Chapter 11: An Interesting Night

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I watch a little jealous as Honey and Mori host a few girls. The girls were obviously there for Honey, because he is the most adorable boy in the world but still. Ugh. I look away from Mori and start doodling. Kiari and Elizabeth come up to me.

"How's it going with Rose?" Kiari asks me sitting down next to me.

"It's going, she warned me to stay away from Haru and Elizabeth but I'm straight. And not really attracted to Haruhi." I say and she rolls her eyes.

"She's so weird." Elizabeth says and I shrug.

"She's trying to keep you as her property, believe me it's not that unusual for people, I should know." I tell her.

"It isn't?" She asks curiously.

"No, it isn't I'm afraid." I reply and look up at the rock to see three girls waving at Haruhi. Then I see some boys looking at them with lust in their eyes. "Excuse me you two I have to go prevent something annoying from happening."

"Excuse me this is a private beach." I hear Haruhi say as I show up behind her.

"So I'm sure you can spread the love." One of the guys says holding one of the girl's chins. I flashback to Eiji, and Kain. I freeze up not listening to anything, not being able to move. Before I realize it I find a boy's arms snaking around me as Haruhi gets thrown into the ocean. I manage to get my head screwed on enough to kick him in the place where the sun just don't shine. He yells out in pain and throws me into the ocean after calling me a bitch and a few other things. I start to struggle a little terrified that I might drown again. I feel a familiar hand pull me up and someone picks me up bridal style.

"What were you thinking Haruhi?" I hear Tamaki yell as my shock finally wears off.

"I was thinking that those girls needed help, senpai."

"We were right there! Why didn't you get help?" Tamaki asks her.

"I just thought I could help them senpai." Haruhi replies and I get put down. I look to see Mori staring at me.

"Why didn't you ask for help, Tem-chan?" Honey asks Mori's silent question out loud for him.

"I saw something and just reacted, I didn't mean to hurt anyone." I say and Mori stares at me before kissing me on the forehead.

"Next time ask for help." Honey says and I nod, not apologizing.

"I won't talk to you until you both realize your mistake. Haruhi you're still a girl!" Tamaki yells at us and I shrug it off. I go on back to Nekozawa's house and change into some pjs. I run into Haruhi in the hallway.

"Tamaki-senpai is just overreacting," She says to me.

"He's honestly not, we should've asked them for help. We're not like Honey or Mori who have martial arts training, we can't just overpower 3 boys our age Haruhi. Honestly I agree with them, we were in the wrong."

"I guess I'm just used to dealing with things on my own." Haruhi says and I nod.

"I'm used to it as well, I'm used to protecting my little siblings on my own." I reply and she nods. We walk together and I end up next to Mori, who's next to Honey of course.

"I'm sorry Mori." i say to him and he smiles. I relax and then watch Haruhi and Tamaki fight just shaking my head amused at the lover's quarrel.

"I think I'm gonna call it a night Takashi, Tem-chan. See you all in the morning!" Honey says with his adorable smile.

"Night Honey, don't let the bedbugs bite." I say and he giggles.

"I won't." He says as Haruhi rushes out of the room about to throw up. She had way too much crab. Mori gets up and takes my hand pulling me along with him. I tilt my head curiously.

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