Chapter 12: Carson Wright's Story

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A/N: Oh Lordy do I have plans for our driver. I legit can't wait to start this chappy up. Oh, maybe Dyon will get reunited with her father, I don't quite know yet. I might just be evil and have them pass each other on the street without knowing it. Don't worry I'm not that sadistic. But we'll find out pretty soon.

Carson Wright POV in the past:

I look at the man in the bed and shake my head. I go up to the roof and smoke a bit. He's my last patient. I want to reunite him with his kids. That's my last mission. Soon I'll be framed for taking charity money from the hospital. There's nothing I can do about it, unless I somehow get the Quinn's' to investigate it. I start searching for the man's kids after I'm done. I search them up in the database and find a few things. Two weeks pass easily and I manage to pin down Ryce Dyon's kids to a man named Kain. Unfortunately things end right as I'm printing out the last form.

"Mr. Wright, you're under arrest for stealing from Queen Memorial Hospital." An officer says and I stand up turning around preparing to get cuffed.

"Grant an innocent man one last favor, get that profile to Akita and Askari Quinn. That's all I ask."

"You're not innocent, but fine. I will do that." The officer says and I nod. I go to prison for 8 years. Kind of harsh considering I didn't belong there. Men there beat me for taking money away from people who already had problems.

"You got problems man!" One yelled at me more than a few times. Ugh. Once I get released I see Akita Quinn waiting for me.

"I know you're innocent, I also found those kids. Unfortunately, Askari and I lost them after a few months. Look it might take us awhile, but we'll find them again." He says.

"Thank you. Now I need to find Ryce." I reply.

"You know. I have a proposition for you." Akita says and I nod. "Work for us as our driver. I'll give you full access to our systems. It might be a little illegal, but I'll also give you access to some of the governments systems."

"Sir if I may ask why are you helping me?"

"I don't like to see innocent men go to prison." He says and I give him another nod.

"Well I can't thank you enough Mr. Quinn. I can't wait to find this guy." I say and over the next few years I track Ryce Dyon. Once I finally found him, stuff went down in the Quinn family. The had a baby named Jas. I had to help them with her a lot. I lost track of him but then two years later I finally found him again. Ryce was a huge studio holder. He hasn't moved in the past year either. So today after I get Miss Dyon home. I asked Akita for the day off and he gave it to me. I get Miss Dyon's bags and put them in her room. Then I head out. I manage to get to the studio without a hitch but to get into the studio that's the question. Ryce Dyon doesn't see anyone without an appointment.

"Excuse me, miss. I need to get into see Ryce Dyon."

"Do you have an appointment?" She asks.

"No I don't. When will the next one open up?"

"Three months from now." She replies.

"Okay, well then tell him it's about the accident he was in 16 or 17 years ago. I was his doctor Carter Wright. Tell him I apologize for not getting the documents to him faster. He'll understand."

"Ugh alright." She calls on her desk phone. "Yes Mr. Dyon a man by the name of Carter Wright is here saying he has some documents for you."

"Send him up. Give him a special privilege pass. And if he brings anyone with him next time let them up no questions asked." I hear and she hands me a plastic pass and points me toward an elevator. I get in and see a girl who's just a bit younger than me waiting.

"You're here to see Ryce aren't you?" She asks and I nod.

"Yes ma'am I am." I say and she says "Don't be surprised if he seems more irritable than usual. He threw a chair through a window today because that person's designs were absolutely wretched. And his most popular dancer is being to difficult. Even for him, he's trying to calm her down now."

"Thanks for the heads up. May I ask your name miss?"

"Gala Winry. Nice to meet you."

"Carter Wright." I say and she nods.

"Omigosh you're being such a little bitch today." I hear a girl say to Ryce. I blink a couple times. He looks a little different from when I last saw him.

"No I'm trying to meet your unreasonable demands. I can't find a dress like you want in so short of a time. ESPECIALLY FOR BALLET." He exclaims back angrily.

"You know I could hook her up with a good designer I know." I say as I step into the studio.

"Who the hell are you?" The blond brat asks.

"Carter Wright at your service." I say.

"Who's this designer you're talking about Wright?" Dyon asks me.

"Well sir, her name is Tempest Dyon actually."

"She goes to my school ugh, her and her little brother are pains."

"Have you seen her designs though miss, uh, actually I haven't caught your name."

"Rose Suzuki. No I have not."

"Ask her sometime, also you try hurting her or her friends again you'll answer to me." I say protective of Tempest.

"Who the hell are you?" She asks angrily.

"An old friend." I reply cryptically.

"Whatever. Get that dress in front of me in two days otherwise I'm quitting dance." She says storming out.

"I'm sorry about that Carter."

"It's no problem. Why don't we sit down. I have good news for you Mr. Dyon"

"What is it?" He asks sitting down at a desk.

"Well the obvious, I've found your kids finally, and second I'm actually living with them, also tell me the dress parameters I'll pass em on to Tempest. Look she can get it done in two or three days."

"Fine here. And yes I wanna meet my kids so bring my daughter here in two days. Don't tell her I'm her father. I'm not sure how she would react to that." He says taking a pen out and writing down the dress requirements out.

"Of course. Damn this really is a piece of work." I say as I look at the requirements.

"None of my designers would be able to do it. Are you sure she can get it done?"

"Fairly." I reply and leave.

Ryce POV:

Seeing Carter after all these years was strange. He did somewhat fulfill his promise after all. I gave up on it after a couple years and ended up putting up with kids like Rose. Half of my clients are like her. I really hope that my daughter isn't.

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