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I immediately kissed him back. He wrapped his arms around my waist as I wrapped my arms around his neck. Our lips moved in sync as he aggressively squeezed my ass. His lips left mine and traveled down to my neck. He found my sweet spot and started sucking on it, making me moan quietly.

"My lord. Stop making out in the hallways and go find a room." Said a deep voice. Jeongguk took his lips off of my neck and glared at that person. I look over at that person and saw Namjoon with the rest.

Jeongguk intertwined our hands together and walked over to them.

"You ruined the moment." Jeongguk said.

"It was either, I stopped you or leave y'all together and have sex in the hallways." He said.

"Fair enough." We all walked to the cafeteria and the girls glared at me again.

'What have I done wrong? Is walking with them a crime or some shit?'

"Jeonggukie!" Hyolyn squealed and cling onto Jeongguk's arm. My boyfriend's arm. I pulled Jeongguk away from her and glared at her.

"Excuse me." I said pushing her away from me and Jeongguk, "He's mine, not yours." I said.

"I knew him longer than you, so technically he's mine." Hyolyn said, pulling Jeongguk away from me. I angrily pulled him back and kissed him in front of her. Jeongguk looked surprised at my action and immediately kissed me back.

"Ugh!" She whined and walked away with her lame ass heels. I broke the kiss and watched her disappeared from my sight.

"Damn, you have a lot of guts to do that in front of her." He said, "That's what I like about you, your different." He continued.

"Of course I'm different." I said. We continued walking and sat down at an empty table. I look down at the table and there was doodling everywhere. I was about to say something until someone sat next to me.

"Well hello princess."

'Princess? I ain't your princess.'

"What do you want Daehyun?" Seokjin questioned. He pointed at me and lick his lips.


"Her." I rolled my eyes.

'Sorry but I'm not for sale.'

"Sorry but she's not for sale." Jeongguk said coldly while glaring at Daehyun intensely. Another guy appeared.

"Damn, who's she? She's fine." The other guy said.

"She's our friend." Hoseok said. "My girlfriend." Jeongguk mumbled.

"She's not taken right? If not, I'm going to mark her mine." He said, grabbing my hand and pulling me beside him. I pulled my hand away and glared at him.

"Sorry but I'm taken."

"By who?" I pointed Jeongguk, "Him."

"Jeongguk? Wow, Jeongguk! My man, you finally moved on from that hoe." Jeongguk stood up from his seat and charged at that dude.

He punched him and kicked him in the stomach, "Don't you ever.. talk about her again." Jeongguk said before kicking him in the face.

"Great show." Daehyun said, slowly clapping. He walked towards me and caressed my cheek. I slapped his hand away and glared at him.

"Now that you met me and Jaehyun. How about meeting Dohyun." A guy appeared from the corner of my eyes and walk towards us.

He had his hands in his pockets, his shirt wasn't fully button, his pants were kinda ripped, his hair was messy, he did not look good. He looked at me and ran to me. He gave me a hug and I stood still.

'Why is he hugging me?'

"Jihyun!" I gave him a puzzled look.

'How does he know my name?'

I pushed him away, "Who are you? Do I know you?" I asked.

"You don't remember us Jihyun?" Jaehyun said.

'Ok now I'm confused...'

"She probably hit her head when she was young." Daehyun said.

'I never hit my head on anything.'

"Jihyun... don't you remember me? Your boyfriend." My eyes widened.

'Boyfriend?! I never had a boyfriend. My only boyfriend was Jeongguk.'

"I thought you said you never loved or liked anyone before." Taehyung said.

"Yeah, I haven't until Jeongguk came." I said.

"Did she ever said about never having a boyfriend?" Dohyun asked. Taehyung thought about it for a little and shook his head.

"But I never had a boyfriend before. Jeongguk is my first one."

"You can't cheat on me Jihyun. I was your first boyfriend and we never broke up."

'Was my boyfriend, even though I don't remember having a boyfriend back then.'

"Wait a second. Are you telling me that you and Jihyun dated before and never broke up?" Jeongguk asked.


"What are you talking about? I don't remember you." I said. He grabbed my wrist tightly and stared at me.

"I will make you remember...." He whispered and pulled me into him. He crashed his lips onto mine and sloppily kissed me.

'Ew ew ew ew ew!!!!'

"What the fuck are you doing!" Jeongguk yelled, harshly pulling me away from Dohyun and giving him a punch in the face.

"Trying to make her remember!" My head started hurting. I placed my hands on my head and fell onto my knees. It hurts very bad.

"Jihyun!" Jeongguk yelled, trying to come to me. Dohyun held him back, "Leave her!" Everything started to came into my mind again.


"Jihyun~ I will make you feel love, so be my girlfriend for a month?" I slowly nod my head. He gave me a hug and kissed me on the forehead.

"Dohyun! Stop kissing her, her parents are watching." Daehyun said, pulling me and Dohyun apart. We headed to the train station, late. I saw Dohyun and Daehyun already running.

"Hurry Jihyun! We're going to be late!" Jaehyun said. I ran behind him and we almost reached to the train. I accidentally tripped and fell onto the ground. I saw Jaehyun, Daehyun, and Dohyun already in the train. They all look behind and saw me on the ground.

"Wait Jihyun--" the train door closed. The train started moving, I saw them looking at me through the window, banging on it, screaming my name. Soon, the train left and I never saw them again.

~Flashback end~

"I remember.."

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