C2 Key

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Chresanto was trying to feed me strawberry jello with one of those small red lunchable spoons. I bucked my head back everytime the jello would come close to my face. 

"Bahja could you stop resisting and eat?!" Chresanto was frustrated. 

"I'll starve to death before I eat anything Rayan sends me." I huffed.

"Fine." Chresanto got up and left the room. Not once did I touch that jello. I slid my pills out my pocket and popped one into my mouth no water, no nothing. My side was starting to hurt again...I held my face. I tugged at the cuffs trying to get them to break so I could escape. Rayan and his crew were not very smart because there was a huge vent on the wall. I looked between the cuffs and the vent and started to tug extremly hard on the cuffs. I heard a crack and then the cuffs came off. I wanted to take a breather from all that tugging but I didn't want to risk being caught with my cuffs off because then they'll watch me every moment of the day and actually tie me up with something much harder to get out of. I opened the vent and closed it back quietly. Again I wasn't going to risk being caught by one of Rayan's little henchmen...or worse Rayan. I silently crawled through the vent until I saw a vent that led outside. Instead of it being a vent that lead to the front, it led to the back. Perfect. I unscrewed the old, rusty, dusty nails and climbed out of it. There were only a few men back there and it wouldn't be hard for me to escape. I was about to move further down when my hand got scratched by something. It was four bricks! How convient. I threw the bricks at the men instantly knocking them out cold. I scooted down the roof some more and jumped off of it, landing on my feet. It was only a door in the back and there were no windows. Even more perfect. I started to take off and jump over the fence. I ran as fast as I could away from that warehouse. I ran for fourty minutes straight and I knew that because they let me keep my watch. I caught my breath before running some more. I finally got to a real actual street that had nice houses, side walks, and everything. But I didn't go down the street, I kept running. Why? because If I went in that neighbor hood they would most likely know I went there. I don't know where I'm going but hopefully I can find a train station to purchase a ticket up north. I was thinking more New York or Washington D.C. or maybe even New Jersey. But I really do think New York and New Jersey would be too obvious. Washington D.C. it is and will be. After two hours of running I finally found, what is even better, an airport. I ran inside not caring how bad I looked or smelled since I haven't had a shower in a couple of days. I ran up to the ticket desk or whatever you call it. 

"May I please get a ticket to Washington D.C.?" I breathed heavily. 

"Uh sure that'll be three hundred dollars." The man nodded. I checked my jean pockets and luckily I had put money in there before I left for Zonnique's house that day. I was a dollar short though...

"It's okay. I got it." The man smiled and printed out my ticket. 

"Any luggage?" He looked around me. 

"Nope. Just me." I smiled brightly. 

"Your gate is 218J and you might want to hurry up...your plane leaves in about ten minutes." The man said. I thanked him again and ran to my gate. Luckily everybody was just boarding the plane and fixng their luggage. I handed the lady my ticket and walked down the hall way and into the plane. The plane was full of business men and women. I guess that's because Washington D.C. was a busy and important place. I wanted to become a lawyer if I didn't become a pianist so Washington D.C. was the perfect place. The good thing is, I never told anyone I wanted to become a lawyer so they wouldn't expect me to go to D.C. They would expect me to go to California with Zonnique or like I said New York, Jersey, and probably Chicago. Washington D.C. was the least obvious place they would think of. 

"Ma'am can you please take your seat? The plane is about to take off." The flight attendant smiled. 

"Sorry." I said moving down the rows and to my seat number. I sat next to a guy with a black suit and a woman with a grey suit. I hope they couldn't smell me...

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