Chapter 2: Elementary, and Just A Bit Of Tempest

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Andrea POV:

"Hey An-chan!" My friend Jas says waving to me. I look at her and smile trying to shove the melancholy out of my eyes. She looks at me worried.

"What happened?"

"You remember my big sister Tempest right?" She nods. They met once or twice.

"Well my foster parents hit her again, and my brother!" I say trying not to cry.

"An-chan. I asked my parents if they would adopt you guys. Guess what they said??" Jas asks me, her eyes really bright and happy.

"D-did they say yes?" I ask her not trying to get my hopes up, sounds to good to be true.

"Yep!" She exclaims.

"Are you sure Jas? Not many people would do that." I say fiddling with my fingers.

"Excuse me, Jas I think we'll be alright. Our sister may not like this at all." Hiroki says.

"Yes she would, aniki!" I exclaim angrily.

"Fine you tell her and see how she takes it. I'm staying out of it." Hiroki says angrily.

"Hiroki, Andrea!" Tempest calls us.

"Ne-chan!" I exclaim giving her a huge hug.

"Hey baby girl. Oh hi Jas! How are you?" Tempest asks noticing Jas looking at us.

"Come home with me and be my big sister!" Jas exclaims.

"Haha, Jas-chan. Maybe if you wanted to adopt us, but I don't think your parents would do that honey." Tempest replies.

"Yes they would." I say and she looks at me.

"What?" She asks me having the same look I had when I was trying to keep my hopes down.

"I told my parents about the situation you all are in. I managed to talk them into adopting you! All three of you." Tempest looks Jas in the eyes and searches them. She nods after a minute.

"Well Jas, I suppose we oughta meet your parents, and are you sure they would want a kid my age?" Tempest asks and Jas nods. I smile, but Hiroki frowns.

"Why do we trust her?" Hiroki asks angrily. Tempest kneels down and hugs him.

"Don't worry you'll still be my little brother and I'll still be your big sister. We'd just have some good parents." Tempest says and Hiroki starts bawling. I hug him and Jas just stares at us. Tempest opens her arms. "Cmon you too baby girl. You're gonna be my new little sister." Jas smiles and joins us. A bell rings.

"Oh crap is it that time already? I'm so sorry guys I wanted to eat lunch with you all but I gotta go." We all watch her run off and Jas attacks me with a hug.

"We're gonna be sisters!!" She exclaims and I giggle. Hiroki smiles and then says "I'm not sure how I'll deal with three sisters. Two of which are absolutely crazy."

"Aw, you'll find a way Hiro-chan!" Jas says grinning at him.

"Oh look if it isn't the poor twins who don't have any parents."

"Hey leave them alone." Jas says before the popular girl can continue her rant. "They happen to be my brother and sister. And their older sister's gonna be my big sister. So before you say anything hurtful to them realize you'll make an enemy." I start crying, she actually stood up for me. I'm so happy, I used to be very heavily bullied at Easton Elementary, to the point where I was starving myself and lashing out against Eiji and Akumi. Just asking for more beatings. I've had scars since first grade, but I'm so happy I have a friend like Jas. Hiroki hugs me, and protectively holds me under his chin. I hug him back trying to stop my tears.

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