Chapter 7

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I entered school, a different person the next day. There was a jump in my step and I had this huge smile plastered across my face that I couldn't quite wipe off, well in fairness I didn't even try. "Good morning Miss Rallekc," The school starbucks owner said as I walked past his stall to my homeroom. This school, was more than an average public school, They had everything. Starbucks, A fruit salad joint, Chinese food and even a ice cream parlour. "Good morning, Mr Dale," He was a nice man in his mid 40's that had white hair and long beard that covered his aging face. I walked into my homeroom and headed straight for my seat. I sat down and started unpacking my bag, My clique was seated around me. They were all eating doughnuts with cream cheese and a coffee each except for Dani, who was eating kung pao chicken with chopsticks. "Morning Ally," Sabby said not taking her eyes off the dripping cream cheese that fell from her doughnut. "Wait, something's up," Renaea said as she licked her fingers eyes straight at me. "No," I said shyly, I could already feel myself blushing "Oh my god, Aleece what happened," Fawn almost screamed. "Well," I started "Spill girl," Leah said as the girls all huddled around me. "I'm back together with Pierre." I had told them the story of Pierre and I a long time back, I was hoping they'd remember it. 'Oh my gosh!" Dani yelled. The whole class fell silent, as they all stared at Dani. "What? Kung pao chicken is so hot, am I right?" She said loudly. Everyone immediately went back to doing their own thing. "Ally, that's amazing. Better than Nick and Renaea," Leah said as she nudged Renaea, Which Renaea returned with a punch on Leah's arm. I spent the rest of Registration and "morning talk" period telling them about what had happened. "We're all really happy for you, bubs," Sabby said embracing me slightly. "I hope things work out," "Yeah me too." The siren sounded shortly after that, and I had french. The rest of my friends took Spanish, Mongolian Chinese and German. "See you guys at lunch?" I asked as I stood up picking up my books. They all nodded. I walked out of my homeroom toward my french base classroom. "Bonjour Aleece," My french teacher said as I walked in, Today she wore a black pencil skirt with a white blouse with her hair in a high bun. Her name was Mrs. Sequa. "Bonjour Madam" I said slowly, I was still getting used to the accent that was required to speak the language. "Ca va?" She asked. "Je suis bien, merci beaucoup, et vou?" "bon Miss Aleece, You've improved greatly, Keep it up," "Merci," I felt myself glow with pride. Nothing could ruin today. Nothing. At lunch Sabby and I went to the fruit salad joint to get little cubed watermelons in clear cups. We bought two cups and headed towards the cafeteria. We scanned the room but we couldn't find our friends. I looked at Sabby and she screwed her face up. "Let's just go sit with someone we know, Can you see anyone you recognize?" I looked across the room and the first familiar face I spotted was Georgina. "Okay let's go to Georgina." Sabby shrugged and followed me towards Georgina's table. "Oh, hi Ally," Georgina said with a smile "Sit." We sat around the table, there were three other girls with Georgina, I guess they were her clique. The girl with the blonde hair looked familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it. "Oh, Ally this is Carson, Alyssa and Liana." The girls all looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and continued to poke at the watermelon in my cup. Sabby was on her phone and was absolutely oblivious from what was happening. It felt so awkward. "Oh Ally, did you break up with Pierre," Carson said loudly. I felt my face turn red. How did they know? And why? "what?" I finally managed. "Oh, sorry I was talking to Alyssa." "Oh, my mistake, sorry." I was looking down at my fruit when the question got asked again."Well, did you? I mean that Pierre is such a player, I mean he is in an all boy school and -" Carson's sentence was cut short by Georgina. "Jesus Carson, Shut up." I felt Georgina eyeball me to her friends and they all nodded in understanding. "Why were they talking about Pierre?" I asked through gritted teeth. "Oh come on Aleece, don't be stupid. Alyssa is the girl in Pierre's picture, She's his ex- girlfriend," My thoughts awakened straight away, That's why she looked so familiar, she was the girl Pierre was kissing. "How long did you know about this, Gina?" I asked. "I knew ever since I said hello to her, It was so obvious it was her and I was curious." She said as she scooped mashed potatoes into her mouth. "Yeah, her first question to me when we met was. Do you know Pierre?" Alyssa said with laughter. "You stay out of this." I said loudly, Everyone looked up at me with utter shock, including Sabby who looked surprised. "Woah, don't talk to her like that," Georgina said looking at me. "Are you kidding me? You knew about this and you didn't tell me?" "It's not a big deal Aleece, What the actual fuck?" Georgina said angrily. "I know it isn't but you're supposed to be my best friend. You're supposed to tell me these type of things, you're supposed to be standing up for me and having my back," I said trying my best not to sound weak. "Oh whatever, Times change Aleece, You need new friends, Why don't you just leave?" She asked looking straight ahead. "I hate you, You're a horrible person," I said "Let's go Sabby." I picked up my bag and held Sabby's hand as I heard Georgina laugh. "You know exactly why you're reacting this way, You know that Pierre never actually loved you, He didn't even want to touch you in middle school and you guys were together for three fucking years, But one month with Alyssa and he was all over her, and you want to know why? Because Alyssa doesn't look like she's had 2 children and a person who chugs beer every night, accept it Aleece you're fat, nobody likes fat girls." I could feel my heart break. I felt my face turn bright red and my head throb with anger. Before I could stop to say anything tears were running down my cheeks, how could she say something like that, she knew how insecure I was towards my weight. "Fuck you Georgina, Tell the devil I said hi when you get back home, because god knows your mother left your father for another fucking woman," In the spur of the moment I slipped out Georgina's biggest secret. I didn't mean, It was very childish of me and I know that I shouldn't have said it but before I could open my mouth to try and make the statement sound false Georgina stood up to face me. "You have no right, You have no fucking right." The whole cafeteria, fell silent, the only thing you could hear was Georgina's heavy breathing and my crying. Georgina rushed at me. Good bye Georgina and Aleece.

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