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A/N: Happy Valentines Day💕

I'm spending my Valentine's Day by myself with my chocolates, hbu?

I was walking by myself in the rain and for some reason I felt someone following me. I fastened my pace and I felt that person also fastened their pace as well. I turned around and saw a guy quickly turning around, pretending to fix his hat.

"Who are you and why are you following me." I asked.

He silently snickered to himself and turned around with a smirk on his face. I heard a van pulling up from the street. I turned my direction to it and saw a couple of men coming out with guns.

I raised my hands up and surrendered. The guy with the hat came over and grabbed my hands, handcuffing them.

"Wow. Using handcuffs I see, so lame." I said as I was polled into the van by one of them.

I sat down at the back with guns pointing at my head. I rolled my eyes before closing them.

"Where are you guys taking me." I questioned.

"To your mother." My eyes shot right opened as I heard the word mother.

"Mother? Isn't she dead."

He shook his head, "She's alive."

'What?! But that's impossible! I saw Jeongguk killed her!'

"Now go to sleep because it's going to be a long drive." He said, inserting a syringe into my neck.

I looked outside the window and saw us leaving Seoul. I tried to see more, but I couldn't because I slowly went into deep sleep.

"Bring her in my room. Make sure you tie her up nice and good." Jihyun's mother ordered.

"Yes ma'am." A young boy around Jihyun's age carried her in a bridal style and went into her mom's room. He placed her down in a chair and started to tie her up.

He looked at her sleeping face and caressed it, "I'm sorry." The boy whispered before walking out of the door and closing it.

The boy is walked to the main room and bowed down, "Is she tied up?" Jihyun' mother asked.

"Yes ma'am."

She smiled for the first time, "Good. It's about time my baby came home for good."

The boy stared coldly at her, "When am I getting the money?"

"I'll send you the money tomorrow." He nodded and got ready to leave.

She smirked and watched him leave, "Thanks Byunhyun for bringing my baby home." She said before heading to her room.

"It's time to see my baby."


Everyone doesn't know where Jihyun disappeared to. They thought it would be for a couple of days, but it has been a month since she disappeared.

Everyone in BTS are getting worried especially Jeongguk. He thought he would be okay but he wasn't. He misses you.

"Where is she? Where did she disappeared to..." Jeongguk muffled between his pillow.

Not only he was talking to himself, he was also crying.

'I hate this pain... the pain of not seeing her.'

Yoongi knocked on Jeongguk's door, trying to get him out of his room. "Jeongguk, come out. It's been 5 days since you've locked yourself in your room. You need to eat. We don't want to see your dead body if we have any thought of breaking the door." He said.

Jeongguk ignored him and kept crying.

"Look, we all miss her too. You're not the only one, Jeongguk. Come on, get out here and eat. I'm sure Jihyun wouldn't like seeing you like this." He stated, knowing that Jeongguk will get up.

Jeongguk got up and slowly opened the door. He looked at Yoongi with dead eyes before mumbling, "No, she wouldn't, would she?"

Yoongi shook his head and pat Jeongguk's shoulder before heading downstairs.

Jeongguk followed him down the stairs and saw everyone smiling at him, "You finally came out. You need to eat a lot today. I don't want you to starve yourself. Look how skinny you gotten." Seokjin said, placing the plates down on the table.

Jeongguk sighed heavily and took a seat. He looked at the seat in front him and smiled. He saw Jihyun sitting there like the normal days, eating and smiling beautifully.

"Jeongguk, stop staring at me. I know I'm pretty and all but if you don't stop, I'm going to—"

"Jeon Jeongguk!" Hoseok raised his voice.

Jeongguk snapped out of his imagination and looked at Hoseok then at everyone else, "What?"

"You look confused. Are you okay?" Hoseok asked.

"Of course I'm okay.." He responded weakly.

Everyone already knows about his condition. They know he's sad and lost because of Jihyun sudden disappearance. They just went along and nodded their head.

'Jihyun, where are you? I miss you... Wherever you are, please come back in my arms. I miss your presence next to mine...'

I woke up and found myself in a mysterious place. I looked around the room and it was a normal bedroom. A very normal one..

Just by looking at it, it creeps me because of how normal it is. I heard someone opening the door behind me. I wanted to turn around and look, but I was too lazy to turn my head.

"You're finally awake." A familiar voice said, cheerfully.

"Is it you.." I asked lowly.

"Why of course it is darling."

It's mother. The woman who I thought was dead. The woman who I thought died right in front of my eyes. The woman I wanted dead because she killed my father aka her own husband.

"Why am I here? How long have I been out? What did your minions injected in me! How are you still alive? What are you going to do to my friends? Kill them?" I attacked her with bunch of questions.

"Maybe. I might let only six of them live. The one I'm after is your boyfriend, Jeongguk." She said.

I glared at her and clenched my jaw, "Touch him, you'll die in my hands.." I threatened.

"But sweetie, we're blood related."

I scoffed, 'Blood related my ass.'

"Let me go."

"I'm afraid I can't do that. You may be my daughter but that doesn't mean I trust you. If I let you go, you're just going to run away again. Right?"

I continued to glare at her, "Even if you don't let me go, I will find a way to run away again."

She giggled, "Oh honey, I'll like to see you try." She looked at her watch and gasped, "Oh my, will you look at the time. I am late for my doctor appointment. I have to go now. Make sure you stay here and behave, mommy will be back soon." She said before giving you a kiss on the cheek and walked out of the room.


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