chapter fourteen

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hi so it's likely there won't be a chapter as i'm going to the pentatonix conceeeeerrrrrrttttt

i'm so excited omg



Mitch climbed off the Jolly Roger and onto the docks, pulling a trembling Scott along behind him. His eyes were darker than usual, and he surveyed the bustling sailors as they did their duties. Surprisingly, not many people paid much attention to the looming pirate ship, with its billowing skull-and-crossbones and ominous aura.

Scott crawled pathetically after Mitch, his gaze focused on the ground so he didn't have to see the disgusted stares. He was hyper-aware of the fact that they were in his home and anyone could recognize him at any moment. He hoped to whatever god listening they did so he could go home. "Come on, darling. I want to see your boyfriend before the end of the day," Mitch said impatiently, tugging Scott along. Scott whimpered quietly, but forced himself to pick up the pace.

Suddenly, Mitch stopped. He slowly smirked, his gaze focused on a couple on a date. "Hey, darling, is that your boyfriend?" he asked softly, slowly looking down at Scott. Scott looked up just as Andrew kissed some girl, and he felt his heart crack in his chest, the wind being knocked out of him. "Yes," he whispered barely audibly, his breathing ragged and shaky as he struggled to hold back sobs. He felt betrayed, worthless - his boyfriend didn't even care that he'd been kidnapped by pirates. The man that he'd missed so much, the reason he didn't just give up and let Mitch kill him, couldn't care less about the fact that they'd never kiss again.

Mitch laughed quietly to himself and pulled Scott over to the couple, smirking up at Andrew. "Hello there, Andrew," he said, looking him up and down. Scott kept his gaze on the ground, hot tears beginning to stream down his cheeks. Andrew shared a glance with his lady friend and backed up a step. "Um, how do you know my name?" he asked slightly nervously. "Oh, Scottie here told me. He thought I was you once. Quite pathetic, really. He's lucky I didn't punish him for it," Mitch said pleasantly, smiling. Andrew slowly looked down at the prisoner by Mitch's side, and his eyes widened as he recognized him. "S-Scottie? You're alive?" he breathed, and Scott's tears fell faster, shaking his head. "I wish I wasn't," he whispered, turning away from his old boyfriend and hiding behind Mitch's legs.

"Ah, the disillusionment of youth. Poor thing, thought he'd been in love. He thought you loved him too, you know, but now as we see it's clear you don't," Mitch said coldly, looking the girl up and down. She shifted uncomfortably and shared yet another glance with Andrew. Mitch chuckled darkly and took a step towards her. "And what's your name, little flower?" he asked softly, meeting her eyes. "M-Madeleine," she stuttered, slowly moving to hide behind Andrew. Mitch grinned wickedly, his eyes glittering maliciously in the light. "You're very pretty, flower. Certainly you can find someone better than this good-for-nothing b*****d here? Or does no one else want a sl*t such as yourself?"

Andrew's eyes flashed and he stepped forward, shoving Mitch back. "Don't you dare talk about her that way," he snapped. Mitch scoffed and regained his balance quickly. "You should take your own f*cking advice. Scott's told me some of the things you said to him," he snapped, and Scott whimpered quietly, shrinking away. His tears fell faster and faster, his heart aching in his chest. Andrew's gaze snapped to Scott and his eyes darkened. "You f*cking sl*t," he snarled, and Mitch hummed softly, pulling Scott away from him. "My point is proven. Flower, did you know that your boyfriend was abusive towards poor Scottie here? Give it a few days, I'm sure he'll do the same to you."

"Don't listen to him, love. He's a liar."

"Oh, but I'm not. Darling? Tell our friend here what this b*****d did to you."

Scott whimpered and shook his head. "Daddy, he- he'll hurt me," he said, his voice small. Mitch smirked and looked up at Madeleine. "See?" She opened her mouth to say something, but closed it again, and slowly let go of Andrew's hand. His eyes flashed and he grabbed her to pull her into a rough kiss. She made a small noise and tried to pull away, but he didn't allow it, forcing his tongue into her mouth. Scott sobbed quietly despite his best efforts not to, and Mitch sighed, crouching down beside him to gently tilt his face up and connect their lips in a soft kiss. Scott kissed him back desperately, trying to forget about Andrew. He was Mitch's now.

Mitch quickly pulled back and brushed Scott's tears away, kissing his forehead. "Don't cry over him, darling. He's not worth it," he murmured, then straightened up to see Andrew still kissing Madeleine hard. He sighed and separated them. "Leave her alone, Andrew. You clearly don't deserve someone as beautiful as her, considering what you did to Scott." Andrew let out a growl. "F*cking make me, pirate."

And so, Mitch got out his knife and stabbed him in the gut. Andrew groaned and clutched the knife, blood pouring from the wound already. Scott let out a small wail of despair and closed his eyes against his tears, hiding behind Mitch. Madeleine gasped and took a step away, but Mitch ignored her and tugged the knife out, watching as Andrew crumpled lifelessly to the ground. A crowd formed and stared wide-eyed at the dead body of Andrew, then looked fearfully up at Mitch. The captain ignored them, meeting Madeleine's eyes. "Get yourself someone that actually deserves you." With that, he turned and led Scott back to the ship without another word. The crowd watched nervously, parting for them like the Red Sea. Madeleine stared after him, chewing her lip.

Mitch gently pulled Scott up once they were safe in his chambers, pressing him against the wall and kissing him softly. Scott sobbed quietly into the kiss, but kissed him back, reaching for him and trying to pull him closer. Mitch complied and stepped closer so they were chest to chest, cupping his cheeks gently.

"Daddy?" Scott whispered hoarsely against Mitch's lips, and Mitch gently pulled away to stare concernedly at him. "Yes, darling?"

"Please make me forget..."

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