kissed my forehead slightly and left the room. I picked up the black dress carefully lifting the top so that no diamond stud was out of place. I slowly unzipped the dress and pulled it up as it clung to my skin taking the full image of my body. I reached back and pulled the zip in place. I felt like a million bucks. I picked up my diamond studs and started to put them into place when the door bell rang. "Mom?" I called loudly. There was no answer which meant she was in the shower. Still adjusting my earrings I walked down the staircase to open the door. "Coming," I yelled. With my hands still fixed on my ear and strands of hair falling over my dolled up face I opened the door. Bill, Sam and a boy around their age stood before me. "Crap," I half shouted and attempted to close the door shut but Bill and his annoying fast hand reflexes blocked it and held it open. "Woah," Bill said looking at me. Crap. Crap. Crap. "Why are you here?" I wanted to literally scream. "You look... Beautiful," he said as he looked up at me with a smile. My face shot down, I was so shy. "Why are you here?" I asked slowly. "We came to drop your history book, you left it in the bus." He handed me a book and I accepted it graciously. "Thank you, okay bye." I attempted to shut the door again, which Bill immediately stopped again. "Where are you going?" "To some birthday," I said rolling my eyes with a smile. I looked over at Sam - I don't want to brag but he hadn't said a thing since I opened the door - he was just staring. "Do I look funny?" I asked with a shy tone, looking straight at him. "You look like a million different wonderful things. Not funny at all," he said still observing me. "Thank you," I said as I placed the lose hair strands behind my ear. I noticed the new kid, he stood two steps down from Sam and Bill, he had his hoodie hiding his face and earphones in his ears as he typed frantically into his phone, I don't think he noticed I opened the door yet. "Who's your friend?" I whispered to Bill, which I immediately regretted because I hadn't really been so close to him. He smelt like men's cologne and sweat. They looked like they just came back from the courts. Figures. "That's Knowlen, he goes to Nathryn High you know, he's in our grade," he said with a laugh. "Oh, well he's quite the sociable type," I said sarcastically, looking at him. Bill looked back and pushed the boys head back. The boy's hoodie fell back and revealed the most perfectly combed hair ever. It was combed to the right and it had visible gel creases, which suited him nicely. He slowly looked up and glared at Bill but then his attention was distracted when he saw me. His expression changed completely like he had seen a boy of 3 years old jump off a tree and land on his feet. His pretty amazing eyes started off from the bottom of my dress looking at me dauntingly and slowly they worked their way up until he reached my face. I'm pretty sure I looked like an idiot because here he was admiring me when I was staring right back at him doing the exact same thing. He was beautiful. He had a defined face with hazel brown eyes that were contrasted by long brown eyelashes. He had mad facial features that most boys his age should not have. He had a magnificent structured jawline and this wonderful smooth almond complexed skin. He smiled. "Hi," his voice husky, it wasn't so deep where you think, jesus how old are you 40? No, it was perfect. Just the right type of richness. "Um, hi," I said nervously looking down. "I'm Knowlen," he said as he approached me. He extended his right hand. "I'm Aleece," I said meeting his hand for a hand shake. I felt every nerve in my body get electrified when I touched him. Jesus. What was this? He smirked which apparently led to his left cheek bone making a hollow dimple in his face. "He just moved in down the road, we're practically neighbors," Bill said to kill the awkwardness of us checking each other out. "That's really cool," I said quickly. "Look guys, I don't mean to be rude but I have to finish getting ready," I said smiling. "That's no problem, enjoy yourself Leecy." Bill leaned in and hugged me slightly. "Thank you love." "You really look good," Sam said slowly. "Thanks? I'm pretty sure that moment has passed now you can all go home now," I said laughing. "His not joking, you look.." Knowlen said looking at me again. "Let's just say there is no human word that can describe how good you look." He said winking at me. Aleece on the inside is going on a rampage going, OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT, WHY ARE YOU SO BEAUTIFUL? TELLING ME I'M BEAUTIFUL? "Thanks," I said weirdly, trying my best not to show how much I was freaking out on the inside. "I really hope I see you around again," He said smiling. "Me too." They said their good byes and walked off. I shut the door and pushed my back against the door and started laughing like an idiot. Knowlen was cute. "Oh god Aleece," I said aloud. "Who was that?" My mom called as I saw her approaching downstairs in her bath robe. "Book run," I said holding up my history book and smiling. "Just a little book run."

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