chapter nineteen

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this is actually the worst thing ever ew



Mitch was now in his bed. He was still unconscious, but Scott carried him into his chambers after the doctor finished working on him and snuggled up to his lifeless body. Tear tracks were on Scott's cheeks, and he buried his face in Mitch's chest, listening to his soft heartbeat. Scott wasn't crying anymore, as he was sound asleep.

Slowly, tired brown eyes opened and looked confusedly around. Mitch felt the familiar weight of Scott curled on top of him and immediately breathed a small sigh of relief, wrapping his arms around the sleeping boy and holding him gently. Scott stirred as he felt Mitch's arms around him and slowly opened his eyes. His heart skipped a beat and he looked up, daring to let himself hope. "D-Daddy?" he breathed, and Mitch smiled weakly at him, meeting his eyes. "Hi, darling," he croaked, flinching at his voice. Scott immediately began to cry tears of relief, and he clutched into Mitch, sobbing into his chest. "D-Daddy, I w-was s-so worried y-you l-l-lef-ft m-me..." Mitch frowned and held him closer, shaking his head. "I wouldn't leave you, darling." Scott sniffled and stared up at him with shining eyes. "Promise?" Mitch smiled, his heart melting. "I promise," he murmured, brushing Scott's tears away.

Scott calmed down at Mitch's gentle touch and stopped crying, moving up to rest his head in the crook of Mitch's neck. Mitch turned his head to peck his lips, slipping his hands under Scott's shirt. Scott shivered and leaned into his touch, a small noise escaping his lips. "Daddy?"

*smut warning*

"Yes, darling?"

"Can you please touch me?"

Mitch smiled slightly and decided to mess with him a bit. "I am touching you, darling."

Scott blushed and shook his head slightly. "N-No, d-d-down there..."

"Down where?"

Scott whined and curled up, impatiently nudging him. "Please just f*ck me..."

Mitch smirked wider and immediately pushed Scott down on his back, slamming their lips together. Scott shivered into the kiss, but quickly kissed him back, making a small noise in the back of his throat. Mitch allowed his hands to roam Scott's body, creeping lower and lower until they reached that certain area. Scott gasped and let out a breathy moan into the kiss as he felt Mitch's cold hand around his length. Mitch smiled slightly and pulled back, removing his hand. Scott whined at the loss of contact, arching his back, but Mitch ignored him and got up. Scott whined louder when Mitch left, but his daddy returned quickly with a rope. He brought Scott's wrists above his head and tied them together, making sure to attach them to the headboard, then straddled him again and pressed their lips together once more.

Scott shakily kissed back, whining softly into the kiss and pulling on his restraints. Mitch set his hand on Scott's wrist, holding them down. "No moving," he murmured against Scott's lips, and the prisoner immediately obeyed. Mitch smiled and pulled away, patting his cheek. "Good boy." Scott smiled shyly and blushed at the praise.

Mitch got to work on removing Scott's clothes. Scott laid quivering underneath him, his blue eyes glossy with need. Mitch smiled down at him once Scott was completely naked underneath him, reaching out to set his hand on Scott's chest. "You're so beautiful, darling," he murmured absentmindedly, raking his eyes over his body. Scott blushed and shook his head instinctively, closing his eyes. "Thank you, Daddy," he whispered, even though he didn't believe Mitch's words one bit. Mitch, luckily, didn't notice his disbelief, kissing down Scott's chest and over his stomach. Scott made a small noise and pulled on his restraints again, subconsciously spreading his legs a bit wider in the hopes Mitch would pay attention to his hardening length. He longed to touch himself, but his hands were tied tightly above his head and he couldn't move.

Mitch glanced up at him, a slight smirk on his lips. "So hard for me already, hmm?" he murmured softly, carefully moving down to sit on Scott's legs and take him in his mouth. Scott moaned loudly and arched his back, pulling on his restraints even harder. Mitch smirked wider and pulled away, crossing his arms over his chest and shaking his head. "What did I say?" he asked challengingly, and Scott stopped moving immediately. Mitch nodded curtly as he began to remove his own clothes. "Good boy."

Soon enough, Mitch was finished, and he ground down on Scott with dark eyes. Scott opened his mouth in a silent moan, arching his back desperately. "P-P-Please," he forced out in a small voice, breathless. Mitch smirked and complied, slowly pushing into Scott without warning. Scott cried out in both pain and pleasure, but Mitch didn't give him time to adjust before he slammed into him again. Scott cried out again, arching his back and clutching at the ropes. "D-Daddy—" he cut off with another cry as Mitch pulled back out and roughly pushed into him again. "F*ck, Scott," Mitch groaned lowly, his eyes fluttering closed and his breathing ragged. Scott let out a small whimper, squeezing his eyes shut. "Daddy..."

"So tight," Mitch growled, and Scott whimpered again, nodding slowly. "Only for you, Daddy," he forced out, the jolts of pain shooting through him slowly turning to jolts of pleasure as his body adjusted. Mitch groaned again and pressed his forehead to Scott's shoulder, pushing into him harder. Scott moaned and arched his back, finally fully adjusted. He longed to touch Mitch, but his wrists were tightly restrained.

Scott suddenly cried out loudly in pleasure, his body jerking as Mitch hit that certain spot. "Yeah? You like that?" Mitch growled softly, biting at Scott's neck. The blond nodded desperately. "M-M-More," he choked out. "M-More, p-p-please, Daddy." Mitch complied, pulling out and slamming back into him even harder. Scott moaned out Mitch's title, clutching desperately at the ropes. Mitch's eyes darkened and he kissed him hard, bringing his other hand down to Scott's length.

The added pleasure was too much for poor Scott, and he released soon after without even managing to force out a warning. Mitch tilted his head and kept kissing him until he too released a few moments later.

*kay you good fam*

Scott whined softly into the kiss and pulled on his restraints. He wanted Mitch to hold him. Mitch pulled out and wiped off his hand and their chests, then gently untied him and crawled back in bed. Scott curled up and set his head on Mitch's shoulder, letting out a shaky breath. "Thank you, Daddy," he whispered hoarsely. Mitch hummed quietly and draped a lazy arm over his shoulders. "You're welcome, darling."

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