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I wiped the counter as I watched Zonnique like a hawk. Her eating habits are like out of control! She made me bring her four different types of coffee, two scones, and a blueberry muffin. Imagine how long it took me to make those four different types of coffee...a long ass time. But I had to take care of Zonnique because she was pregnant and it was a possibility that it could be my brother's baby. Anyways, here I was wiping down these dirty counters and next I had to wipe down the actual tables people eat on. Literally. They don't use big napkins up in here. I finished wiping the counters and now I'm working on the tables. Zonnique's table specifically.

"Lift." I referred to her cup of coffee. She lifted her cup of coffee and hugged on it. I could feel eyes burning a hole into me.

"Bahja...I'm sorry for getting you into all of this." Zonnique frowned.

"Star it's not your fault that Rayan and Jacob have this crazy obsession with me." I scrubbed the crumbs off the table.

"Well it's my fault for even getting involved with Rayan..." Zonnique sighed.

"Well that's like me saying it's my fault I fell in love with Jacob. It's not actually my fault. You can't help what the heart wants." I said throwing the wash cloth back in the water bucket and walking to the next table.

"I know that...I just really feel vulnerable and horrible." Zonnique started to cry. These mood swings were also annoying me.

"And I feel like I'm not good enough for Chresanto. Like I'm so fat and he's so skinny. Like a...stick." Zonnique cried. I didn't even say anything back to her, I just waited for the mood swings to end.

"Bahja are you even listening to me? You bitch!" Zonnique fumed.

"What? What do you possibly want Zonnique?" I turned around so quick.

"I knew it! You hate me!" Zonnique began crying again.

"Zonnique I'm going to kill you and when I kill you it won't be an accident." I said. Zonnique cried even harder and louder. I started feeling guilty so I pulled her into my arms and hugged her.

"Just admit it Bahja. I'm ugly and stupid. Stupid and ugly. I'm the beast and Chresanto's the beauty. I'm the Timmy Turner and Chresanto is the Jimmy Neutron. I'm the-"

"I get it! I get it." I cut her off. I couldn't stand hearing anymore of one of her comparisons.

"You get that I'm ugly and stupid? You're such a great friend Bahja." Zonnique sniffled and pulled out of my arms. I was fed up now. I slammed her- well kind of lightly since she's pregnant- back into her chair and held her arms to the chair. I brought my small duck tape out my pocket that the management gave me incase something broke, and taped her mouth. Then I taped her arms and legs to the chair.

"Better." I sighed and went back to work. Zonnique continued to talk and cry but they were muffled which was ten times better then unmuffled. After I finished cleaning the dirty tables, it was time to check out and go home. In all honesty, the place closed an hour ago. They bribed me into staying after work hours everyday with a higher pay check, Ten twenty-five to be exact. I untaped Zonnique who was surprisingly quiet on the walk home. Now I really had to plan on purchasing a car because Zonnique was pregnant and is not supposed to be walking this far. I unlocked the door to my house and let Zonnique go in first since she was tired from all the walking.

"I promise I'll buy a car tomorrow." I nodded. Zonnique thanked me and walked into the second bedroom. My furniture was here now and instead of there being a couch in the living room, the couch was in my room. I let Zonnique have the bed since well y'know she's pregnant. I didn't mind because the couch was a pull out couch. I changed my clothes and put on my pajamas. Zonnique came back with her pajamas on and dug in the refrigerator for some food. So far in my refrigerator I had fruit, sliced honey ham, condiments, butter, yogurt, microwavable bacon, snickers, snickers ice cream, regular ice cream (strawberry, chocolate, and vanilla), popsicles, hot pockets, Tyson's chicken nuggets, some chicken I can fry with my new fryer, and some other stuff. Chresanto gave us money for food if you're wondering. I still have some money to purchase a car and that's what I'm doing on my day off tomorrow. I'm also treating Zonnique and I to a hair, nail, and spa day. Can pregnant people even go to a spa? I'll find out tomorrow. Zonnique was eating strawberry yogurt and strawberries.

"Nique you know strawberries are already in..." Zonnique gave me a look that could kill.

"Never mind." I backed up. Zonnique continued to eat and watch the living room television that Chresanto gave us money for. He also gave Zonnique money for a television in her room and he gave me money for a bed in my room. We have to wait one more day for those to get here.

"So Zonnique...did you tell Chresanto that he might be the father of your child?" I leaned on the wall. Zonnique began to play in her yogurt with her spoon which was rare because she usually ate everything up in one bite.

"Zonnique!" I smacked my lips.

"I'm sorry Bahja! I just couldn't. He looks so happy living his life all out there and stuff...I don't want to mess that up for him." Zonnique said.

"Zonnique you can't raise that child all alone." I frowned.

"Yeah I know. That's why I have you. My best friend Bahja!" Zonnique cheered. I gave her a stern look.

"When Chresanto comes back in three days to check on us, you're telling him." I instructed.

"Please Bahja don't make me tell him! It'll break his heart!" Zonnique pleaded.

"Does this face look like it cares." I pointed to my straight face because I knew my straight face could give no cares...let me rephrase that fucks.

"Fine. But if he rejects me I'm not your friend anymore." Zonnique crossed her arms. I mimicked her before going in the kitchen and warming up a hot pocket. Then there suddenly was a knock on my door.

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