chapter twenty

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i'm lazy and didn't want to write so that's why we have a two-day delay whoops sorry

more ((terrible)) smut *cringe*

don't worry next chapter is really fluffy



Scott shivered and moved closer to Mitch, closing his eyes and nuzzling against him again. "Can I have a kiss?" he asked quietly, and Mitch smiled, nodding. The captain tilted his head up and softly pressed their lips together, and Scott kissed back immediately, practically melting into the kiss. His heart felt full and he was happy.

Mitch gently pulled away after a moment, brushing his hair out of his eyes and kissing his forehead. Scott smiled shyly and blushed, curling up more and resting his head on his chest.

*smut warning*

"You're really good at, um, t-t-touching me," he said quietly, blushing. Mitch hummed again, raising an eyebrow. "That so?" Scott blushed slightly, but nodded, peeking up at him. "Yes, Daddy. I'm... I'm sorry I can't give you that much pleasure," he said quietly, looking down ashamedly. Mitch frowned slightly, lifting Scott's head up so he had to meet his eyes. "You do, darling. You do," he murmured, tilting his head slightly. Scott blushed and looked away, hiding his face in Mitch's shoulder. Mitch ran his hand absentmindedly along Scott's back, creeping lower and lower. "You looked so f*cking sexy moaning underneath me as I pounded you into the sheets." Scott blushed deeply at his words and made a small noise, clutching onto Mitch. The captain smirked and slowly pushed his fingers into Scott, smirking wider as the prisoner let out a moan.

Mitch proceeded to slowly pump his fingers in and out, scissoring them. Scott moaned louder and spread his legs slightly, arching his back and grinding desperately down onto his fingers. "M-More. P-P-Please," he gasped, but Mitch continued moving agonizingly slowly. Scott whined and tried to reach down to touch himself, but Mitch clicked his tongue disapprovingly, removing his fingers. "Nah ah ah," he sang softly, crossing his arms over his chest. Scott whined loudly and nudged against him. "Please, Daddy, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, p-please touch me..."

"Only if you promise not to touch yourself." Mitch lightly tapped Scott's hardening length, causing him to shiver. "This is mine, got it?"

"Y-Yes, Daddy. I p-p-promise."

Mitch smiled, inserting his fingers again. "Good boy." Scott moaned at the feeling, throwing his head back and exposing his neck. Mitch let out a soft growl and licked his lips, his own length hardening. "See? You're so f*cking sexy," he snarled, suddenly moving his fingers fast and hard. Scott became a writhing, moaning mess, coming to pieces at Mitch's touch. However, he forced himself to shakily take Mitch in his mouth, moaning around his length. The vibrations sent a jolt of pleasure through Mitch's body and he groaned, moving his fingers faster. Scott quickly felt himself come closer to his release, but he forced himself not to, wanting Mitch to release first. He sucked hard, swirling his tongue around Mitch, and sure enough, he released quickly.

Scott swallowed it all, then pulled away with a small moan. "D-Daddy, I'm close," he whimpered, pressing his forehead to Mitch's shoulder. Even though Mitch was still recovering, he forced himself to move even faster, and Scott released with a loud moan.

The pair laid panting for a few moments, Mitch's fingers still resting inside Scott. Mitch soon pulled out and began carefully licking up Scott's juices, and Scott shivered, already hardening again at the feeling. Mitch groaned quietly in the back of his throat at the taste, feeling himself harden as he saw Scott do so. "Hard again already?" he growled, wrapping his fingers around Scott's length. Scott mewled quietly and whimpered, shaking fingers tangling in Mitch's hair. Mitch stroked him lightly, and Scott shivered, arching his back. "D-Daddy..." he moaned softly, and Mitch moved down to take him in his mouth.

Scott moaned at the feeling of Mitch's warm mouth around him and gripped at his hair. Mitch sucked expertly, glancing up at him as his tongue swirled around Scott's length.

It didn't take long for Scott to finish, his entire body humming with sensitivity. Mitch swallowed and moved back up, bringing Scott into his arms. Scott shivered and buried his face in Mitch's chest. "Three orgasms in one night. You must be exhausted, darling," Mitch murmured, tracing patterns on his back. Scott nodded slowly, but looked up at him. "Yes, Daddy, but I can take care of you if you want," he said quietly. Mitch smiled and shook his head, kissing his forehead. "It's okay, darling. I can take care of myself. Get some rest."

"Yes, Daddy." Scott curled up and closed his eyes, falling asleep quickly. Mitch immediately maneuvered carefully out from under him and took care of himself quickly, then cleaned himself off and pulled on some boxers. He gently forced Scott to uncurl and slid some boxers on him as well, just in case someone decided they wanted to come in. Scott stirred, but didn't wake up, curling up again as soon as Mitch let him. Mitch smiled fondly, his heart doing a weird flip in his chest. He pulled the covers up over Scott and kissed his forehead, then silently dressed and left his chambers.

*kay you good fam*

All the pirates stared at him hungrily when he emerged, a few licking their lips. Mitch wasn't fazed, raising an eyebrow. "Back to work," he said, making a shooing motion with his fingers, but the pirates didn't move — Mitch's door wasn't very thick, and they had heard it all. Mitch rolled his eyes and slapped the nearest one, and the sound caused them all to snap out of their trance. "Back to work. Set sail for the nearest town," Mitch commanded, and they slowly obeyed.

Back in Mitch's chambers, Scott was having another nightmare. After all, Mitch wasn't there to hold him. Soft whimpers escaped his lips as he tossed and turned, trembling hands grasping desperately at the sheets. Tears began to flow down his cheeks. "D-Daddy, please... N-N-No... D-D-Daddy, c-come back-k," Scott sobbed, wrapping his arms around himself. "P-Please. I love you."

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