Chapter 8: Asking A Favor

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"Oh hey guys." I say to the twins who are looking at me as I click my pen irritated.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah yeah I'm fine. My little brother Legend should be coming in anytime now. Hopefully."

"Wait you have another one?"

"My biological brother yeah he's two years younger than me. I'm getting worried. I'm gonna go find him."

"Relax. He'll be here in a few." They say together. I keep fidgeting with my pen until he and Haruhi come in.

"Tempest we need to talk over here for a second."

"What is it?"

"I think that man you mentioned, Kain was here. Legend glared at a man with long black hair and red eyes passed us in the hallway. I think he's going to be our teacher."

"Thank you Haruhi. I need to go check this out." I say rushing out of the room.

Legend POV:

"Ne-san should stop!" I exclaim as Ne-san runs out of the room. "It was him!"

"Kain?" Haruhi asks me curiously.

"Yes." I say.

"I told your sister to ask one of the guys a favor, will you ask one of them for her. She's not gonna ask anyone to help her. She can't, it's just too against her nature." Haruhi says.

"They'll help her during the meeting Friday?" I ask Haruhi knowing all too well how much my sister can't lean on other people.

"Of course. Will you come to club with me after school. Your sister is the manager." I nod smiling.

"I'm glad I know you Haru." I say and she smiles.

"So who's this?" Two boys with red hair ask.

"I'm Legend Dyon." I reply.

"Wow you're her little brother. You two don't look very alike." They say and I shake my head.

"Yeah we do, our noses are the same, some of our other features are the same as well." I reply.

"Alright." One of them says begrudgingly. I smile and go to class. All day girls fangirl all over me, saying I look awesome with my different colored eyes and my height for how young I am. I just shrug it off indifferently.

"Alright Lej-chan these guys are absolutely crazy. Expect some really over the top stuff, alright?"

"Yeah yeah I'm just here for my sister." I say and we go in.

"Hi Haru-chan!" A boy who looks my age says.

"Oh my is that Legend?" A blond dude asks.

"Who are you all?"

"I'm Tamaki, that's Kyoya, Honey, Mori, Hikaru and Kaoru. And you already know Haruhi." I look at Mori and realize he's the person Haruhi wants me to ask.

"She likes him doesn't she Haruhi?" I ask in her ear. She grins.

"And how do you know that?" She asks me with a spark in her eyes.

"He looks really worried. And I'm worried too."

"Interesting." She says. I start fiddling.

"She hasn't come back since she ran out." I say. The door opens and Ne-san comes in like it's a normal day. Well she doesn't have bruises. She seems okay, then she rubs her back subconsciously.

"What'd he do Ne-san?" I ask her.

"Nothing Legend" She replies smiling. That's her smile when she's about to cry. "I'm sorry for being late you all." Mori stares at her and she blatantly ignores it. I go over to Mori and Honey.

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