Chapter 42

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I felt my heart sink. "Knowlen, you hurt me," I said as I felt my voice break. "Forget it," He said as he began to walk away, I didn't want to argue with him again, so I let the moment be and took another sip of alcohol. We walked back and forth along the pier not talking. All you could hear was heavy breathing, barely audible slurs and whispers and empty gulps of alcohol filling our souls, well my soul. I'm not sure about Knowlen's. He hadn't looked at me ever since he told me about him feeling empty when he sees me. "Do- don't you think we should go home?" I asked trying to keep myself from falling over. He held my left arm helping me regain balance but his eyes were still fixed on the wooden base of the pier. "My- my bottle has still s-some rum in it," I said closing my eyes. "Give me that." He pulled the bottle out of my hand and threw it over the pier. "You're fucking horrible for littering like that, you monster." I felt myself hitting him slowly and then laughing. He looked at me, still a sad expression plastered across his face. "Shouldn't have bought more drinks," He quickly said, trying not to sound like he was as wasted as I was, which was absolutely impossible because we drank the same amount of alcohol. We stumbled along to the nearest bus stop and waited for the next bus to the suburbs. We sat on the cold concrete, as we both heard a bus coming in the distance. "There's the bus Aleece, let's go." He pulled out his wallet and paid our fares. I went down the aisle slowly until I reached the last two seats, before I could prop myself down the bus lurched forward, Knowlen's familiar hands wrapped around my waist to break my fall. "You okay?" He whispered in my ear, I pushed his hands off my body and plumped myself into the seats, he sat next to me. I could feel the heat off his body, his hair looked more black than brown tonight, or maybe it was the alcohol spreading even more to my eyes. His eyes however, were closed and his face faced the roof of the bus, I slowly started losing sight of what was in front of me, "Knowlen," I whispered, "I'm sorry." My head slowly fell forward into his chest, I could hear his heartbeat, slow and steady, the same heart that felt less of itself when it saw me, the same heart I want to listen to for the rest of my life. He still had his cologne on him breaking through the smell of rum and sea. My eyes were closed but my mind had never been more awake. I loved this boy, no matter how much he messed up and no matter how much he dragged me into his mess, I loved him and I don't think there was going to be anything that would make me love him any less and that was the last thing I remembered thinking about before I drifted off to sleep.

Before we knew it we were back at the suburbs. "Knowlen," I screamed. His body jolted forward, his eyes were bloodshot red and his lips were in a twisted position. "Is this your stop?" The bus driver yelled from in front of the bus. "Um, yes it is, thanks," I said lifting Knowlen up with my hands, my head was still spinning wildly but I wanted to get off the bus as fast as possible, our seats smelt of liquor and the nap we took in the bus had made my neck stiff. As we got off, Knowlen ran to the corner of the bus stop and hauled his upper body over a few bushes. He was throwing up, "God Knowlen, you couldn't do that somewhere else? You make me want to throw up," I said rolling my eyes. "He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and popped a chewing gum tablet in his mouth, "You couldn't have chewed that when you were right in front of my face breathing evaporated rum?" I snapped. "With and without alcohol, your mouth never seems to change does it?" He said through a laugh. As I was about to reply to his sarcastic remark I heard a familiar voice call out my name. "Aleece? Is that you?" It was Bill and Sam. "What the hell, where were you?" Sam started off, "You smell like alcohol, what the fuck Aleece? You fucking mad?" My eyes adjusted to the dark even quicker when I heard those words come out of Sam's mouth. "Fuck you," I said pointing at his face, "Who the fuck are you to swear at me?" I said not even properly realizing that I was still slurring. "Aleece, calm down," Bill's voice soft and sure. "No you calm down," I said turning to face him. "What did you do to her?" Sam said pushing past me and walking over to Knowlen. Knowlen's face was stone hard and his eyes were closed, Sam pushed him and his eyes flew open, "Don't fucking touch me." Knowlen's fist flew through the air and landed on Sam's face. Sam landed in front of Bill. "Knowlen don't do this," Bill said trying to help Sam up, Knowlen walked over and picked Sam up by the collar, "You think you can go one on one with me over Aleece?" He said snarling like a dog. "What?" I said confused. Knowlen threw Sam to the ground with a thud. "This useless piece of craplikes you Aleece, hasn't he made it obvious?" I looked down at Sam, "Is this true?" I said slowly. "Yes, Aleece, I love you, please choose me, Knowlen is just using you, Aleece I love you but I don't like it when I see you with other boys, You shouldn't be talking to other boys," He said quickly, Instead of getting flattered, I felt my pressure rise. "Fuck you, Sam," I said looking at him. "You're so bloody irritating and who are you to tell me who I can talk to and who can't talk to? Fuck you for that and also Knowlen is good kid, I love him, okay," I said turning around to face Knowlen who was now looking at me. "Yes, you fucking heard me, I love you, I have never ever stopped, I only love you and no one else and I hate you so much for ruining me." I could feel warm tears streaming down my face. I looked back at Sam who looked like he was crying, "Stop crying," I spat, "Don't you ever talk to me again, you're fucking creepy," I said through a broken voice. I looked at all three boys with so much anger pumping through my veins, Forget this I thought. I turned around and walked down the street. I could see my house up ahead, If what happened back there was World War part 3, what I'm about to face in that house was going to be even bigger.

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