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My eyes fluttered open to see my mother standing over me. Chresantos chair faced the corner and his legs were shaking ferociously. I tried to sit up but I fellclenching my stomach in pain. 

"Don't move baby." My mother lightly pushed me into my pillows. 

"Where's my grandmother?" I hissed from the pain. 

"Well sweetie she's-"

"Dead. Grandma's dead." Chresanto turned around. 

"She c-can't be dead. I refuse to believe G-Mommy is dead. You're such a liar Chresanto!" I spat. 

"I'm not fucking lying!" Chresanto growled flying out his chair. 

"Hey, hey, hey. You guys calm down. It's going to be okay." My mother gestured. 

"Okay? That's what you think it's going to be? Okay?! Man fuck that and you." I pushed her off my bed and got up. I ignored the pain and limped out the door. I hissed as I made my way to the lady behind the desk. 

"Do you know where Beverley Rodriguez room is?" I held my side. 

"Um...On here it says she's deceased and has been moved to the morgue." The lady looked up from the computer. 

"W-what? She's not dead!" I was hypervenilating again. 

"In her file it says she didn't make it and passed away on the hospital bed." The lady read the screen. I held my chest moving backwards. 

"Are you okay?" The lady raised an eyebrow. 

"I'm f-fine." I breathed heavily. A few seconds later I began throwing up again. 

"Whoa! Can I get some doctors and nurses over here! She's throwing up blood!" The lady jolted up. My eyes began to grow heavy and I blacked out once more.

2 hours later...

Here I was back in this damn hospital bed. A hospital tray with applesauce, water, and jello sat on my lap. I don't know who they think about to eat this cause I ain't. I pushed the tray off my lap and crossed my arms

"Bahja this is like the third time you did that. Could you please eat?" Vera, my nurse, said. 

"No." I said sternly. 

"Please!" Vera begged. 

"I said no!" I yelled. Vera sighed and pressed numbers on the telephone. I recognized that pattern...she was calling my mother!

"Okay fine! I'll eat." I stopped her. She sat the phone back on the hook and oredered me some more food. They sat the tray on my lap again and Vera opened my plastic utensils and my applesauce. I slowly picked up the spoon and shoved it into the applesauce. I examined the applesauce before eating it and putting it back in the small cup. 

"I'm done." I pushed the tray forward.

"Bahja...when I meant eat, I meant eat all of your food." Vera crossed her arms like me. 


"Eat. Your grandmother wouldn't want you to starve." Vera said. This time I didn't argue back because she was right. My grandmother wouldn't want me to starve...I ate the applesauce and gulped down the water. But I left the jello because it would be nasty after I ate the applesauce. Vera picked up the tray and put it on the counter. 

"Good job Bahja." Vera gave me a thumbs up. When Vera left, my assigned doctor came in with information. 

"So Mrs. Rodriguez the results of our tests came in and you're fine. It's just that since you didn't eat, you threw up blood instead of throwing up food." My doctor sat in a chair next to my hospital bed. 

"When will I be able to leave?" I huffed. 

"In five hours. We want to run more tests on you to see if you're still healthy. You lost alot of blood y'know?" My doctor stood up and walked out the room. 

"You lost alot of the blood y'know?" I mimicked him. 

"Bee you're so rude!" Zonnique giggled.

"Star!" I lightened up my mood. 

"Hey Beauty." Zonnique sat in the chair the doctor was sitting in.

"How'd you get here? Why'd you come back? Are you staying? You don't have to check on me-" 

"Bee not to be rude but shut the hell up." Zonnique stopped me from blabbing on with my questions. 

"Sorry...I'm just really excited to see you. I missed you so much..." I smiled widely. 

"I missed you too!" Zonnique gave me a light hug since I was in pain. There was an awkward silence for a minute. 

"So G-Mommy Beverley is actually..." Zonnique didn't want to say the word. 

"Yeah...I don't want her to be gone Nique!" I sobbed. 

"Neither does TT Sham, Chres, and I. But she's in a better place now." Zonnique held my hand. 

"Now look at the position you put yourself in Bahja. You put yourself in a hospital bed." Zonnique all of a sudden got strict. I wiped my tears and continued to listen to Zonnique. 

"What happened to the advice I gave you a few months ago? Did it come through one ear and fly out the other? Because I was really hoping you would listen. You need to be more confident and show some more elan. I know G-Mommy Berveley taught you better than to sit around and be depressed because she taught me that too. I just wished I could've listened..." Zonnique chewed on her bottom lip. 

"Zonnique...what do you mean?" My eyes searched hers. 

"Bahja he didn't use protection this time..." Zonnique wailed. 

"How did your step-father know you're in Atlanta?" I was livid now. 

"My grandmother told my mother who told him." Zonnique wiped her eyes. 

"I'll kill his-"

"No! You can't do that. Please don't do that. Chresanto already confronted him and they started to fight. I can't risk you getting brutally punched by my step-father." Zonnique laid her head on my leg. 

"Your step-father and Chresanto fought?!" I was totally shocked. 

"Yeah...it was a long time ago so don't say anything about it. Promise?" Zonnique flicked up her pinky. 

"Promise." I locked my pinky finger with hers. 

"Best friends forever." Zonnique hugged me. 

"This is so deja vu." I giggled. 

"Right!" Zonnique giggled too. 

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