chapter thirteen

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Mitch returned a few moments later with simply some bread and water. He gave them to Scott and sat on the bed, watching him eat. Really, he was watching Scott's tongue come out to lick his lips and he had to suppress the urge to take him right there.

Scott ate timidly, Mitch's gaze burning a hole in his chest. He didn't like it, but he couldn't do anything about it, so he ate silently.

It didn't take him long to finish the single loaf of bread and the small glass of water. Mitch stood up, took the glass, and simply set it outside his door, then moved back over to the bed and pushed Scott down on his back. Scott's heart rate picked up and he bit back a whimper. Mitch let out a low growl and gathered his shirt in his fists, yanking it off. Scott actually whimpered this time, but luckily Mitch didn't hear it, too concentrated on marking Scott again. Scott forced himself to tilt his head to the side to give Mitch better access to his neck, even though he didn't understand why Mitch was marking him again. He'd already been claimed and marked before, many times. Mitch had used him and kept the other pirates from using him because Scott was his. Scott just didn't understand why he had to have been taken.

"Mine," Mitch growled lowly as he pulled away, dark eyes meeting blue. Scott whimpered and nodded. "Yes, Daddy. All yours," he forced out, shuddering. Mitch smirked and kissed him hard, his hands subconsciously bringing Scott's wrists over his head. Scott's eyes watered from the pain and he inhaled sharply to keep from whimpering, and Mitch took the opportunity to slip his tongue in Scott's mouth. Scott did his best not to gag and shakily kissed back. He missed his boyfriend.

Mitch pulled away soon after and slapped him once, then moved off him and stripped down to his boxers. Scott politely averted his eyes, subconsciously curling up even though pain was humming under his skin. Mitch climbed back into his bed when he finished, wrapping his arms around Scott's waist and pulling him possessively to his chest. Scott jumped at the touch, trembling a bit as he prepared himself for whatever was about to come. However, Mitch just pressed a kiss to the back of Scott's neck. Scott shivered and turned around in Mitch's arms so he was facing the captain, burying his face in Mitch's bare chest. Mitch surprisingly allowed it, holding Scott tightly to make sure he couldn't get away. Scott closed his eyes and quickly fell asleep, feeling surprisingly safe in Mitch's arms.

Mitch laid awake for a while after that, struggling to convince himself he was holding Scott to keep some other pirate from sneaking into his chambers in the middle of the night and using him.


That night, Scott had a nightmare. It wasn't anything like his usual nightmares, where Mitch was usually doing something to him. No, this one had his boyfriend in place of Mitch. It freaked him out, and he moved as close to Mitch as he could without waking the captain, burying his face in Mitch's chest and trying not to cry.

Scott was still awake when morning came and he whimpered involuntarily when he heard Mitch start to stir, pulling back slightly to wipe his tears away before his daddy could wake completely. However, the movement caused Mitch to open his eyes and immediately pull Scott back to him. Scott whimpered again, and Mitch looked down at him, frowning as he saw his tears. "Why are you crying, darling?" Then, he split into a wicked grin. "Is it because of me?"

Scott wanted to say yes. He really did. But it wasn't Mitch. "No, Daddy," he whispered, curling up and wishing the nice Mitch would come back. Mitch frowned disappointedly. "Aw. Why were you crying then? Maybe I could learn some tricks."

"I had a nightmare, Daddy."

"Was it about me?"

"No, Daddy."

"What was it about?"

"My boyfriend back home, Daddy."

Mitch blinked in surprise at those words: one, because it meant Scott wasn't straight, and two, because boyfriends weren't supposed to be in nightmares. "Your boyfriend?"

Scott nodded, his tears falling faster. "Yes, Daddy."

"Why did you have a nightmare about your boyfriend?"

"He... He hurt me, Daddy."

"In the nightmare?"

Scott hesitated, but nodded again. "Y-Yes." That was partially a lie — Scott's old boyfriend did hurt him, but he always told Scott it was his fault, and Scott believed him. Mitch didn't quite believe him. He raised an eyebrow and regarded him skeptically. "Mhm. Right." Scott flinched and curled up. "H-He didn't mean to. He just couldn't control himself. It wasn't his fault, Daddy, I swear."

"So he did hurt you?"

"It wasn't his fault—"

"Shut up. What's his name? Where does he live?"

Scott flinched and shakily answered, "A-Andrew Baughn. H-He lives in a small port town called Ikikaland." He sniffled quietly and sobbed softly, burying his face in Mitch's chest. "We used to live together."

Mitch is silent for a while, watching. "How old are you, darling?" he asked suddenly, and Scott jumped before looking up at him. "T-Twenty-three, Daddy," he said quietly. Mitch didn't react other than nodding slowly, but in reality he was surprised. Scott curled up again and buried his face in Mitch's chest, wrapping his arms around his waist. Mitch absentmindedly wrapped his arm around Scott's shoulders, deep in thought. He wanted to make Scott's old boyfriend pay for hurting him.

Scott curled up tightly despite the pain and clutched hopelessly onto Mitch, biting his lip to keep sobs from escaping. He missed his boyfriend. He missed the punishments, because they helped him to be better. He was always told they were good for him, and that they were deserved. And he believed it.

"Daddy?" Scott whispered hoarsely, blinking away the tears threatening to spill out of his eyes. "Hmm?" Mitch hummed absentmindedly, his eyes still unfocused as he thought. "I think I deserve a punishment." That got Mitch's attention. His eyes abruptly focused and he looked down at Scott with a raised eyebrow. "What did you do?" he asked, and Scott hesitated, chewing his lip. "I... I need to be better. For you. And- and for Andy." He shuddered. "I de-deserve..." Mitch simply pulled him up and pressed their lips together, holding the back of Scott's neck to keep from him from pulling away. Scott forced himself to kiss back, even though Andrew's voice was yelling at him in his head.

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