Harley's pov:
It's been a week. Viper wasn't back and I didn't know what to do. I had already tried killing Crowley, selling my own soul, he wasn't budging. I had went on a rampage and killed nearly 50 demons in the last week. Summoning them just to rip their throats out. I had talked to Sam on and off but I couldn't be around them, not for now. I was sitting in Vi's Impala outside of a motel, her Led Zeppelin tape blaring "Heartbreaker" through the speakers. I was on another demon hunt. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and looked to see Sam's name on the screen. I sighed and answered it, turning down the music.
"Sam, I'm on my biggest hunt yet, this best be important." I stated.
"It is. You need to come home." He stated, in an oddly calm voice. One I hadn't heard him use towards me in a while.
"Sammy, we already talked about this. I'm not comin-"
"It's Viper." He interrupted. "Come home."
I hung up the phone and tossed it in the passenger seat, turning the music back on and gassing the impala out of the motel parking lot.
A few hours later I reached Bobby's slamming the impala door I rushed towards the steps. I went to open the door and it opened before me. There Viper stood, in the doorway.
"Vi." I said quietly, grabbing her in a hug. She hesitated and then hugged me back. I'd never been so glad to see her before. We were finally a family again.
Viper's pov:
Harley hugged me, and I stood silent for a second before returning her gesture. Usually I would be crying tears of regret and happiness, but now I jut stood there.
"What happened? How did you get back?" She asked, sitting with me on the couch across from the boys.
"I don't know." I stated. "First I was down on the fire wheel and then I was here." I stated.
"Well, we sure are glad to get ya back in one piece." Bobby stated. I just nodded at him and took another sip of my whiskey.
"Do you remember anything?" Harley asked me quietly. I looked down at the bronze colored liquid that filled my glad and looked back up at her.
"Nothing I wanna think about, or talk about." I told her blankly, taking another sip, this one bigger than the last. She nodded in response and looked down. "I heard you've become quite the demon slayer." I stated. She chuckled awkwardly, looking over at Sam. "You learn how to use a phone along the way?" I questioned, not meaning to state it with as my attitude as I had. "Bobby tells me you haven't contacted them at all. For a second I'd assume you were the one in Hell."
"I didn't mean to," she stated.
"Yeah, ya did." I replied. "But I understand." She nodded and looked down again. "Any new cases? I'm ready to kill somethin." I told the guys.
"Well," Dean spoke up. "People have stated their family members being taken, some of the bodies weren't recovered but the ones that were had been drained of all of their blood."
"Hm, any ideas?" I asked.
"It's a Dijnn." Sam spoke up, coming into the room again carrying a book.
"Wanna elaborate?" I asked, my rudeness peering through again for no reason.
"It's a mythical creature," he replied. "Often known in early Arabic and later Islamic mythology and theology. He's like a genie. Comes to them, knocks them out with a signal touch, releasing his poison into them. Hooks them to a machine and drains their blood while they shift to this 'alternate universe' and in that universe they live out their biggest dreams. He can tell their deepest desires. They envision their dream life basically." He finished, closing the book.
"Other than the blood draining, that 'alternate life comma' doesn't sound half bad." I admitted. They all stated at me for a second. "What?" I asked them.
"How do we kill it?" Harley spoke up.
"Well," Bobby replied. "there's multiple ways. The easiest seems to be a silver knife, dipped in lambs blood."
"Alright, let's go gank a genie." I stated, standing up.
"Woah now Adrenaline Junky, we have to find where this thing even is." Dean told me. I sighed and sat back down. "You're gonna stay with Bobby. If things get too bad, we'll call you guys for back up. Alright?" He finished, leaning against a table.
"What? No. Bullshit." I stated. "I'm going."
"Yeah, you are." Sam stated. "But you're lying low, with Bobby." I rolled my eyes and sighed loudly.
"Don't seem so excited," Bobby stated. I shook my head and looked over at Harley.
"Sorry, Kid. Can't help ya." She replied, standing up and walking over to the guys.
"He's in that wearhouse we passed earlier, Dean." Sam said, coming back into the room.
"We'll head out tomorrow evening. I wanna do as much research on this thing as possible. The last thing we need to do is ruffle its feathers and open up a whole other can of worms." Bobby stated. I nodded and started making my way up the stairs with my glass on whiskey, Dean following behind me.
"Anything you wanna talk about?" He asked, changing into his pjs.
"Nope." I replied, popping the 'p'.
"You sure?" He continued.
"Positive." I stated blankly. "Hey, you think that whole silver and lambs blood thing will really kill it?" I asked, turning to face him.
"I don't see why not, why?"
"I don't know." I stated, pulling my blood stained shirt over my head and replacing it with an old Led Zeppelin one. "Just seems odd that something so powerful would be taken down with silver and a bit of lambs blood." I stated, taking my jeans off and walking over to the bed.
"Wouldn't be the strangest thing we've seen." He commented, laying down.
"Yeah," I chuckled.
"Night, Kiddo." He stated.
"Night," I replied.

Beyond the Supernatural ( Winchesters' Fanfic!)
FanfictionViper and Harley have had it rough most of their lives. Fighting demons and other unknown creatures can be pretty stressful on 19 year old girls. Things will only get odder when the Winchester brothers, Dean and Sam, come around.