chapter fifteen

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Mitch pulled away from Scott gently and laid down next to him, and Scott immediately crawled on top of him, his breathing ragged and his eyes closed. Mitch gently wrapped his arms around him and held him close, smiling at the feeling of their bare chests pressed together. He could feel Scott's heartbeat, and he couldn't help but think that it could stop at his will.

Scott tucked his head in Mitch's neck, sniffling quietly and curling up. "Thank you, Daddy," he whispered hoarsely, and Mitch smiled, running his hand up and down Scott's back. "Of course, darling. I'm sorry he did that to you." While that was true, Mitch wasn't exactly surprised. He knew from experience not to fall in love. Scott let out a shaky breath and curled up tighter. "Daddy?"

"Yes, darling?"

"Can I sleep?"

"Yes, darling."

"Thank you, Daddy." Scott allowed his muscles to relax, and he quickly fell asleep.

Mitch stayed up for some time after that, lost in his thoughts. He was worried. He felt something after he hurt Scott nowadays, something almost like guilt. Mitch didn't know what it was, but it really bothered him. The last time he felt guilt or remorse for hurting someone was the last time he wasn't a murderer.

Soon enough, Mitch decided to go speak to the other pirates. He gently pushed Scott off of him and smiled as the prisoner whined in his sleep and reached for Mitch again, but stepped away from him anyway. He was reluctant to leave Scott alone, considering everything that had happened last time, but he pulled on his clothes and left the room.

"Set sail, everyone. We're done here," he declared as soon as he was on deck, and the pirates obeyed immediately. They wouldn't admit it, but they were surprised to see Mitch without Scott. Usually the captain had his darling stuck to his side like glue. Even though Scott had only been with the pirates for about a month, it was clear Mitch had grown quite attached to him considering he hadn't killed him yet. Mitch watched the pirates bustle around, crossing his arms over his chest. He made sure to keep a close watch on the door to his chambers.

"Smee," he called suddenly, and the first mate looked up fearfully, "come here. I want to talk to you." Mr. Smee shared a shaky glance with another pirate, but slowly edged closer to Mitch, saluting him with a trembling arm. "C-Captain?"

"Why did you touch Scott?" Mitch asked bluntly, raising an eyebrow. Smee flinched and trembled harder. "Um, I- I was j-j-jealous, C-Cap'n." Mitch raised his other eyebrow, crossing his arms over his chest. "Jealous?"

"Y-Yes, Captain."


"Be-Because he t-touches you."

Mitch's eyes flashed and he stepped closer to Smee, tilting his head challengingly. "I don't belong to you," he snapped, and Mr. Smee hurriedly nodded, resisting the urge to step away. "Y-Yes, Captain." Mitch's lips curled back in a silent snarl and he circled Smee like a predator to his prey, dark eyes raking over him.

"Don't do it again," Mitch said eventually. He'd already killed about a quarter of his crew for touching Scott, he couldn't afford to lose any more. Mr. Smee bit back a sigh of relief and nodded hurriedly, dipping his upper body in some sort of bow. "Thank you, Captain. You're very generous," he said hurriedly, and Mitch rolled his eyes, turning on his heel and stalking off.

Meanwhile, in Mitch's chambers, Scott was having yet another nightmare. However, since Mitch wasn't there, it was a lot worse. He was tossing and turning, tears streaming down his cheeks and whimpers escaping his lips. "No. No, p-please," Scott sobbed in his sleep, curling up tightly as though trying to protect himself. "No. No. S-Stop. I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Scott jumped awake and immediately let out a loud sob, looking around frantically for Mitch. When he didn't see him, he sobbed even louder and tried to get up. However, his knees gave out and he fell to the floor. Scott didn't really care, and he frantically pulled some clothes on and rushed out of Mitch's chambers in search of his daddy.

Scott looked wildly around, searching for Mitch. His tears fell faster as he instead found the pirates. "Daddy?" he said weakly, and then suddenly his gaze locked in him. He sobbed quietly again and rushed over, collapsing to his knees at Mitch's feet and wrapping his arms tightly around his legs. "D-D-Daddy..." he sobbed, trembling violently. Mitch jumped at their contact and quickly looked down, but frowned when he realized who it was. "Darling? What's wrong?" he said softly, crouching down and brushing Scott's tears away. Scott sobbed and pulled him down so he was sitting, then climbed on Mitch's lap and clutched onto him. Mitch didn't protest, gently wrapping him in his arms. "What's wrong, darling?"

"I h-had a nightm-mare."

Mitch frowned. "Aw, I'm sorry, darling," he murmured, running his hand along his back. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"N-No, Dad-dy." Scott's tears fell faster and he hid his face in Mitch's neck, letting out a shuddering breath and holding onto him tighter. Mitch frowned more and gently held him closer, reaching up to wipe away Scott's tears. "Don't cry, darling. It's okay. It was only a dream."

The pirates watched with wide eyes. They'd never seen Mitch act this way before — he was gentle and caring instead if the cold and hard Mitch they knew. He was like a totally different person.

Mitch looked up and realized the pirates were watching. He pressed his lips together and gently nudged Scott. "Get up, darling. We have spectators," he said softly, and Scott sniffled but obeyed. Mitch gently took his arm and led him to his chambers, softly closing the door.

Scott immediately crawled onto the bed and reached for him, his tears falling faster. "D-Daddy..."

"Shh." Mitch laid down next to him and brought him into his arms. Scott buried his face in Mitch's chest and quickly fell asleep again.

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