Viper's POV:
*3:00 am*
I heard something from downstairs, where Sam and Harley were sleeping. We had been at Bobby's house for a few days since Dean, Harley, and Sam had been arrested. Dean says that Cas came and helped them out, after Harley escaped and got the boys free. Sam says he doesn't really remember, and Harley has no idea what happened after a certain period of time. I walked downstairs and saw Harley tossing and turning on the coach, a newspaper in hand. I walked over and shook her to wake her up."You alright?" I asked, once she was fully awake.
"Bad dream." She replied.
Harley's POV:
The last thing I remember is being in the police station and seeing Lilith. After that I remember nothing other than waking up at Bobby's. Dean told me that Cas had came in and saved the day. I lied and told Viper that the last thing I remembered was salting the front door. I didn't tell her about seeing the army or about seeing Lilith. The pieces still seemed very scattered and misplaced and although I'd love to think it was over I had a feeling Lilith would be back very soon. For the past couple of days I had nightmares of my conversation with Lilith.
Maybe. Maybe not.
The fear, the anger, it's all too real.
You can't save everyone..
Her words haunted me day in and day out. I new I should tell Bobby about what Lilith said, but I couldn't bring myself to even mention it.
Later that morning I had woken up before everyone else, even though I didn't really sleep, and decided to make some hot chocolate and start my day. It became evident to me that my mind wanted to surpass the thought of Lilith completely and to do so I started obsessing over new cases. The more cases we went on the less I had time to dwell over Lilith.
Dean and Vi soon stumbled from the upstairs room and made their way to the kitchen where I sat with my nose buried in books.
"Mornin' Scout." Viper called, using my old nickname which she hadn't used in a while. I could tell then that she was worried about me.
"Mornin'." I replied shortly, flipping the pages in an old Folk Tale book.
"Whatcha readin?" She questioned, leaning over my shoulder.
"Just some old wise tales," I replied. "Some boy seems to think the 'Big Bad Wolf' is stalking his home and plans to kill him and/or his family while they sleep."
"Oh, demented." Dean stated. Viper laughed and slid in closer to me, reading over my shoulder.
"It says here that the true story of the 'Big Bad Wolf' is a lot different than the one we see in movies today, like Little Red Riding-Hood and such." I said. "In the story we are warned, as children, to beware of wolves that appear charming, kind, or persuasive, seeing as they aren't what they appear to be." I stated.
"So why is this creep going into little kids' rooms at night?" Viper asked.
"Well, it also says that once the wolf is allowed in, it persuades the children into doing bad things. Like stealing, lying-"
"Murder." Dean finished my sentence. I shook my head to confirm and looked up at them.
"Sounds like a case to me." Viper said. I nodded, as did Dean, and Sam entered the room after that. He looked like he was exhausted.
"What time is it?" He mumbled, rubbing his head.
"9:45," Viper replied. "slept in this morning huh, Sleeping Beauty?" He rolled his eyes and went over to the coffee machine. Bobby had went off somewhere to help his buddy with a case so we didn't have to explain to him what was going on.
"I'll go get the stuff ready and we can head out." I told them. They nodded and headed out to the cars, Sam staying inside with me.
"So," he said, breaking the silence. "You thinkin a werewolf?"
I was packing my bag and shook me head in response. "Yeah, that's all I can think of at the moment."
"Makes sense. I've heard of werewolfs doing that sort-"
"What do you remember?" I interrupted him mid-sentence. He looked at me puzzled so I continued. "About the demon case. The police station. What do you remember?" I repeated.
"Not a lot, why?"
"Neither do I. And I feel like something's not right. Something happened. Dean remembers everything but neither of us do?" I questioned. He shrugged. I blew it off and pushed the thought to the back of my mind, zipping the bag and slinging it over my shoulder.
"You're probably just over thinking." He told me as we exited the house. I ignored his comment and walked over to Vi's Impala. I sat in the drivers seat and turned the key. It made a shreeking sound and puttered, falling silent. I tried again and it did the same thing. I leaned my head out the window towards Dean and Vi who were talking near deans Impala.
"Hey ya Vi," I called nervously. "We gotta problem." She turned to face me and her eyes went directly to the car I was sitting in. I exited as she ran over and took my spot, turning the key.
"Son of a bitch!" She yelled, smacking the steering wheel.
"Battery must be dead." Dean told her, joining us and putting a hand on her shoulder as if a relative had died.
"Oh, my poor Betty.." Vi mumbled quietly. "What happened to ya?"
I rolled my eyes and leaned against the side of 'Betty'.
"What now?" I questioned.
"Now, I guess we ride together." Dean stated.
"And try not to kill each other." Sam added. I nodded and made my way to Dean's impala. I turned over my shoulder in time to see Viper kiss the hood of her car. I scrunched up my nose and mumbled. "Ew" before sliding into the backseat. Not long after that Viper slipped into the seat next to me. She huffed and leaned against the window.
"Don't seem so thrilled to be riding with us." I laughed.
"Betty's dead." She pouted. I heard Dean laugh from the front seat.
"We'll fix her Sweetheart, don't worry." He told her. I could see the corners of her mouth arch into a small smile. Dean could make her smile even if the world was ending. It was like that with me and Sam. It's like no matter where we go, what we do, Sam was always there to make things better. Visions of Lilith flooded my mind and I cringe the thoughts away. Sam and Vi were starting to be my biggest weakness but my biggest weakness of all was something I could never run from. Something I can't itch away or scrub off. My biggest weakness was myself, and I knew that whole heartedly.

Beyond the Supernatural ( Winchesters' Fanfic!)
FanfictionViper and Harley have had it rough most of their lives. Fighting demons and other unknown creatures can be pretty stressful on 19 year old girls. Things will only get odder when the Winchester brothers, Dean and Sam, come around.