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Does this boy want a death wish? He's hot and all, but if he keeps provoking me, I might do something to him if this goes on.

"Stop saying nonsense. We all know you want me."

"Yeah, sure. Whatever." He took out his phone and stared at his phone. His eyes grew bigger, he slammed it on the desk and got up. He immediately ran out of the classroom. I heard some noises outside of the classroom. I turned my head to the door, and saw a couple of guys, running.

"Hurry up Taehyung! We're going to be late!" a unfamiliar voice shouted. Taehyung? The guy who slapped my ass this morning?! Oooo, I need to talk to him about that.

I got up from my seat and walk out of the classroom. I look over at my left, I didn't see anyone. I look over at my right, and saw someone turning at the corner. I ran over there and followed. It seems like they're leaving school.

I secretly followed them to some secret hideout, in the woods. They went inside into some tree, the door was about to close, I ran straight to it and squeezed through. Good thing I'm short and thin.

I hid behind some boxes and stayed there. I peeked over the boxes and saw a group of boys, standing around a fire. I took a closer look at those boys. Oh, it's that rude dude from earlier. I went up closer and took another peek.

Jimin? I thought he was a good boy, I guess I was wrong. The other guys were unfamiliar for me, but there's this one voice who sounds very familiar.

"I don't feel like searching for that girl."

"We have no choice. Do you want us to die? I know for sure I don't want to."

"I don't want to die either, but I'm just really tired. I want a break from this."

"Yoongi, you can't. We can't get things finish if we don't work together."

"Namjoon's right. We need to work together, in order to get things done." the blonde dude said.

"Thank you Taehyung." Taehyung? So the blonde dude is Taehyung, ooooo this boy is cute too! Now that I took a closer look, all of these boys are cute! Except that guy who is facing his back towards me.

I accidentally hit some of the boxes and they fell, "Fuck."

They all looked at my direction. The tall one yelled, "Who's there!"

"Hoseok, go check." He demanded.

'Fuck, I'm so screw!'

That Hoseok boy kept walking closer and closer. I look for a place to hide without getting notice, I quickly crawled my way to some hole, but before I can reach there, someone already found me.

"Found her." Someone grabbed me from the collar from behind.

"Let go of me you bastard!" I grabbed his arm and twisted it, then headlock him. With ease, he escaped from my headlock, and headlock me instead. I made a grumpy face.

"Thanks grandpa. I thought you said I was the best in Kung fu, and that no one can escape from my headlock." I muttered.

"Bring her into the light." The tall one instructed. The guy, currently, head locking me, brung me into the bright light.

"H-Hyosung?" Jimin stutter.

"Hyosung?" The person who headlock me, let me go. I turn around to see who he was and he was Jeongguk.

"Of course you're part of this thug life."

"Did she followed us?" the other short one asked.

"Thats impossible, I made sure no one followed us." The blonde one said, I believe Taehyung?

"I'm short, of course you couldn't see me." I said with the most annoyed face. Why did I even followed them. Oh! Because of that Taehyung. I walked up to him and grabbed his arm.

"You're coming with me, mister." I saw him smirked. I rolled my eyes and dragged him somewhere.

"You followed me? You want me that bad?" I slapped him.

"What the hell? What the fuck was that for?" He yelled. I pointed at my ass.

He raised his eyebrow, "What about your ass?"

"You slapped my ass this morning. And I did not appreciate it."

"Really? You followed me, just to say that?" I nodded.

"Ok whatever, I won't do it again next time geez."

"You better." I walked away from him and he followed behind me like a lost puppy. I went back inside their hideout and hopped onto their couch.

"Why are you still here?" The tall one asked.

"Because I can and beside I don't know the way back." He let out a big sigh.

"Oh I'm sorry, am I making you bored?" I said sarcastically.

"Actually, your pretty entertaining." the rude boy said, "By the way, my name is Seokjin."

"I'm Hoseok." the happy looking boy said. Why does he look like a horse.. you know what, I'm not even going to ask.

"Yoongi." the other short boy said. Jimin and Yoongi can be my short buddies. :)

"Namjoon." the tall one said. I'm guessing he's the leader cause he looks like one.

"I'm guessing you already know Jimin, Taehyung, and Jeongguk." he said. I nodded.

"We're classmate." Jeongguk said.

"Which class are you in?" I kept silence and ignored him.

"F4." I look over at Jeongguk and he was smirking.

"Oh, you guys are in the dumb room." I rolled my eyes.

"I ain't dumb. Or smart, I'm average." I said.

"You're dumb." Taehyung said. I glare at him, he gave me a blow kiss.

"Fuck off Taehyung." He raised both of his arms up, as if he was surrendering to me.

"Damn, she's feisty!" He meowed.

"She's mine, so fuck off Taehyung." Jeongguk said.

"Boy you wish." I said.

"Guys, we have to find that girl." Namjoon said.

"What girl?" I randomly joined in.

"It's none of your business." Jeongguk said coldly. Rude.

"Ok geez, sorry." I said before lying down on the couch. I put my arm over my eyes and drifted into deep sleep.

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