Chapter 5: The Ball, with Hiroki, Jas, and Andrea

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"You did really well with these." Haruhi says as she puts her tux on. I smile as I put on my dress. It's dark blue with a long flowy skirt. "Here let me get the back of that." She zips up the back of my dress and we go out of the dressing room.

"Wow Haru-chan you look good! Tem-chan you look really good too! Doesn't she Takashi?" Honey asks the tall giant next to him. Mori nods and I smile.

"Ne-chan, how how do I look?" Hiroki asks me and I grin at my handsome little brother.

"You look awesome, Hiroki. Same thing with you Andrea, you too Jas!" I say and Andrea and Jas just look at me with their mouths open.

"You look so great, Ne-san!" They say in sync making everybody laugh a little.

"You did really well with your designs tonight, Tempest." Hikaru says and I say "Thank you."

"Alright everyone it is time for the show to begin, Hiroki you know what to do." Tamaki says to Hiroki and I look at the both of them questioningly.

"I'm helping out tonight, I'm gonna give a girl a kiss on the cheek later." He says and I look at Tamaki my face showing my displeasure.

"You're using my little brother as a reward?" I ask him once everyone files out preparing for the opening.

"He wanted to, when we were making plans he said he would do it. And we're not gonna argue with him, he's cute enough that girls will want to dance with him tonight." Tamaki says and I nod.

"Alright, but if I find out you asked him to do this then you're dead meat!" I threaten him, he cowers a little. We walk out and I see bright lights all over a bright ballroom. Wow this is so gorgeous.

"Good evening ladies, as usual we are at your disposal tonight. Also at the end of the night, whichever lady that proves herself through dancing, and shows grace, will get a kiss on the cheek from our special guest, Hiroki. He is also open for dancing. We would also like to announce that we now have a manager, this is Tempest Dyon. If you would like to schedule anything or even dance with her, please consult her." Kyoya announces and the girls murmur and fangirl over Hiroki. Andrea and Jas go and dance with some of the girls too, I watch them smiling.

"Ne-san, may I have this dance?" Hiroki asks me and I take his hand. "You look really great Ne-san." He says as we glide through the ballroom.

"Thanks, Hiroki! When did you learn how to dance?" I ask him.

"Kyoya-san showed me this week." He replies. Once the song ends he bows and I curtsy. My little brother is becoming a true gentleman. Gosh I love him.

"Miss Dyon, um," I hear a timid voice behind me. I look behind me and smile at the timid girl who's in the cutest dress.

"What is it, miss?" I ask her my eyes twinkling.

"I was wondering if you would dance with me?" She asks gathering up her courage.

"I would love to!" I say grinning. The girl and I dance and by the end of the song we're both laughing at each other for the absurdity of the situation, and how she and I just can't dance together.

"I'm Elizabeth, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, Eli-chan!" I say with a grin and a wink. She grins back and walks off.

"You're really bad at dancing." I hear Hikaru and Kaoru say behind me.

"Yeah, but I still have fun." I reply with a smile.

"You're in a good mood." Kaoru says.

"Of course I am, this isn't really something I would do a lot, but it's really fun to do every once in awhile. Now if you'll excuse me, I have little sisters to scare." I say grinning mischievously. I stealthily walk over to Andrea and Jas and loudly say "Boo!" causing them both to jump out of their skins. I laugh and they both look at me with a mischievous glint in their eye.

"We'll get you back later Ne-san!" Andrea says and I wink. That's when Mori comes over to me.

"May I have this dance?" He asks me and I blush taking his hand.

"Of course Mori-senpai." I reply and he smiles. The song starts and we twirl around the dance floor. He's a great dancer, and it's easy for even me to follow his lead. He twirls me around and causes me to go out, then I come back and his arms are around me. I blush again, no guy's ever done that to me, well other than the ones who tried to rape me.

"You're gorgeous." Mori-senpai says and eventually the song ends.

"Thank you for the dance Mori-senpai." I say curtsying. He bows, and I try to recover my heart. Wow, dancing with him felt so nice.

"Hey Ne-san, do you like him?" Jas asks me.

"What, no. We've barely spoken two words to each other. How could I like him?" I ask her.

"I don't know, you sure seemed like you like him just now." She says smiling. I shake my head.

"Nope." I reply. That's when the host club motions for everybody to join them outside on the veranda.

"Tonight's last dance will be in honor of this awkward couple, please join them and dance." Tamaki says and I look to see Konoko a girl who had been teaching Haruhi how to waltz the past week, and her fiance. The host club must have done something seeing as they look really happy. I smile and watch from the veranda, until Kaoru asks "May I have this dance?" I take his hand and we start dancing. "Your little brother would be a good host."

"Not happening Kaoru." I reply and he shrugs.

"I don't know he looks like he's enjoying himself." Kaoru says, "Also how do you know I'm Kaoru, I could be Hikaru."

"Your voice is different than his. You're not very different but I can tell you two apart from your voices, so in other words I'm observant, but not as observant as Haruhi."

"I guess that makes sense." Kaoru says.

"Well it's gonna have to make sense, cuz' it's true." The dance ends and Kaoru bows and I curtsy.

"And now we crown Miss Konoko as queen, in celebration of the end of her host hopping days." Tamaki says and Konoko hesitates a little but her fiance says "It's just a peck on the cheek, you can do that." She bends down and Hiroki gives her a peck on the cheek. I smile happily.

"Well at least it wasn't Haruhi." Tamaki says and I roll my eyes.

"Just date already." I say to him and he looks at me taken aback.

"No, no she's my daughter. I love her like a father would his daughter." He sputters and I roll my eyes.

"Well I'm gonna call it a night. Hiroki, Jas, Andrea you all ready to go?" I say loudly and they gather up their stuff.

"See ya later Oni-Chans!" Jas and Andrea say at the same time. Tamaki winks at them and I roll my eyes.

"Miss Dyon, your ride is here." Ryan says to me, I guess she's my own personal maid now, I mean considering she did come in the ballroom to get me.

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