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A/N: Goddamnit, I did it again.

"Hey Jihyun!" I turned around and saw Byunhyun. I smiled and waved, "Hey."

"We didn't bump into each other this time." He said.

"Yeah." We were walking next to each other and sometimes our hands would touch. I was about to say something until someone got between us.

"Well excuse you." I said with an attitude.

"Oops, didn't see you here." She said. I rolled my eyes and held in my anger.

"Nana, I'm just going to give you a warning. Don't mess with me."

"Yeah yeah whatever." She mumbled, pulling Byunhyun away.

"I'll see you in class!" I heard him yelled.

"Who was that guy?" Dohyun asked, putting his arm around my shoulder.

"A friend." I said bluntly, pushing his arm off of me.

"Now that I answered your question, get lost."

"But I just got here."

"You heard her, she wants you to get lost." A voice said from behind. I turned around and saw Jimin.

I smiled and ran to him, "You heard him, I want you to get lost."

Dohyun placed his hand on his chest, "I'm hurt."

Jimin grabbed my wrist, "Lets leave this trash." He said, giving me his eye smile.

I nodded my head and let him dragged me to wherever he's taking me. He pulled me away from that trash and brung me to the rooftop.

"Remember this place?" He asked, taking a seat on the floor. I nodded as I sat beside him.

"This is where we met for the second time." I said. He smiled, "Glad you remembered."

"So... I need your help."

I looked at him and raised my eyebrow, "With what?" I asked.

"There's this girl I like and I want her to like me back, but there's a problem with that."

"And what's that?" He stayed quiet for a moment before speaking again, "She have a boyfriend. They recently broke up and got back together. I thought I had a chance but I guess I was wrong." He sounded sad.

"You must really like her.." I murmured, softly giving him a pat on the back.

"I don't like her, I love her. I want to stop myself from loving her but my heart won't listen. It always pound for her."

"Well, what I think you should do is confess. Let your feelings out, don't hold it in. Let her know how much you love her. I'm sure she'll love you back."

"How do you know that?"

"Jimin, you're a very nice guy. Not only you're nice, you're also handsome. I wouldn't be surprised if you and I dated. I don't know how I ended up loving a guy like Jeongguk because he's rude and cold. But if Jeongguk and I never had those feelings for each other, I would want to date a nice guy like you."

"You can break up with Jeongguk and come to me." He said in a serious tone.

"Haha, very funny Jimin." I said sarcastically.

"I'm being serious. Break up with him and come to me, I'll make sure I'll do better than him." He said, putting his hand on top of mine.

I looked at our hands then at his eyes. His eyes traveled down to my lips. He slowly leaned in, his lips were a few centimeters away from my lips. He was about to plant his lips onto mine until I looked away.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." He apologized before getting up.

I got up and watched him walked around in circles, "Shit shit shit, Jeongguk is going to kill me if he finds out that I tried to kiss his girlfriend, fuck!" He smashed his fist into the concrete wall.

He continuously punched it. I ran up to him and grabbed his arm and pulled him away, "Jimin stop! You're hurting yourself!"

"I'm going to do it!" He shouted.

I looked at him with a confused look, "Do what?"

"This." He smashed his lips onto mine.

I looked at him with widened eyes and pushed him away, "Jimin, I'm dating Jeongguk! You can't kiss me like that! If Jeongguk finds out, he's going to kill you!"

"Don't worry, I won't do it again.." He murmured.

"You better keep your words because I don't want Jeongguk to find out." He nodded his head and I looked at his hand.

"Oh my gosh! Jimin, you're bleeding!" I pointed at his hand.

Jimin looked at it and gave you his eye smile, "It's just a little of blood, no biggie."

"A little? It's bleeding nonstop! Come on, let's head to the nurse office." I said, pulling him back into the building.

The nurse told me to go back to class, but I ignored her and decided to stay with Jimin, "Why aren't you going back to class?" Jimin asked.

"Because I don't want to and she's not the boss of me." I said with my arms crossed.

"That doesn't matter, go back to class. I don't want anyone misunderstand us being here together."

"Ugh ok fine, I'm only doing this for you." I said before heading back to class.

I saw Jeongguk already sitting at his desk. I walked up to him and sat down at my seat. I can tell he's avoiding me. I decided to do the same at him and stared at the window. It was raining. Why is it always raining when I'm a bad mood.

Suddenly I remembered what happened at the rooftop earlier with me and Jimin. I touched my lips and slightly smiled. I instantly stopped smiling when I replayed Jeongguk's words in my head.

"If someone ever tries to kiss you, I'll make sure I'll kill them in front of you."

I quickly looked at Jeongguk and saw his head down.

'If Jeongguk finds out that me and Jimin kissed, he's going to kill him. I have to make sure Jimin doesn't say anything or else he's going to die.'

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