Chapter 10: The Meeting

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"Omigosh Kain. How long has it been?" Askari asks the man with red eyes across from me. She goes to him and hugs him. Mori is next to me, and Legend next to him. Hiroki, Andrea and Jas are spending a nice day at the pool. I discreetly hold on to the back of Mori's suit jacket.

"I know these two, but whose the middle one?" Kain says looking at Mori with his evil eyes. I tightly hold onto Mori's jacket. He just replies "I'm one of your students actually. Takashi Morinozuka. Nice to meet you Mr. Williams." 

"Aren't you happy to see your old foster parent Legend, Tempest?" Askari asks us.

"Oh yeah I am actually. Sorry, hi Kain." I say giving Kain a hug. I inwardly shudder.

"Remember they'll hate you." He whispers in my ear and we all sit down on the couch. I pull on Mori's jacket again. Legend just straight up glares at Kain.

"Legend how are you my boy?" He asks Legend with a cruel smile on his face. I pull on Mori's jacket a little harder.

"This man physically and mentally abused these two when they were younger. I won't see Tempest go through this anymore. You touch her again you answer to me." Mori says and I look at him.

"Is that true Legend, Tempest?" Akita asks us.

"Yes it is. I apologize, I can't pretend to like him. Akita listen, he hurt the both of us beyond what anyone who didn't go through that pain can imagine. Please believe me." Legend says.

"I do actually. This one is a nasty son a bitch." Akita says.

"No he is not." Askari says.

"Honey look at me, look at me." Akita says as I notice Kain rubbing his hand on Askari's thigh. I look at his face. They're in love.


"What?" She asks me looking at me with a look that Akumi always got when she was pulling something over. An evil spiteful look.

"Oh shit no no no." I mutter. I pull on Mori's jacket trying to calm down. "You're cheating on one of the kindest men I've ever met, for him?"

"No I am not." She replies angrily. Akita looks at me then looks at her and then to me again.

"Honestly, right now Askari I believe her. She's done nothing but tell the truth since she's been here. You however have cheated on me twice with this man. And you've gotten that look each time you thought you had gotten away with it. Kain I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to leave man to man right now."

"You really believe her over me?" Askari asks him outraged.

"Look, Legend said something about the abuse. Morinozuka-san said something about him hurting her. And she said something about you cheating."

"Askari, if you don't believe them about the abuse I'll show you the bruises he gave me this week." I say with tears in my eyes. She glares at me.

"There's no way Kain would do that." She replies. I turn around and pull my shirt up to my bra.

"I'm surprised you really believe that Askari." I reply turning back around. "I'll show you scars from when he hit me when I was little if you want."

"And I can show you scars from where he scratched me and whipped me." Legend says to her.

"Kain did you really do those things?" Askari asks him naively. I bury my face into Mori's jacket. He holds me and I manage to keep from crying.

"No baby." He says but she sees the deception in his eyes.

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