chapter three

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don't get used to this update a day thing because i can tell you right now it's not going to last



Long story short, Mitch won. It was five to zero.

Scott was still tied up on Mitch's bed, his eyes closed against the tears that flowed down his cheeks. He was never getting out now. He had lost, and now he was going to spend the rest of his life as Mitch's toy.

He had no doubt that Mitch would soon get bored of him and simply kill him.

Mitch was currently out on the deck again, doing his duties as captain.

Suddenly, the door opened, and in walked the pirate from earlier, Eric. Scott jumped and opened his eyes, expecting to see Mitch, but his face fell into a confused frown when he landed eyes on the pirate there instead.

Eric took one look at the scene before him and scoffed disgustedly. "You're just a little sl*t, aren't you?" he said, glaring at Scott with all the hatred he could muster.

Scott shrank away, wishing that Mitch had given him clothes again. But Mitch didn't think anyone would dare go into his chambers without permission, so he just left Scott there, bound to the bedposts and wearing nothing but boxers.

"Listen, b*tch. The captain is mine. He doesn't know it yet, but we belong together, so stay the f*ck away," Eric growled, and Scott flinched, shrinking away even more. Eric smirked slightly, grabbing Mitch's knife and lifting it above his head as though he was going to stab Scott.

Luckily, Mitch chose that exact moment to walk in. He stared at Eric for a couple seconds, not registering that one of his best pirates had dared enter his chambers, before he got angry. "What the f*ck do you think you're doing?" he snarled, marching over and yanking the knife out of his grip. Eric's eyes were wide. "N-N-Nothing, C-Cap'n," he stammered as he slowly backed away. Mitch growled deep in his throat and stalked towards him, his grip tightening on his knife. "Really? 'Cause it sure didn't look like nothing to me." Eric let out a small, pathetic whimper, shrinking against the door as his eyes locked on Mitch's knife.


Mitch whipped around at the sound of Scott's voice, and the prisoner flinched away, but continued. "Please don't hurt him. It's okay." Mitch growled and turned back to Eric. "No, it's not. He tried to hurt you," he snarled, "and only I can hurt you." Scott flinched again, pulling on his restraints, but didn't say another word.

Mitch stared at Eric for a while, his lips curled back in a silent snarl, as he debated what to do in his head. Finally, he spoke. "Leave. Right now. I'll let you off this time, but if I notice any bruise or cut on his body that wasn't made by me, I will find you and I will kill you." Eric hurriedly nodded and uttered a small "Yes, Cap'n" before rushing out of there.

Mitch growled lowly and slammed the door shut, carelessly tossing the knife to the side as he crawled on top of Scott and slammed their lips together. Scott let out a small sob into the kiss, wishing more than anything that he was back home cuddling with his boyfriend. But no, he just had to have been kidnapped by those pirates, and then Mitch just had to come along and murder every one of them, taking Scott for himself. What had he done wrong? What had he done to deserve being a literal toy for Captain Hook?

Mitch growled again and pulled away, bringing his hands up to pull roughly on Scott's hair. "Why are you crying? Does it hurt?" Scott sobbed again, pulling at his restraints. "Please... please stop..." he said, but Mitch's eyes flashed, and he yanked on Scott's hair again. "No." He grabbed his knife and stabbed Scott in the shoulder, causing the prisoner to scream out in pain and sob louder.

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