Viper's pov:
"Pleasure to meet you, Ms.Remington." The man, Crowley, smiled at me.
"What do you want?" I sneered, not backing down.
"From you? Nothing that important, other than your help." He replied.
"And why should I help you?" I spat.
"Those witches and demons," he began. "they were planning the apocalypse. Armageddon was happening right under your nose and you had no idea. And I can contain them, but I'll need you to stop it. To keep them down in their Hell cells." He replied.
"Oh, yeah? Why should I possibly believe that I have anything to do with this?" I spat.
"Because, I'm the king of Hell." He spat. "I don't need to lie to you to get what I want!" He yelled louder. "I know about the darkness that is inside of you." He replied. My heart sank, having forgotten all about it until now. I swallowed sharply and remained eye contact with him.
"Well, there's light in there too. So bite me." I spat.
"Not necessary, just a kiss is all it will take."
"Excuse me?"
"Your soul, silly." He stated.
"No. Not happening." I replied sternly.
"I'll give it right back," he rolled his eyes. "your soul, with all of that darkness, that light, very powerful Viper." He stated.
"And if I say no?" I questioned.
"Then I will open the flood gates to a demon and witch fist fight. Harley, Sam, Dean, Bobby. They'll go first. In a painful sort of way." He stated, shrugging.
"You son of a bitch." I spat.
"Hey, not my orders. Hell's got it out for all of you. You already knew that." He smiled. "And in trade, I'll take away that darkness, I'll take away Harley's brain wrenching visions that haunt her day and night." He replied. "I'll save their lives for the tiny price of one thing. Your soul."
"And why should I believe you?" I questioned.
"You're right, I mean after all I did cage 100's of demons that had your sisters head on the top of their kill list, but I guess if you insist-" he started walking away.
"I'll do it." I replied.
Harley's pov:
Viper walked into the room slowly, closing the door behind her. I guess she thought we were asleep but I was in Bobby's study room, doing research. She started tiptoeing up the stairs and I called for her. She walked back down them backwards.
"Yeah?" She questioned.
"Who was that?" I questioned in return.
"Who?" She furrowed her eyebrows.
"Man in the black trench-coat." I replied.
"The name's Crowley." A man's British voice erupted in the room. "Your sister here saved the world from mass distraction." He told me, signaling to Viper.
"Excuse me?" I asked, standing up.
"Harley look I-" Viper went to say, and Crowley cut her off.
"She made a deal." He replied.
"What kind of deal?" I spat.
"Harley, I didn't-"
"Her soul." Crowley interrupted.
"Viper!" I yelled at her.
"Harley I-"
"Save it." I spat. Crowley had disappeared. I heard the muffled footsteps from the staircase and could see the two manly shadows filling the doorway. "How could you?!" I yelled. My tears roared in my eyes.
"Harley-" she tried to explain further. I flew my hand up in protest and walked past her.
"Harley, what happened?" Sam questioned from behind me.
"Her," I pointed at her. "you ask her." I spat, slamming the door behind me. After all we've been through she does this? She gives it all up for some stupid deal?
Viper's pov:
*the next morning*
I explained everything to the boys and Bobby. They hadn't spoken to me all night. I walked into the kitchen and saw Harley sitting on the counter, her eyes avoiding mine at all cost. I walked up next to her and grabbed the coffee pot, pouring myself a cup.
"Harley," I started. "I did it to-"
"To save me. I know." She stated coldly.
"I'm sorry. I didn't do-"
"When are you gonna learn?" She questioned harshly, turning to face me. The lines of worry and hurt spread across her face in an odd pattern. I looked at her with a confused expression on my face. "It is not your job to save me Viper. It is not your job to sell your damn soul to save me!" She yelled, her eyes becoming red and puffy.
"Yes, it is." I told her.
"Bullshit! Your job is to be HERE for me! Your job is to be my sister!" She yelled back. "You think you can do that without your soul? You think you'll be the same? You're sadly mistaken, Viper. You fuckin idiot." She stated, each word got softer. I saw a tear roll down her cheek as she got off the counter.
"Harley," I called after her. She threw her hand up in dismay and continued to walk down the hall. I sighed and put my head in my hands. I looked over to my cup of coffee and it began to spin in odd circles. "What the-" I went to mumble when all I saw after that was blackness.
I woke up, chained to a bed, staring at the ceiling. I looked over and saw Dean leaned against a table in the corner.
"Where?" I questioned, my head pounding.
"Bobby's little dungeon." He replied. I sighed and slammed my head back, wincing at the forgotten headache that was now all too familiar. These bitches really locked me down here in a cellar?
"You know, Dean. I figured you, me, a bed, and handcuffs would have played out in a different scenario, one a lot less painful and annoying." I joked. He chuckled and walked over to me, feeling my forehead.
"Yeah, well." He replied.
"Why did you guys lock me in here?" I rolled my eyes.
"You lost your soul, Vi. The changes will start to set in, the hell hounds will come sniffing anytime now and we wanna keep you here until Harley and Sam get back at least." He replied.
"Oh, so you and Bobby locked me in here? Fantastic. Feel the love." I stated. He was sitting on the bed next to me now.
"Why'd you do it?" He asked quietly.
"I already told you." I stated.
"Yeah, I know. Just doesn't make sense." He shook his head.
"You guys are my life. Y'all mean more to me than any old soul ever could." I smirked through my tears.
"I love you, Vi." He stated. I wanted to jump up and down. I wanted to ask him to repeat it. Hell, I wanted to record it as my ringtone.
"I love you too, Dean." I smiled instead, tears rolling down my cheeks.

Beyond the Supernatural ( Winchesters' Fanfic!)
FanfictionViper and Harley have had it rough most of their lives. Fighting demons and other unknown creatures can be pretty stressful on 19 year old girls. Things will only get odder when the Winchester brothers, Dean and Sam, come around.