Chapter 14: Rose Suzuki

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"Holy hell, Dyon. I didn't think you'd do it but you got the dress, it fits my requirements and it's better than what I wanted. Who designed this?" Rose asks. I step forward.  "You did this?"

"Yes I did Rose, and I worked my ass off, so if you don't want to wear it. We're gonna have problems."

"No I just wanted to say thank you. I'm sorry for what I did at school. I'm letting Elizabeth go."

"She was never yours to begin with." I reply looking down my nose at her. "People aren't property. Believe me I should know."

"I gotta go. See ya Tempest." Rose says taking the dress with her.

"Oi, my payment please?"

"It'll go through him." She replies nodding toward the man who might be my birth father.

A/N: Hey you all, this next part is very emotional for me. I'm adopted by amazing parents. However I would want an opportunity to meet my birth parents, both of them. I'm not sure how I would react if I met them, so I'm just going on how I think it might go. Also if any of you are adopted as well, my heart goes out to you as a fellow adopted peep. Message me if you're ever feeling lonely. I'll be there.

"So um Tempest, may I call you Tempest?" My birth father asks.

"Of course. I'm gonna call you Ryce for now though, I'm not really sure if I should call you dad, seeing as I haven't had a good one." I reply with a grimace.

"I can accept that. You look exactly like your mum." He replies and I look at him surprised.

"I do?" I ask and he nods.

"Yes, yes you do." He replies with a small smirk. 

"Never been told I look like someone before. That's nice to know." I say smiling. "So what was she like, my mom?" I ask and sit across from him at a desk in the room. 

"She was a hard worker, a great dancer, a beautiful woman, she had red eyes instead of pink, she looked gorgeous in anything but I'm probably biased, strong, resilient, and she persevered through anything. I remember one time before a performance, her partner had pulled out that day. I'll tell you now, her eyes were full of passion and she went up on stage and did a completely new and different routine. I'm still amazed by that, even to this day." He says and I let the words drift over me, my mother sounds like she was amazing. "Tempest, Carson told me some of the stuff you went through, I'm so sorry that you had to go through that. I should have looked harder for you and your brother."

"Ryce, please don't worry about it. I still have the ghosts, but I will never blame what I went through on you. You couldn't find us, it's that simple also if you want I can bring Legend here, I mean in a couple days." I say smiling.

"Only if he's alright with it. He might hate me for not being able to find him." Ryce says and I shake my head.

"He doesn't, I practically raised him, I should know. Also I have a question it might sound weird." I say, I haven't had to use my powers lately but I want to know.


"Did either you or mom have a power to see into other people's past, or just a power that affected the other person if you looked in their eyes?" I ask trying to explain my siblings and I's powers.

"Your mum did, she could tell if a person was lying. It was kinda scary how she would use it sometimes, she told me it was hereditary and everybody had a different power in her family." He replies and I nod.

"Okay, so it is hereditary that's good to know. Also why are you wearing an eye patch?" 

"I have Heterochromia iridium." He replies and I give a wolfish grin.

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