Chapter 9: The Mysterious Parents

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A/N: Now we've been through a lot in the past few chapters. I apologize for making them so painful, it was honestly painful for me to write them. However, I thought it might be a good time for a brief reprieve for those of you who binge read like I do. Of course you probably skip the A/Ns like I do sometimes as well lol. Anyways this chapter will be about the Dyon's mysterious parents. Also I have major plans in the future BE PREPARED.

Kiara Dyon POV: 

I look at the lights of Tokyo and look up at the stage before me nervously.

"Don't worry Kiara you're gonna do great!!" My best friend Tempest says.

"What if they think that I'm not good enough what if?"

"Stop right there Kiara, remember I'll be there to watch you." She replies and I nod.

"I'm gonna name one of my kids after you Tempest." I tell her and she laughs.

"No way." She says and I grin. Oh it's gonna happen. I go up on the stage after another girl named Quinn Easton.

"Good morning, miss?"

"Rizzatoni. Kiara Rizzatoni." I say to the man who has an eyepatch and a neonish blue eye.

"Well miss Kiara, what do you plan to show us today?" He asks me.

"I will do some ballet for you today." I say and look to see Tempest in the crowd. I relax and my music starts. (Routine up above). When I finish the three judges stand up and clap.

"That was good. I'm gonna scout you." The man with the eyepatch says and I jump up happily.

"Thank you so much sir. Um can I ask who's scouting me?"

"You don't know me? I'm Ryce Dyon, you know the ballet prodigy with his own studio." He replies with a cocky smirk. If I weren't so in awe of him right now I would slap him because of his attitude.

"Holy hell! I'm in the presence of a legend!!" I exclaim.

"No I believe I'm in the presence of a potentially bigger legend." He replies.

"Yeah yeah, get outta here Dyon. Take your new student with you." One of the other judges says.

"Of course Keith." He replies grabbing my hand and pulls me along. I follow him trying to keep up.

"So Mr. Dyon why the eyepatch?"

"I have Heterochromia iridum it makes my eyes two different colors. Some people find that creepy in the dancing business so I cover my eye. Maybe I'll let you take it off at some point." He explains and I nod.

"You're so calm about that. Dyon-kun." I say and he shrugs.

"It's not something I'm ashamed of." He replies and I smile.

"Well that's good then." I reply. Over the next few months he trains me and slowly he starts to win me over with his cocky attitude. I honestly hated it at first but now my opinion's changed. I find it part of his charm.

Ryce POV:

As soon as I saw her enter upon the stage I knew I had found the love of my life. She was gorgeous with her pink eyes and long blue and green hair. Her smile. She was the first person I had ever told about the real reason I have an eye patch. She just seems so naive, but trustworthy. I stare at her for a little bit as she practices a new routine that I showed her. She's so talented, she will be the next big thing.

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