Chapter 15: A Host Club Christmas Eve

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"Tempest, Lej-chan, I wanted to warn you before you walked in there. The guys are planning to have a Christmas party for all of the guests. At your house!" Haruhi exclaims seeming a bit out of breath.

"We know." Legend and I say at the same time. The day after I met Ryce last week, Kyoya called me.


"Next week we will be having a Christmas ball, I have already cleared this with Quinn-san but wanted to give you a warning. We will be having the ball at your house, on Wednesday. Please design our suits by then." Kyoya says in the phone.

"You can't just expect me to design and get all of that done in a week, and if you all are here I have to design my siblings outfits as well you jackass." I reply angrily.

"The twins mom will help you, I've already asked her if you could come over and show her your designs on Sunday." Kyoya's cool response. I hang up and start designing.


I had to put off Ryce meeting Legend because of it. My eye twitches.

"Um, is she okay?" Haruhi asks Legend as we go in. 

"She's stressed because the twins mum bashed two of her designs, and it was the ones for Mori-kun and Honey." Legend replies nervously explaining, scared that I might blow up at them. 

"Not nice enough, my arse. Those suits were two of my better designs. I mean at least for funny ugly Christmas suits. She redesigned them completely!" I mutter as the twins come and put their elbows on my head.

"Well that's our mom for you." They say heartlessly.

"Get off me." I say angrily. 

"Don't feel like it." Hikaru replies monotonously. I glare at him and he stares back.

"It's alright Tempest. Come on over and have some cake with us." Elizabeth says coming over and sitting me down in between her and Mori. I look around to see Kiari with Kyoya. I smirk. 

"I can't wait to see Ki-chan get with Kyoya." Honey says cutely and I snicker evilly. 

"We should get them on a date sometime." I say with an evil matchmaker grin.

"Heck yes! We're so spying!" Elizabeth says and I nod vigorously. Then I notice Mori looking at my wolf necklace curiously. I start playing with it.

"Someone gave it to me, as a present." I say rubbing the back of my head not wanting to have to explain that it was my birth father, at least not to Honey and Eli.

"Haruhi go get us more commoners' coffee." I hear Tamaki say and I sigh relieved. I go over to them.

"Why should I go get it Tamaki-senpai? I always get it." Haruhi complains.

"I'll go, I'll see you all in a bit." I say halfway out the door already.

"Wait." Mori says getting up. Everybody stares as he comes over to me. We then kind of just walk out awkwardly. I know he wants a real answer about the necklace, I blow on my hands warming them up a little and shove them in my pockets and sigh a little.

"My birth father, Ryce Dyon gave it to me. You know my chauffeur, Carson right? Well he was originally a doctor at the clinic where they treated Ryce after he almost died. My mom had somehow switched places with him and shoved him out of the buses' way. Carson was the doctor who treated him, and he told me that my father was always moaning out about his son and daughter in his sleep. There was a plot at the clinic though, the other other doctors were stealing money from the clinic's funding. He had caught wind of it, and somehow they found out about something he had done in the past. They were blackmailing him, and made him their fall guy. Since Ryce was his last patient forever, he wanted to go the extra mile and find his family. It took him awhile to reunite us, but he did it." I explain fiddling with the necklace.

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