Chapter 3: Moving In, and A Chat With Hiroki

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A/N: Up above is Askari who should look a bit older than she does in the picture, and Akita except he has long hair and no eyepatch. Don't forget to comment and vote :)

"Good morning Dyon-kun!!" Kiari-chan says running up to me and hugging me.

"How'd it go with your mom yesterday?" I ask her happily as we walk to our class. I notice people looking at me and pointing, especially girls. I shrug it off.

"Oh my gosh, she was so happy and surprised that she fainted." She replies and I laugh.

"That's hilarious!" I say and she nods trying to keep the snickers in. The twins from yesterday come up to us.

"The boss wants to see you later today." They say in sync.

"I can't I'm moving out today! And I have to help my brother and sister pack! I can come tomorrow though!"

"Ugh, he'll grow mushrooms in the corner again all day!" Hikaru says.

"Deal with it. Sorry my moving has to be so deadly to you." I say sarcastically. Kiari laughs a little and then waves me goodbye. I wave at her and school goes on. And on. And on. Until finally the bell rings and I sprint out of school excited to get home and help Hiroki and Andrea pack. I look inside to find Eiji on top of Andrea, about to rape her. I put my finger to my lips to signal Hiroki to be quiet. He nods and mouths "I'm so sorry Ne-chan!" I give him a tiny smile. Then I turn my anger onto Eiji.

"GET THE HELL OFF MY SISTER!" I yell and Eiji looks at me but doesn't stop.

"Oh no, you're the ones who decided to leave. You're gonna stay to watch this." Eiji says insanely. Akumi sneaks up behind me.

"Ne-chan!" Hiroki exclaims. I slam my foot on her toe and with a strength I never knew I had I knee her hard in the stomach.

"You will never touch my sister nor my brother again. You will never approach us. You will never ever hurt us again." I say as Eiji pulls down Andrea's skirt. I kick him off with the same supernatural strength that I hurt Akumi with. I pull her skirt up for her and then she gets up and starts sobbing. I hug her and Hiroki puts his hand on her head. He then looks at Eiji and crouches down next to him.

"Look I only let you hurt me. You think that Ne-chan's bad. Believe me I will make your life a living hell. Do not touch either of them again."

"What do you think you're saying you brat." Hiroki presses his hand against a spot on Eiji's neck. Eiji starts to convulse after a few seconds. Hiroki let's go and nods towards me. "Don't tell her about this." He mouths and I nod. My little brother could be an assassin that's not scary. Thank God he's on my side at least.

"I'm so sorry, Ne-san, aniki." Andrea says through her tears.

"For what baby girl you did nothing." I reply.

"Yeah Andrea, it's our job to protect you."

"But I'm a monster like you all too. I have the ability to give people major headaches. I almost killed Akumi-san a few days ago when she tried to hurt me with a knife."

"And I can see people's memories through looking in their eyes. Baby girl, you're not a monster like me. Neither is your brother. And I'm not gonna hear anything else saying otherwise." I say kissing her forehead. "And next time anyone but your husband tries to touch you like that, you can use your ability." She giggles and I smile. "We'll talk later." I mouth at Hiroki and he nods. I help the two pack up and a limo with Jas-chan in it comes to pick us up.

"Are you ready An-chan?" She asks Andrea and Andrea nods vigorously.

"Haha, I can't wait to get the hell out of this house." I say and Jas-chan looks at me horrified with my language.

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