Chapter 7: The Resort

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I watch Honey who waves to me from the wave pool. He looks happy.

"Do you like it here Tempest?" Kyoya asks me as he comes up next to me.

"Pools aren't exactly my thing, i-in the past something happened there and it was really hard to get over." I reply remembering the time that a foster parent tried to drown me.

"I apologize for us dragging you here." Kyoya says. I shrug.

"All good this is really fun senpai." I say smiling up at him. He nods approvingly and walks off after a little. I fall back into my melancholy.

"Are you alright Tem-chan?" Honey asks me tilting his head cutely.

"Yeah, I'm alright Honey. Thanks." I say looking out into the water. I keep flashing back to that time when my head was forced under the water. I'm screaming under water in protest. A boy about my age pulled me away from that man. I was terrified, that boy helped me get out of the pool and held me until I stopped crying. Then he called someone and child services picked me up within ten minutes. A hand wipes at my cheek and I look up to see Mori.

"Mori-senpai?" I ask and he pats my head. He sits next to me with some lemonade and we watch Honey swim in the pool by himself.

"I was almost drowned in a pool by a foster parent a long time ago in my past. I'm having some flashbacks right now." I answer his silent question. He puts his hand on my head as I try to regain my calm. "Sorry, I might have to leave today."

"The way out." He points. "Our chauffeur can take you." He says and I nod.

"Thank you." I say and he nods. Before I leave Honey gets swept away in the wave pool, and it starts pouring rain. Bloody hell. "Never mind, we can find Honey together then senpai." He barely shakes his head. "I'm staying!" I reply obstinately. He stares at me and I stare back, a nervous feeling in my stomach. Not like I like him nervous, a scary nervous, but somehow excited. He turns around silently giving in and I sigh relieved. He just walks on and follows the others. I follow him and we all walk in the jungle. I look at his face and realize he's really worried. Haruhi does too.

"Don't worry senpai I'm sure Honey will be okay." Haruhi says and I look at her gratefully. She smiles at me. I feel a little threatened right now. That's so strange. I kind of space out until we get to a pavilion then Mori starts to walk off.

"Wait Mori-senpai, I'll go with you." Haruhi says and I fidget with my fingers. They go off together and I get really irritated.

"Oh my, Kaoru I think someone's a little jealous."

"Really, so do I Hikaru. I wonder why she's jealous though." Kaoru says blowing in my ear. I get chills up and down my back.

"Please don't do that again Kaoru." I say politely.

"Oh it annoys you eh?" He blows in my ear again and I lightly elbow him in the stomach. He cringes and I pull away from Hikaru and Kaoru. "Seriously Kaoru I can't deal with that right now. I was already having flashbacks earlier." I say remembering when Eiji and another man named Kain did that. Not together at one time, but Kain was worst than Eiji. I walk out of the pavilion not showing them my tears. I collapse when I get out of anybody's earshot. I cry out loudly bawling my eyes out. I cry my heart out, and when I'm done I manage to find my way out of the jungle. There I find everyone together. I laugh with them for a little bit while they go on about their crazy shenanigans.

"You're crazy." Haruhi says to Kaoru and Hikaru. When they notice me, Kaoru comes over.

"I'm sorry for earlier. I forget about your past sometimes." He says and I rub my neck.

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