I need you like.....10

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Needing sometime alone

I sat on the dock, my heels next to me and my feet in the water as I moved them around. My hands resting on the dock as I stared at the mountains in the horizon. I woke up early in the morning and went for a run, for some reason I came to this dock that me and my father use to come when I was little.

We had so many memories together, I wish that I could revive them and live them once more. My dad was, and still is my hero till this day. I leaned my head down, thinking about my childhood, "Daddy! Let's swim." Young Live shouted as she rushed to the dock. She was excited to swim and couldn't wait to get in the water but she couldn't swim. "Daddy hurry up!"

Linden came and kneeled down in front of her, "Okay, but first. Let me put your arm bands first." Linden extended her arms and put them on, "Okay, wait." He put one around her waist too. "Done."

"But daddy! I want to swim without them." Young Live pouted sadly, "You can't, you're not big yet to swim without them." Linden grabbed her face, "But daddy I don't want them, you are here with me, nothing can happen to me."

Linden nodded and took of her bands, he carefully watched her as he got inside of the water. Young Live waked to the edge, and jumped in the water. Knowing that her father would always be there to catch her.

I blinked my eyes as I glanced up, sucking on my bottom lip. I miss you dad, I'm sorry that I didn't come here often like I used to. I grew up, wanting nothing but to be with my friends, now not even them can fill this emptiness I'm feeling right now. 

I put my feet on the edge of the dock, wrapping my arms around my knees as I rested my chin on my arm. "There you are." Slain said and I turned to look at him, turning back to face the horizon as he pulled my shoes back and sat down next to me, sticking his feet in the water.

"I just needed sometime alone." I shrugged, staring ahead. "My dad and I used to come here almost every day. He would make sure that I had my swimming arm bands and my waist band when we go there so nothing would happen to me."

"One day, I didn't want to wear them. I felt as if I didn't need them. He gave me a short speech how I should wear them because I wasn't big enough. I told him that I didn't want them because I knew that he was here with me and nothing can happen to me."

"I don't know what I'll do without my dad Slain. He was a big part of my life my whole childhood. Not even my mother, he always found time to play with me, to be here for me. I never asked him for everything because he was all I needed and now he was gone."

"I don't know why good people get sick, why? They don't deserve it, it's not even fair. He had a heart so big but God wouldn't let him leave. All the good people go, and bad people will never get punished for what they did. What sort of world do we leave in?"

"It just makes me so mad and angry, I just can't accept this cruel world. It feels as if no matter how good you do in life, no matter how helpful or generous you are in life, it's never good enough. It's never enough."

Slain wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer, my head in the crook of his neck as he brushed my hair up and down as I sniffed loudly, tears falling down my eyes. I busted into tears and he hugged me tightly, his arms comforting me as I cried heavily.

He was so good at comforting people, comforting me......I don't know how he does it. I lifted my head and stared at him, leaning forward as I pressed my lips against his. He caressed my face as our mouths moved in sync, "Slain choose me! I can't believe he choose me!"

I pulled away from him, I can't believe I forgot about that. I can't believe that I.....that I slept with him and he had chosen someone else. Slain frowned, "You choose someone else, I shouldn't have. Why are you even here?" I stood up as tears coated my eyes.

I Need You Like You Need Me (Old Version) Being renewedWhere stories live. Discover now