chapter seven

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i'd be lying if i said i didn't almost forget about this book

also psst psst hey you yeah you do you want anything to happen?? pls tell me thx



Scott waited in a submissive position, tensed, as Mitch undressed. The captain did so angrily, slamming down his clothes after he took them off. "F*cking sl*ts, they don't f*cking listen," he muttered as he yanked off his gloves and kicked off his boots. Scott almost flinched, but quickly composed himself, and shifted slightly before falling back into position.

As soon as Mitch finished, he crawled onto the bed, still muttering to himself. Scott wasn't exactly sure what he was supposed to do, but he normally slept through the night on the floor, so he curled into a ball and tried not to whimper as pain shot through his body. "No. Get your a** up here," Mitch's voice came from the bed. Scott actually flinched this time, but hesitantly crawled up onto the bed and curled up once more. Mitch grabbed his chin and pressed their lips together briefly before letting go and laying back down again to close his eyes. Scott bit back a whimper and curled tighter, falling asleep almost immediately.

However, unbeknownst to him, his sleeping self curled closer to the only source of warmth in the room and set his head on Mitch's chest, nuzzling against him gently and sleeping soundly once more. Mitch tensed at first, but slowly relaxed, finding himself liking the contact. He gently wrapped his arms around Scott and pulled him closer, then fell asleep.


Scott jumped awake in the middle of the night, panting and crying. He felt arms around him, and his first thought was that he was home and it had all been a dream. However, the ship decided to lurch, and Scott knew immediately it was real. He looked up to see the sleeping Mitch and whimpered quietly, moving off him as his tears fell faster. He wrapped his arms around himself and buried his face in the pillow.

Mitch woke up slowly from the absence of warmth, frowning confusedly. He looked around and croaked out a hoarse, "Darling?" Scott jumped violently at the sound of his voice, whimpering again and shrinking away. "I'm sorry, I'll be good, I swear—"

"Darling, calm down. You didn't do anything wrong," Mitch said gently, sitting up a bit. "It's okay. Come back." Scott really didn't want to, but he was too scared Mitch would punish him if he disobeyed, so he picked himself up and shakily crawled back in his arms. Mitch wrapped his arms around him immediately and pulled him closer, sighing contentedly and closing his eyes. Scott whimpered quietly and buried his face in Mitch's chest, his tears soaking Mitch's shirt. Mitch frowned and opened his eyes to look down at him, tilting his head slightly. "What's wrong, darling?" he asked softly, tracing patterns on his back with gentle fingers. "I h-had a n-n-nightm-mare, D-Daddy," Scott whimpered, subconsciously clutching Mitch's shirt. Mitch frowned and pulled him closer, slipping his fingers just under the hem of Scott's shirt to rub gentle circles into his skin. "Aw, I'm sorry, darling. Want to talk about it?" Scott immediately shook his head, whimpering quieter and burrowing deeper in his arms. He tried to savor the sweet contact as much as he could, knowing the next time Mitch touched him would likely involve rope. Mitch frowned more, but nodded, not wanting to push him.

Scott curled up more and moved closer to him, clutching him desperately as he let out a small sob. Mitch gently pulled him closer so he was now basically on top of him, running his hand along his back. Scott squeezed his eyes shut and tucked his head in Mitch's neck, letting out a shaky breath and pressing himself closer. He was confused, so desperately confused. Why was Mitch holding him? Why wasn't he being mean? Whatever it was, he hoped it continued, as he liked this Mitch much better.

This Mitch was gentle and loving and caring and all the things Scott liked in men.

But Scott couldn't allow himself to fall for Mitch. Firstly, he had a boyfriend back home. Secondly, Mitch would just break his heart. He just couldn't do it.

However, that wouldn't and couldn't stop Scott from burrowing deeper in Mitch's arms and eventually fall back into a pitiful sleep.


The loving Mitch was gone when Scott woke up. He knew because the first thing Mitch did when he awoke was shove him off as hard as he could, thus causing Scott to fall off the bed and land with a small whimper on the hardwood. Scott immediately found himself missing the other Mitch, curling up into a miserable ball.

Mitch got up and scoffed quietly as he saw his prisoner, kicking him in the stomach once before starting to get dressed. Scott made a small noise, a cross between a yelp and a whimper, and curled up tighter in an effort to protect himself from any other attacks. He really wanted to be held.



Scott flinched. "C-Could I pretty please eat something? I... I'm hungry..."

Mitch paused for a moment with his back turned, wondering what had just happened to him. His heart did something weird in his chest. "If you insist," he said eventually, forcing himself not to turn around. Scott sniffled and nodded. "Thank you, Daddy." Mitch quickly continued getting dressed then grabbed Scott's leash and collar, attaching them gently before leading him out into the deck. Scott crawled after him obediently, his head bowed submissively and respectfully. He didn't even look up when he felt the pirates' hungry stares.

Mitch led him down a deck or two to the kitchens. There were a few tables where the pirates ate and then a larger one for Mitch. For some reason, Mitch's table had an extra chair, but Scott didn't dare ask why.

Mitch got some food from the pirate that was currently managing the kitchen and helped Scott up on the extra chair, placing the bowl in front of him. "Eat, darling." Scott obeyed shakily, murmuring another soft, "Thank you, Daddy," before spooning some soup in his mouth. Mitch watched him eat silently, chewing the inside of his lip.

When Scott was done, Mitch immediately got up and smiled as Scott obediently sat at his feet. "Good boy," he said softly, rubbing Scott's head as though petting him. Scott smiled shyly and blushed, biting his lip to hold back a purr. "Thank you, Daddy," he said shyly, peeking up at him. Mitch smiled wider and gently led him back out into the deck, his smile falling as he observed the pirates. They all had their hungry gaze on Scott, their eyes raking over his body. Mitch felt something strange burn in his chest and he hid Scott behind him. "Mine," he snarled, and the pirates looked away.

Satisfied, Mitch walked across the ship with Scott crawling obediently after him, heading to the dungeons. As soon as they entered, Scott shuddered violently, whimpering quietly and moving closer to Mitch. Mitch frowned and gently patted his head to reassure him, leading him down to the cells.

Scott felt eyes on him everywhere they went, but he couldn't see anyone, so he just bit his lip to hold back whimpers and followed closely behind Mitch.

Eventually, they reached the back, where the other prisoner was being kept. Josh was pressed into the corner as far away as he could get from the door, visibly trembling. Mitch took a key out from his pocket and unlocked the cell, pushing open the door. "Follow," he demanded, and Josh shakily stood up, nervously inching after them. Scott gently nuzzled against his leg in the hopes of comforting him, but Mitch noticed and felt the burning in his chest again. His eyes flashed and he pulled Scott away from the other prisoner, meeting Josh's eyes and growling another, "Mine." Josh immediately flinched, shrinking away. Scott flinched as well, but stayed away from Josh from then on.

Mr. Smee rushed over to Mitch as soon as the three emerged from the dungeons. "Are you going to kill Josh, Captain?" he rushed out, and Josh's eyes widened, but Mitch just nodded. "Yeah." Mr. Smee glanced behind himself for barely a second before looking back at Mitch. "Did you want me to take Scott? I can give him a nice bath so he'll be already for you when you finish," he said quickly. Scott bit back a whimper, not wanting to go with him, but of course Mitch nodded. "Okay. I shouldn't be more than an hour." Mr. Smee's eyes lit up and he hurriedly took the leash from Mitch. "Thank you, Captain," he rushed out, then yanked Scott away.

The prisoner whimpered as Smee pulled too hard on the collar, staring at Mitch's back with pleading eyes, but Mitch didn't look back at him. Scott was on his own.

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