Chapter 27

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It was 9:00.
Gabe still hadn't arrived yet.
"Are you sure he said 7:30? Maybe he meant 9:30," my mom said as she poured some hot water into a mug. "He said 7:30 mom." I was seated at the breakfast bar fiddling around with my thumb ring. "This is stupid, I'm going to wash the make up off my face," I said standing up. "Hey, hey, hey, don't make any rational decisions. Wait a few more minutes, maybe they're just stuck in traffic." "For an hour and a half? No freaking way, I'm tired and my face feels heavy, I'm going to wash it off now," I said starting to head for the staircase. "Okay tell you what. Let me get dressed and I'll take you to the city." I looked back at her like she was crazy. "Have you lost it mom? What bus is going around at this hour? And also I'll just look like I'm desperate to go." She quickly ran towards me, "I will call an uber and I'm taking you for dinner, screw your friend. Now wait here, okay?" She kissed my forehead and headed upstairs.
By 9:20 she was back, looking as hot as ever. White dress with emerald jewelry and her signature pearl studs. "Is that really my mom?" I said with a giggle. "You bet your lucky charms it is." Immediately there was a honk outside. "Right on time," she said winking at me. "Oh you wonderful woman," I said. She grabbed her purse and clutched my wrists. Ouch. "Let's go love." We walked out and got into the uber. God I hoped we weren't going to Chinese Dragon.
We arrived at Chinese Dragon around 10. How lovely. I wanted to scream. I could see Gabe and all his friends. They were all dressed so nicely. "Mum what are we doing here?" "We're having dinner, suck it up princess, lets go." She walked straight to the lady at the waiting table. "Table for two please." "Smoking or non-smoking ma'am?" The lady looked at my mom funnily. "Non-smoking of course," "As you please madam, right this way." The young lady walked us through the restaurant and instructed us to sit at a table that was close to Gabe and his friends. "Here you are, enjoy your meal ma'am." She left and my mother and I sat down. I had pulled my hair apart in the uber so it fell perfectly on the right side of my face, which hid most of it. "Are those your friends?" My mum asked softly. "They're not my friends," I whispered across the table. "If you say so, stay here I need to use the toilet." I wanted to scream after her and tell her not to leave but she had already started to get up. As she left I slowly peered through my hair through the corner of my right eye. There they were, all seated on a long table all eating food and laughing. "Why did he invite me if he didn't want me here?" I asked myself. I almost wanted to scream when I saw Zan staring right back at me. "Fuck," I quickly put the menu over the right side of my face, which must've totally given me away because I heard them all fall silent and then I heard Gabe's voice. "Aleece?" "Aleece my freaking forehead," I whispered under my breath. "Curse you mom, why'd you leave me here," I continued whispering behind the menu. "Aleece." The voice was firm and clear. I slowly put the menu down and looked up. Gabe was standing a table away and they were all looking at me. "What?" I sounded so angry. "I'm sorry I didn't pick you." He slowly looked down. "I - I - it well, I," "You what?" I half yelled. "You invite me out, make me dress up like some high priced female dog (well, I wished I had said that) just for your stupid birthday and you leave me hanging?" I said trying to resist the urge from taking the complementary water in my glass and tossing it in his face. "Calm the hell down Aleece, god," Felix chirped up from the end of the table. "We were all in the car, well limousine to be exact," he said clearly enjoying himself, "when he told us he invited you, we all convinced him to just leave you behind. Nobody needs you. You're a lost cause, deal with it." I could feel my lungs lose all the air inside of them. "All of you told him to ditch me?" I had risen out of my seat and I was looking at them. "Zan?" He looked down. "Daena? Jesus Daena out of everyone here I would've thought it would've been you trying to defend me." She looked up at me. "Nobody, actually really likes you. You're too.. Moody?" She looked around for help but everyone was now looking down playing with their food. I almost felt sorry for her. "I'm sorry," she said looking around again. "Gabe you told me, they wanted me here," I said starting to cry. I hated crying. It made me look so weak and I had eyeliner on so I must've looked like a witch. "Well, I thought they would," he said looking at me concerned. "So you lied." Tears stinging my eyes. "Aleece, I did this because well, you need to stop cutting your wrists," he said trying to sound sorry. "So that's what this was? A little intervention just because you felt sorry for me? Well, you have no right to tell me what to do." I felt all eyes on me. I looked at all of them. They were staring at my arms. "So what if my wrists are cut? It's not your body, fuck you, you know and you know what Felix, I will die and you will be sorry, how are you gonna live with yourself knowing that you were part of someone ending their own life." I looked down. "And to all of you," I was furious and so sad at the same time. "Screw all of you," I opened my purse and fished out a astronomy pocket book, which I knew Gabe had been wanting for a long time, according to David. "Here," I threw the wrapped book across the table. "Happy fucking birthday to you." I turned around and walked out the door, I passed my mom on the way out. "You need some time alone?" She quickly said. "Lots." And I carried on walking. I sat outside on the sidewalk. Sobbing like an idiot. Today was such a great day, why was this happening? I opened my purse and brought out a tissue, I wiped my mascara running, tears with it, something fell out of it. A razor blade. I had forgotten I had put it in there. Ever since I started cutting, I could hardly stop, so I carried a razor everywhere, my 'addiction' started slowly dying down when I became friends with Bill.
I placed the blade just on the surface of my skin and dug into it... I want to explain what happened next but I'm pretty sure you already know.
I dropped the razor to the ground my wrists displayed deep cut lines with little bubbles of blood sitting on each of them in rows. It didn't hurt anymore, I just sat there sniffling. "You need to stop that." A voice said above me. I looked up and saw Felix. "Why do you care? You want me to die right? Well here you go. I give you self harm at it's best, isn't that the first step towards suicide?" I said looking at him. He sat next to me. He looked nice, he had a tuxedo on with a pink tie and if my eyes were not mistaken a dark shade of red lipstick. Such a diva, I swear. "You know I don't hate you." He said, I rolled my eyes "You've always hated me, ever since the first grade, you always bullied me and said mean stuff to me." "It's because I'm jealous of you Aleece," his voice breaking. "You're so pretty and you have the ability to pull off any look you'd like, I've based my entire attitude and sass off of you but I want people to notice only know me, not you," he was looking down now. "Felix, why didn't you just tell me? We could've been friends. We could've helped each other. You could've helped me with my attitude and confidence and I could've helped you with, well, actually being nice." I wanted to slap him and hug him at the same time. He was such a ignorant bastard. "Is it too late for that?" His voice was soft. This was the real Felix Quinn I was talking to. Unfiltered Felix Quinn. "I don't think it is," He took my wrists and the tissue I had left on the ground. "Well girl, we need to start working on these scars, how are you going to rock all the new trending jewelry? Come on let's get this cleaned, because this has got to go," he said wiping the excess blood. I giggled how the hell does this guy just switch it up. He smiled at me softly as he stood up and extended his hand to help me up. "Friends?" I accepted his hand graciously and found my balance beneath my feet. "Friends." Well, Felix Quinn let's see how real you are beneath all that makeup.

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