chapter eleven

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The fragile Mitch from the night before was gone when Scott woke up. He knew because he woke up as he hit the ground - Mitch had just shoved him off the bed. Scott allowed a small whimper of pain to escape his lips and started to get up, but Mitch kicked him before he could. "Good morning, darling," the captain smirked, plopping down to straddle him. Scott whimpered again, but didn't dare try to get away, squeezing his eyes shut and trying to imagine he's anywhere but there.

"Look at me, sl*t," Mitch snapped, slapping him across the face. Scott whimpered quieter and forced himself to open his eyes, looking fearfully up at Mitch. Mitch smiled sweetly as he met his eyes, and Scott shivered at their eye contact, wanting more than anything to look away. Luckily, he managed to force himself not to. Barely.

With a low growl, Mitch yanked Scott up by his collar and slammed their lips together, forcing his tongue in his mouth. Scott gagged, but forced himself to kiss back weakly, even though he wanted nothing more than to go home. "Such a dirty sl*t," Mitch growled against Scott's lips, slipping his hands under Scott's shirt. "You didn't ever get your bath, did you? Come. I'll bathe you." He pulled away and met Scott's eyes with a wicked grin. "And the entire crew will watch." He got off of Scott, who stayed kneeling with his head down there on the floor, and waltzed over to the hook by the door with Scott's leash. "Come here, darling," he cooed, clucking his tongue. Scott felt his face grow hot and a lump formed in his throat, but he slowly crawled over and allowed Mitch to click the leash to his collar.

Mitch led him out of his chambers and forced him to sit at his feet as he called to the pirates. "Come here, boys! I have a surprise for you!" he sang mockingly sweetly, and the pirates slowly formed a circle around them, laughing and joking loudly. However, when Mitch spoke, they all fell silent immediately. "Strip, darling." All eyes went to Scott, and he shrunk away from the hungry gazes, whimpering and looking up at Mitch. "Daddy, please—"

"Do it or it'll be worse." Scott whimpered and began to tremble, tears flowing out of his eyes. He slowly lifted the hem of his shirt up and over his head, and the pirates cheered as soon as it was off. Mitch smirked, but didn't look at them, his eyes glued to Scott's bare chest. Scott trembled harder and closed his eyes against his tears, but forced himself to pull off his pants, leaving him in his boxers. The pirates cheered louder, but many of them fell silent, smirks on their lips as they raked their eyes over Scott's body. "I do believe you're still clothed, darling," Mitch said softly, and Scott choked out a sob, shaking his head frantically. "I- I can't—"

Mitch simply grabbed his elbow, yanked him up, and roughly pulled down his boxers. Scott sobbed loudly and frantically tried to pull away, shaking his head over and over and over. "N-No! Daddy, p-please!" he sobbed, trying in vain to cover himself. The pirates were cheering louder than ever, but once again went silent as soon as Mitch opened his mouth. "Who wants to touch him?"

Immediately, all the pirates roared, each one doing their best to get their captain's attention. Scott sobbed louder than ever, but no one paid attention to him. Mitch was smirking and looking out at the pirates, deciding who to pick, and his grip on Scott's arm was so tight bruises were beginning to form. "How about you, Mike?" he said finally, his gaze focused on pirate in the back. The other pirates parted for him, watching him go with jealousy in their eyes as he lumbered up to the front with a huge grin on his lips. Scott cowered away from him, shaking his head frantically as tears fell quickly from his cheeks. "Please... Please, no..." he pleaded weakly, but Mitch reached up and slapped him across the face hard. "Shut up, sl*t," he snapped, then turned to Mike and smiled sweetly. "Go ahead, Mikey." He blushed at the nickname, but forced it away, and stepped forward to put his hand on Scott's chest. Scott yelped quietly at the contact and shook his head even more, his tears falling faster. Mike ignored him and stepped closer, placing his other hand on Scott's chest along with his first one. He smirked as he felt Scott's rapid heartbeat beneath his hands and looked up to meet his eyes.

Scott sobbed quietly and tried to look away, but Mitch slapped him again. "No. Look at him," he said, and Scott had no choice but to obey. Mike almost felt bad as he saw the pure, raw fear in Scott's eyes.


He quickly stepped even closer and brought his hands down Scott's chest and over his stomach, resting on his hips and glancing over at Mitch. "Can I kiss him, Captain?" he asked respectfully, and Mitch hesitated a moment, but put on a smile and nodded. "Go ahead." Scott whimpered and shook his head again, but Mike, of course, didn't listen, grabbing his chin to hold him in place as he leaned forward to give him a filthy kiss. Scott recoiled immediately, but Mitch tugged hard on his leash. This, naturally, caused Scott choke and therefore his movements were stopped.

Soon enough, Mitch got sick of watching them and pulled Scott away. "Go prepare a bath," he called over his shoulder to no one in particular, pushing Scott against the wall and kissing him himself. The pirates rushed to obey, knowing what Mitch did to people who didn't. However, after they finished, Mitch had pressed himself completely against Scott and they were still in the midst of a heated make-out session. Well, it was mainly Mitch. Poor Scott was crying.

Despite their best efforts, the pirates found themselves watching. It was quite heated.

When Mitch finally noticed the bath was ready, he pulled away and kissed Scott's mark once before murmuring a command in his ear. The sobbing prisoner immediately dropped to his knees, and Mitch smiled, patting  his head before leading him over to the small, wooden bathtub. "Someone get me some soap," he said, kneeling by the bathtub and rolling up his sleeves. He tapped the water and looked at Scott with a sickeningly sweet smile. "In you go, darling." Scott shuddered, but climbed into the water, goosebumps fanning over his skin - it was actually warm.

Mitch got to work splashing water over the areas that weren't submerged already. His hands were surprisingly gentle, and Scott's eyes fluttered closed and he relaxed a bit. For a moment, he forgot about the other pirates watching his body hungrily.

Mitch frowned at all the marks on Scott's body, knowing he was the one who made most of them. However, the frown wasn't in remorse. No, Mitch didn't like that his perfect toy was battered and worn. He made a mental note to talk to the doctor about something that could get rid of them before his thoughts were interrupted by a pirate bringing him the soap. Mitch took it and waved his hand to dismiss the pirate, wetting the soap before carefully lathering Scott up. Scott's eyes snapped open and he hissed in pain as the soap got in his wounds, shrinking away in an unconscious effort to get away from the pain. Mitch frowned and raised an eyebrow up at him. "Bad sl*t," he scolded quietly. "You're getting a punishment tonight. I'm done with this disobedience."

Scott almost whimpered, but quickly stopped it from escaping his lips when he remembered Mitch didn't like it when he made noises. He simply nodded and looked down, trying to ignore his racing heart. "Yes, Daddy."

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