Chapter 1: Tempest Dyon

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I look around at the giant academy! I didn't think that this was that big of a school, when I saw the opportunity for an art scholarship, but holy crap. My foster parents are gonna flip out. Great, another beating. I hate the power that my eyes have sometimes. I understand why they hit me, why they beat me. And I hate understanding why, I really hate being able to feel other people's pain sometimes.

"Hello! My name's Kiari. I'm supposed to show you around today." A girl says and I look in her eyes to search for the mild threat I hear I her voice. I don't see anything, but her tone isn't telling me the same thing. I activate my power.

Kiari's past:

"You're gonna be the best singer in the world someday Kiari. Please sing to me." Kiari's mom asks her and she starts singing like a bird.

Flash forward:

"You'll never be able to sing again Miss Ryland. I'm so sorry." A doctor tells Kiari, and she starts crying.

"My mom won't approve of me now." She says rocking back and forth. However Tempest sees the betrayal in the doctor's eyes. This girl can sing.

Back to Tempest:

"Ryland-san, you can sing. Please just try, if there's a music room I can play piano for you, just try."

"How did you-"

"Please don't ask. No one ever believes me."

"Every time I try to sing nothing comes out."

"I swear on my parents graves you can sing, just try one more time for me, if not for me then for your mama." I reply passionately holding her hands.

"Alright, I suppose trying one more time wouldn't hurt anything." Kiari says seeming a little creeped out.

"Sorry I'm passionate about music and art. And have a mysterious power that's telling me you can sing." I explain backing up a little.

"Okay then, here follow me." She says showing me to music room #2. "Do you know Hanging Tree?" She asks me and I nod. "Alright, you can start." I start playing and she starts singing, a little shaky at first but gets stronger through the song. Once the song ends she looks at me with happy tears in her eyes.

"I told you Ryland-san." I say smiling excitedly. She hugs me.

"Excuse me, I don't even know your name yet."

"Oh right, my name's Tempest Dyon, nice to meet you Ryland-san." I explain rubbing the back of my head embarrassedly.

"I'm so happy right now. Thank you Dyon-kun. I'm sorry I have to go and tell my mom about this." I nod and laugh a little as she runs out of the room the happiest she's been in years.

"Well I suppose I have to find my first period class on my own." I say to myself smiling happy that Kiari realized it was a mental block keeping her from singing. I get up and start to wander the hallways.

"Wow, we've never seen you before." I hear two voices say in sync behind me.

"Oh um hello. Ryland-san kind of ran off, would you all tell me where class 1-A is?" I ask the two boys, who look like identical twins.

"We'll tell you if you tell us how you got your hair like that."

"My hair? It's natural!" I explain while they put their arms on my shoulders like cats.

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