chapter four

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When Scott woke up the next morning, Mitch was gone. In fact, the whole ship was eerily quiet. Scott blinked sleepily and sat up, rubbing his eyes. He let out a yawn as he stood up, but hesitated as he stared down at his clothes. He bit his lip and didn't put them on, not wanting to anger Mitch, but wrapped his arms around himself before emerging onto the deck. He squinted at the brightness, and when his eyes adjusted, he saw that the entire deck was empty.

Scott tilted his head confusedly, wondering where they could've gone. Then, getting an idea, Scott crept to the side of the ship and peered over the edge. He chewed his lip and moved to the other side. Sure enough, the Jolly Roger was docked at an island. Scott squinted against the bright light from the sun and could see pirates fighting in the distance. He frowned a bit and swallowed nervously, scrambling away from the edge.

Scott rushed back to Mitch's quarters, not wanting the captain to return and punish him for moving. He waited curled on Mitch's bed for a while before he finally heard the shouts of the pirates returning to the ship. He tensed and squeezed his eyes shut, his heart rate picking up as he braced himself.

"Oh, daaaarrrlliiiiinnnggg!" Mitch's voice sang mockingly, and the door flew open to his chambers, causing Scott to jump and cower away from him. Mitch was dressed in his usual outfit, but the white shirt was splattered with blood and his eyes were glowing evilly. "How are you?" Mitch said loudly, walking over to him to pull him up by the hair. He didn't wait for an answer, crashing their lips together and forcing his tongue into Scott's mouth. Scott's eyes watered from the pain and he gagged, but Mitch didn't let him pull away, taking Scott's bottom lip between his teeth and biting down hard. Scott made a pained noise, and Mitch pulled away, slapping him once before stepping away. "I have someone for you to meeeeeeet," the captain sang, grabbing his hand and pulling him up. "Get dressed, sl*t."

Scott flinched, but obeyed, blinking away his tears as he shakily pulled on his clothes. While he was dressing, Mitch was looking around for something. Scott stood tensed when he finished, not knowing what it was. He shivered as he felt the cool leather of his collar slipping around his neck, and swallowed nervously as Mitch tightened it carefully. "On your knees," he said, and Scott obeyed immediately, dropping down in submission. He winced as he felt the diamond-studded leash being attached to his collar, and soon enough Mitch was leading him out of his chambers on his hands and knees.

The pirates started laughing again, and Scott blushed furiously, biting his lip to keep the tears from spilling. Mitch smirked. "Smee!" Immediately, the first mate rushed over. "Yes, Captain?" Mitch subconsciously held Scott's leash tighter as he said, "Get the new prisoner." Smee nodded and saluted, then rushed off.

Scott sat obediently, his head down to hide his threatening tears. It was only a few moments before Mr. Smee returned with another man. Mitch smirked, liking the look of this one. "Darling, meet your new friend," he said, and Scott looked up at the other man with shining eyes. The man made eye contact with Scott and he got chills, haunted by the look in the blonde's eyes. "This is Scott," Mitch said, watching the man carefully. "Scott, this is Josh." When Scott didn't say anything, Mitch's eyes flashed and he let out a growl, pushing him over and kicking him in the stomach. "Say hi, you worthless sl*t." Tears sprung to Scott's eyes and he curled up in an effort to protect himself, but forced out a weak, "Hi." Josh bit his lip, but didn't dare say anything, not wanting the same fate Scott had. Mitch scoffed and tugged Scott up again with the leash, not even caring about the fact that bruises were starting to form on the area under and around the collar.

"Send Scott to the dungeons. Whoever wants to use him may do so. I'll take Josh," the captain said, and Mr. Smee nodded, passing Josh's chains over to Mitch. He in turn took Scott's diamond-studded leash and led him away.

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