Chapter 13: The Dress

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"So they want this in two days?" I ask Carson as he shows me the design parameters.

"Yeah. I'm sorry it's so short notice, but it's your chance to get something big done. And make connections." He replies.

"How the hell do you even know someone that far up in the fashion chain?"

"Long story." He replies rubbing the back of his head.

"Go smoke. I'll get it done, also I'll need iridescent chiffon, red, and blue. And let's go with a lighter fabric for the skirt, I'll have to pick out that one." I say sending him off. I look at my fabric library and pick out something.

"Ne-chan you good in here?"

"Oh Hiroki, good! Come here." I say.

"How does this look?" I ask showing him a design I had drawn a little while ago.

"It looks good why?"

"Read these over. Make sure it fits those parameters." I tell him.

"Holy heck Ne-san when do they want this?"

"Oh my, all of you are in here aren't you?" I ask twirling my chair back around.

"Yep." Andrea and Jas say at the same time.

"It's due in two days."

"Ne-san can I ask you about tweaking it. To make it look better."


"Make the top a rainbow type, not super bright but a slowly changing rainbow. Also the skirt could be a purple color that the rainbow drifts into."

"Thanks Hiroki."

"Is there anything we can help with Ne-san?" Jas asks.

"Caffeine, get me three Monsters and 3 Red Bulls, and some Mountain Dew. But don't get caught with them. I'm gonna need it to last through the next two days. Also salty snacks. Please don't ask the kitchen for the drinks. They might ask too many questions." I say and turn back around before I can see their reactions.

"Yes ma'am!" They say running out. Holy crap time to get to work.

"I'll stay and work if you collapse Ne-chan."

"Don't touch it even if it is partially your design. I'm the one doing it Hiroki." I reply.

"Alright Ne-san." He replies.

"Oh MUSIC!" I exclaim loudly.

"Relax Ne-chan I got it up for you. Chillstep right?" He asks.

"Can you put it on my nightcore playlist. On shuffle."

"Alright." He says and puts it on for me.

"Tempest!!" I hear an obnoxious voice yell.

"Omigod not now."

"Don't worry Tem. I'll deal with them for today."

"Let Kyoya in and maybe Mori. Their the only two that can control the club."

"Hai." He says and goes out to them. After awhile Kyoya and Mori manage to get in my room.

"Hey okay so I can't afford to have distractions right now. I have two days to make a dress like this and in order to get it done I have to do a lot of cringing. Just for two days guys. Can you keep them from visiting. I'll have a huge party if you do." I explain in a rush not looking up from my work.

"Of course. As long as you can host our guests after all of this." Kyoya says.

"Dude really? Shoo. Ask Akita if we can host a party. If he says yes then yes I will host you all." I say waving him out of the room.
"Takashi will you stay for a moment?" He stays and I get up and give him a kiss. He quickly takes control and causes me to fall on the bed.

"I'm sorry I gotta get back to work." I say regretfully.

"I know." He says kissing me again. "Good luck." He gets up and leaves. I go back to my desk and pull my phone out.

"Carter, we gotta change the fabric. I need rainbows and lace instead of the other stuff, make sure it's flowy."

"Of course ma'am." He says and I keep fixing my design. A half hour later everything arrives.

"Omigosh you guys are the best. Okay I'll have to ask you all to also play mediator between mom and dad while I'm not exiting my room."

"Hai!" They say saluting. I just smile and shake my head.

"Wow. You've chewed a lot off Ne-san." Legend says giving me the fabric that I told Carter to get.

"You don't have to tell me that." I reply opening a can of Monster.

"What the hell you doing?" Legend asks me picking up a can.

"I have to pull two all nighters." I reply.

"I'll leave you alone Ne-san. Oh Haruhi might be coming over at some point."

"You can hang out with her, I trust you. Tell her I'm sorry for being busy." I say waving him off. He just pushes off the desk and leaves.

Mori POV:

I never realized she was so determined when it came to designing.

"I bet she's having fun!" Mitsukuni says and I nod. "It must be hard to get a dress like what Kyoya was saying in two days."

"Yeah." I say. The dress design was crazy. The dress is gorgeous, but the lace on the top must be horrible to sew. I can't believe that Tempest can do that.

"Do you wanna spar?" Mitsukuni asks. I nod. It was also fun to kiss her. I quickly change into my dojo gear. (I forget what it's called)

Honey goes to punch me and I easily block we go through a series of those until I drop kick him. He jumps up dodging it and smacking my head.

"That was faster than usual Takashi. You're worried aren't you." He says. Our spars usually last a few minutes at least. I just grunt in response knowing he'll understand.

"I'm sure she'll be fine Takashi!" He says, rubbing my head.

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