Chapter 16: A Host Club Christmas Eve

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I look around at the twins mansion, all decorated for Christmas. They really went all out. I see a Garfield Cat ornament on the tree and grin. That makes me happy. It's been awhile since I've read Garfield. Mori looks at me and smiles.

"You look cute tonight Tem-chan." Honey says once he arrives.

"Thanks. You're looking pretty cute too!" I say winking at him. He's wearing the party suit I designed for him. The Host Club Christmas Eve party is just for all of us. It's not for the guests. It's a calm before the storm kind of thing. We all get each other presents. Haruhi and I went shopping together on Monday, she got small key chains with each hosts trademark thing. So like for Honey she found one that had a bunny that looks like Usa-chan, and for Tamaki a bear. We found cats for the twins, and then Kyoya and Takashi were a lot harder. In the end we ended up getting those two some plain old key chains that had their club color on em. (A/N: IM LAME ALRIGHT)

I ended up getting everybody different gifts. Like for Tamaki I got a tie with bears on it, and for Kyoya I got a tiny flexible table so he can put his computer on top of something at night if he wants. For Honey I got a bunny mug, and for the twins I got a pop art design with four squares with them having different expression. They'll be able to hang it up in their room. And then Takashi's present is a little more personal so I'm giving it him after the party. We're gonna hang out at my place for a little while.

"Alright time to play Guess Who It's From!" Tamaki exclaims excitedly.

"We nominate the boss to go first!" The twins say together and everyone nods.

"Really thanks guys!" He says going for Haruhi's gift first. "Omigosh this is so cuttteeee!!" Tamaki exclaims and looks around. "I'm guessing it's from Haruhi." He says and she nods. "Alright then it's you next."

Haruhi opens a bigger sized box. In it she finds a ton of chocolate. "Honey-senpai right?" She asks and he nods smiling adorably.

Honey opens a smallish box that isn't mine cuz the wrappings different. Hmm who else would do something that smallish? He pulls out a super cute bunny ornament. "Kyoya?" Honey asks and Kyoya shakes his head. "Awww who was it?"

"Us." The twins say grinning. The gifts go around for awhile like that until Kyoya opens his portable table.

"I was actually thinking about one of these the other day, I'm gonna guess it was you Tempest." He says in his matter of a fact voice.

"You caught me." I say. I open a bigger box to find Fullmetal Alchemist Cosplay gear. "Was it you two?" I ask the twins

"Nope." They reply and Kyoya speaks up "That was me actually." I grin.

"Thanks Kyoya!! I've wanted this stuff for awhile." I say and he nods. The gifts go around again until Tamaki opens his tie.

"Your turn Tempest!!" Tamaki says grinning. I go for a tinier box. I open it and an arrow ring with an arrow bracelet is inside. I smile. "Takashi's." He nods next to me and my face flares up.

"You two are so cuttteee!!" Tamaki exclaims and the gifts go around again. The Twins soon open theirs from me. "Wow this is epic, Tempest." They say.

"Thanks!" I say grinning. I open my next box. I find a really cute fox plushie with a fox keychain and a little note that I'll save for later. "It's Honey?" I ask and he grins.

"Yup. I thought you might like the fox." He replies and I grin nodding.

"I do it's adorable." This time they come to my turn more quickly, Haruhi opens her gift to find a personalized dress, and a note along with a cute hat for winter.

"Thanks Tempest. This dress is so nice. Are you sure it's alright for me to have?" She asks and I nod. She holds the dress up for everyone to see and they oo and ahhh.

"That's definitely your best work." Kaoru says and I shrug.

"It was easier since I know Haruhi's personality." I say smiling. Then I open my second to last present. Tamaki exclaims excitedly. I look and see an art kit with paints and fancy canvas.

"Thanks Tamaki!" I say and he smiles. "Since I'm giving Takashi his a little later I guess I'll open up my last gift." I say noticing no one else has anything else. They all nod. I open it and find gorgeous white fabric perfect for the dress design I was working on at the beach.

"Thank you Haruhi." I say and she smiles.

"It was kinda hard to find but Kyoya-senpai helped me out." She says smiling and laughing a little. I grin.

"It's getting late." Takashi says looking at a watch he had gotten from Kyoya. He puts his hand on my head and I smile.

"Hai hai, sorry to leave so early everybody." They just wave us off. Some maids pick up our gifts as we leave. He pulls on my hand a little.

"Don't worry Takashi. I'm still gonna be here." I say amused at his eagerness. He smirks and points up. I burst out laughing as I see mistletoe above us, he gives me a smirk and kisses me. I kiss back, of course, and when he's done I'm as red as a tomato. He gives me an amused smile and I slap him playfully. He winks and then hugs me gently like I will disappear at a moment's notice. I look at him confused and then hug him back. 

"I'm not gonna disappear on you." I mumble quietly. 

"I know." He says quietly. I melt when I hear his voice and relax. We get into my limo home and I drag him to my room. 

"I wasn't quite ready to say this out loud so I got a thingy made." I say explaining nervously what the soundwave says and the little note below it means. He gently hugs me as if I'm going to disappear right before his eyes again and says "I love you too, Tempest." I cover my face blushing close to tears hearing that from him makes me so happy I can barely stand it. I kiss him and he kisses back. Goddamn is he a good kisser! 

Thanks for reading!

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