chapter five

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Scott woke up the next morning still bound tightly to the headboard. He couldn't feel his wrists anymore, as the ropes were so tight the circulation was being cut off. He closed his eyes against a fresh round of tears, shuddering and pulling at his wrists again.

Meanwhile, Mitch was busy directing the pirates as they prepared to set sail again. He wasn't thinking of Scott at the moment, but somehow he sensed when the prisoner woke up, so he told Smee to continue and breezed off to his chambers.

Scott jumped when the door opened and tensed immediately, shrinking away. Mitch smirked and shut the door softly, walking over to him and sitting down on the bed. His hand rested on Scott's chest, tracing soft patterns on his skin. "Good morning, darling. How'd you sleep?" Scott whimpered and tried to pull away, his tears falling faster. Mitch laughed darkly, but reached over to untie him. "Only boxers today," he said, throwing Scott's boxers at him. Scott carefully picked them up with trembling hands and slipped them on, flinching as Mitch pulled him up and slammed their lips together.

Mitch pulled away quickly — he had only kissed him to remind him who he belonged to — and stood up again, grabbing Scott's collar off the hook by his door. Scott sniffled quietly and wiped at his eyes with one arm, wrapping the other around his stomach. Mitch fastened the collar around Scott's neck and pressed a brief kiss to his collarbone, getting the leash. "You know what to do, darling," he said sweetly, and Scott shuddered again before slowly getting on his hands and knees. Mitch smiled and patted his head as he clipped the leash to the collar. "Good boy."

Scott's chest and thighs were already littered with countless scars and bruises, but Mitch wasn't satisfied as he gave Scott a final once-over before he allowed Scott to be seen. He pushed him against the wall and kissed his neck, then bit down hard, marking Scott as his own. He may give the other pirates permission to have their fun with him, but he didn't want Scott to forget that he was Mitch's.

Scott crawled after Mitch silently and obediently. In just the short week he'd been with him, Captain Hook had successfully managed to break him.

The pirates sneered and jeered at Scott, laughing loudly at how pathetic he was. Scott kept his gaze down, tears in his eyes. He was trembling just a bit, but the laughter caused him to tremble harder. He was scared, so, so scared. He was scared of the pirates, he was scared of Mr. Smee, he was scared of Mitch. He was especially scared of Mitch. Everything about the captain terrified him — the way he spoke, the way he treated Scott, the way he commanded the pirates, just him. Scott was stuck with Mitch forever, and he was scared.

George stared hungrily at the pathetic little prisoner attached to his master by a leash. He wanted Scott, craved Scott, and he was determined to get him. "Captain?" he said, forcing his gaze on Mitch. Scott flinched at the sound of his voice and trembled even harder, memories from the night before flashing through his mind. "Yes?" Mitch replied, looking up at the taller pirate with a pleasant smile. It was nothing like the ones he gave Scott. "I was wondering when the next time you are going to open the prisoner to us is," George said, barely managing to keep both his gaze on Mitch and his voice from turning into a hungry growl. Mitch glanced briefly down at Scott before he spoke. "If you want to use someone, Josh is open in the dungeons. Scott, currently, is not. I don't know when the next time he will be is, but maybe I'll let you borrow him tonight. That is, of course, if I don't need him."

From his position below them, Scott let out an involuntary whimper. It was soft, but Mitch still heard, and looked down disappointedly at him. "Bad Scottie," he scolded, hitting Scott up the back of the head. Scott flinched and whimpered again, but hurriedly bit his lip to keep quiet. Mitch scoffed and knelt down beside him, grabbing Scott's chin and forcing him to look into his eyes. "Do you want a punishment tonight?" he said softly, tilting his head. Scott's eyes widened and he quickly shook his head, shrinking away. Mitch smirked and kissed his mark before he stood up. "That's what I thought. Now be quiet."

"Sorry about that," Mitch said, turning his attention back to George. George once again forced his gaze back to Mitch, shaking his head. "It's okay, Cap'n. Thank you. You're very generous." He bowed his head respectfully and left.

Mitch pulled Scott over to the bow and looked out over the water. A smirk grew on his lips as he saw a ship. "Look at that, darling. Do you think they have any prisoners for me?" he asked Scott softly, but didn't look down at him, his eyes going unfocused as he imagined all the possibilities.

Scott hoped not. He didn't want anyone to have to go through what he did.

"Ship off the bow!" Mitch called. Scott flinched at his voice. "Set sail immediately!" The pirates kicked into action, rushing around to adjust the sails and gather the weapons and steer the ship towards the other. Mitch hummed softly, tilting his head. "I think we have time," he said softly, hurriedly tugging Scott back to his chambers. Scott barely managed to hold back a whimper, knowing what was coming, but still followed him obediently.

As soon as they were inside Mitch's chambers, Scott was pressed against the door and kissed roughly, Mitch's hands groping his body. Scott immediately started to cry, but allowed Mitch to pin his arms over his head and attack his neck.

Mitch moved down and internally thanking himself for leaving Scott's clothes off. He liked him much better bare.

Mitch pulled back and roughly pushed the prisoner on the bed, quickly tying him up and resuming with his kisses. He yanked down Scott's boxers and threw them carelessly to the side, then paused for a moment, thinking. He appeared to make a decision and grabbed more rope out of a box under his bed, tying Scott's ankles to the bedposts. Scott was now completely immobile and exposed and vulnerable, and he couldn't be any more terrified.


Mitch finished dressing just in time for Mr. Smee to come alert him to their closeness to the other ship. Mitch nodded and sent him away again, then turned around to give the still-bound Scott a dizzying kiss. Scott sobbed loudly into the kiss, his entire body throbbing. Mitch smirked widely and pulled away, patting his cheek. "Until next time, darling," he said, and with that, he was gone.

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