I will never love again

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A sneak peak from my new book, I need you like you need me.

"Slain." I called out but he didn't glance up. "Why is he bleeding? They didn't heal him?!" I turned around as I barked out at them.

"He didn't want to be healed, he pulled his bullets out and stayed like that ever since." The Campus doctor said and I turned around, putting both of my hands on the glass. "Please Slain, let them heal you." I stepped back when he glanced up, his eyes pitch black as he narrowed his eyes at me dangerously.

"I love you." He surprised me by saying, "And if I have to die to yank out this love, I swear to you that I will yank it out and I will hate you Live, until I manage to forget about you. And when that happens, when I manage to feel nothing for you, I will choose someone else, but I swear to you Live, that I will never love again, never again."

Chris grabbed my forearm and I looked down at the hand, glancing back up at Slain with tears in my eyes. "Let's go Live." Slain stared at me dead in the eyes, I thought I would never see that look again on his face, staring back at me. It makes me wander back to the time we couldn't see each other without staring with hatred.

I turned around and walked with Chris to the elevator, the door opening when he pressed the elevator button. I glanced behind my back at Slain who was still staring at me. I turned back around and stepped into the elevator as I turned around, my hair covering my face as I glanced up at him.

He stared at me firmly and dangerously, my teeth sucking in my inner bottom lip as I stared at him back. The door of the elevator slowly closing, breaking our gaze as the door closed. 

Watched this video, it's in Spanish but it describe exactly what I wrote. Minus Live, kissing 'Chris' what he says in Spanish, is what I wrote in English. This is my childhood serie Casi Angeles. They played the scene I wanted very well so I used it. 

I hope you guys like it. Don't forget to watch it, it makes you see the scene more dramatic. 

The closing elevator kills me every time, and the song is just perfect for the moment. The way he looks at her and the way her head is down but yet her eyes are glancing up at him, until the door closes. Lemme cry in a corner. 

"No love, no feel, even hate, is the only thing that can turn off this pain."

I Need You Like You Need Me (Old Version) Being renewedWhere stories live. Discover now