chapter six

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good luck everyone



It was only a couple minutes before a man cautiously entered Mitch's chambers. Scott sobbed quietly when he heard him, wishing Mitch had let him get dressed. "P-Please don't h-h-hurt me..." he whispered brokenly, his tears falling faster. The man's eyes widened and he rushed over to untie him. "Are you a prisoner?" he asked, and Scott whimpered quietly before nodding. "Yes."

The man pressed his lips together and watched him sympathetically when something caught his eye. He leaned in closer, not even noticing Scott flinch and start to cry again, to make out the words written on the pink tag on Scott's collar. 'Property of Captain Hook'. The man got chills and he scanned Scott's body, chewing his lip at all the scars and bruises that littered his skin. He slowly looked back up to Scott's eyes and finally noticed how scared he looked. "Are y-y-you g-going t-to us-se m-me too?" Scott whispered, his tears falling faster.

The man stared at him for a long time before he grinned wickedly. "Yup." Scott sobbed loudly and frantically shook his head, shrinking away. "P-Please, no... I don't want it..." The man ignored him and shoved him back, crawling on top of him.

He wasn't going to, but then he saw how attractive Scott was and how long it had been since the last time, and something inside him snapped. It didn't help that Scott was conveniently already bare.

Scott sobbed louder and struggled underneath him, but he was weak and terrified, and eventually he just went limp. However, he still sobbed weakly, allowing the man to do whatever he wanted with his body.

At this point, he wanted to die. Sure, if he had the chance to escape the pirates then he would, but Scott didn't think that was ever going to happen, so that left death. He didn't really mind that idea. Anything seemed better than the Jolly Roger.

The man finished quickly, but he wanted more. More, more, more. That's all they ever wanted from Scott. Scott wasn't sure how much left he had to give — his strength was running out, the fight in him completely fading away.

Just then, Scott could hear the shouts and the jeers of the pirates as they made their way back, Mitch no doubt among them. He began to tremble, knowing Mitch would show up any second.

Sure enough, the captain waltzed in just then. However, he froze as he saw the scene, not registering for a moment that his darling was being used by a stranger. Then, it clicked, and surprise turned to rage. "How dare you!?" he shrieked, pulling the man off and throwing him to the floor. The man let out a growl and stood up, not happy with being interrupted. "If he was f*cking lying there all open and exposed like a little sl*t, of f*cking course I was going to f*ck him!" he shouted back. Neither of them noticed poor Scott, who was trembling and crying and cowering away from the shouting.

Mitch snarled loudly and threw his knife at the man with deadly accuracy, hitting him right in the chest. He died instantly, crumpling lifelessly to the ground. Immediately, Mitch stalked over to his prisoner, his eyes dark. "Did you enjoy that?" he snarled, and Scott shook his head without opening his eyes, his tears falling faster. "Good." Mitch pressed his lips to Scott's and held the kiss for a while before he finally pulled away. "Get dressed," he commanded, and Scott obeyed immediately.

"C-Captain?" Scott said hoarsely and hesitantly, bracing himself. "If you're going to call me something, it's going to be 'daddy'," Mitch snapped, and Scott flinched, but nodded. "Y-Yes, Daddy. B-But I was wondering if I could sleep. Please, Daddy..." Mitch let out a soft growl, but nodded. "Fine. Whatever. Sleep while you can." Scott breathed a sigh of relief and murmured a small, "Thank you, Daddy," before closing his eyes and falling asleep immediately.

Mitch took the opportunity to get rid of the man's body. He wasn't in a good mood, but since Scott was sleeping, he was going to have to take it out on Josh.


Scott woke up to teeth along his collarbone. He shivered and scrambled to get away immediately. "Daddy, please..." he whimpered, squeezing his eyes shut. "Oh, I'm 'daddy' now, am I?" a familiar voice growled, and Scott's eyes snapped open, his heart rate picking up. "N-No. No, please. Don't touch me." George smirked and trailed his fingers along Scott's thigh, and Scott panicked, scrambling up and running out. George cried out in rage and chased after him.

Scott regretted running immediately, but he didn't want to stop, knowing what would happen to him if he stayed. George had somehow managed to remove all of Scott's clothes except for his boxers while he was still asleep, so as soon as Scott emerged on deck, the pirates smirked.

"Look who's out of the captain's room," one purred, advancing. Scott whimpered and looked between all the advancing pirates, backing up. He flinched as he felt his back hit the wall below the bow where the door to Mitch's chambers were, his heartbeat picking up. "P-Please leave me alone..." he whispered pathetically, shrinking down to sit pressed as far away from the pirates as he could.

"Oh, but why would we want to do that?" another pirate grinned, scanning his body. "You're very attractive, and we're hungry." Scott whimpered, tears forming in his eyes as he shrunk farther against the wall. "I don't want it," he whispered, digging his nails in his palms, "I don't want it..." The pirates all laughed and grabbed Scott, pulling him up and pressing him against the wall. He sobbed immediately as their hands began fighting to touch him, and he felt dirty and worthless.

However, the screams began once George pulled down Scott's boxers. "No! No, please!" he cried, trying hopelessly to push them away. "Daddy!" Scott didn't know why he was calling for Mitch, as the captain would probably just join in, but he was sad and scared and in pain. "Daddy, please help me!" he screamed, sobbing louder. A pirate slapped him hard across the face to shut him up, but the damage had been done, and Mitch came marching out of the dungeons.

"What is going on here?" he demanded, shoving the pirates aside to get to Scott. The prisoner sobbed quieter, except with relief this time, shrinking against the wall again in an effort to hide himself. "Why is he naked? What the f*ck were you doing?" Mitch almost yelled, whirling around to face his crew. The pirates stayed silent, but glared daggers at Scott, who was cowering behind Mitch. "I did not give anyone permission to touch him," the captain snarled. "You're lucky I need a crew, otherwise it would be walk the f*cking plank for you." The pirates looked down at their feet, pretending to be ashamed — really, though, they were steaming with anger. Mitch glared at them for another moment before he huffed and turned around to face Scott. "Where are your clothes?"

"I don't know, Daddy." Scott's voice was barely more than a whisper, and he was hugging his knees to hide the fact that he was shaking.

Mitch growled softly, but turned back to the pirates. "His clothes."

Immediately, George tossed him Scott's boxers, and Mitch passed them to Scott to put them on. "Where are the rest of them?" Mitch asked coldly, crossing his arms over his chest. George hesitated, but answered quietly, "Your chambers, Captain." Mitch's eyes flashed and he took a step towards the pirates — even though he was about a foot shorter than half of them, he was still really intimidating, and they all stepped back. "Who went in my chambers? Someone had to have, because I know I told Scott to get dressed and there's no way he would've undressed himself." George hesitated again, but tentatively raised his hand slightly. "I- I did, C-Captain."

Mitch's gaze snapped to George, and his eyes darkened. "You did?" George let out a shaky breath and nodded. "Yes, Captain." Mitch slowly advanced, and George resisted the urge to step away, staring nervously back at his captain.

Mitch stopped right in front of George, looking up at him and making eye contact. Before anyone realized what was happening, Mitch had thrusted the knife into George's gut, his eyes cold and emotionless. George doubled over immediately, just enough for Mitch to hiss in his ear, "You won't ever touch Scott without my permission again." He pulled the knife out and stepped away, and George fell to the ground, lifeless.

All the pirates stared wide-eyed at the body, but Mitch didn't care, cleaning his knife off with a cloth in his pocket and peering up at the rest of his crew through his eyelashes. "Anyone else?" The crew shook their heads quickly, stepping away. "That's what I thought. Smee, Eric, dispose of the body. Everyone else, stay out of my way," Mitch said, his voice cold. With that, he turned on his heel, motioned to Scott to follow, and disappeared into his chambers.

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