I need you like.....17

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The ambush

I brushed Malik's hair as I slept next to him, trying hard to remember what happened the night I got drunk. I entered a bar late at night, being stressed about taking care of a pack that I had to prove myself everyday, I decided to take a break. I sat on the bar as I ordered a drink that soon turned into two, three and before I knew it I was drunk.

Hey why is a beautiful lady like you here alone? A man said as he sat down next to me but I ignored him, drinking my drink unbothered. How about we get out of here? The man continued to charm his way into my head.

I'm not interested thank you. I replied back, leaning my head down as I chucked down the alcohol, slamming the glass down as I stood up form the chair, stumbling a bit. Hey, careful. He wrapped his hands around me and guided me toward the door.

Where do you think you're going? A voice said from behind us and the man turned around, Slain! I shouted his name, You're here to safe me. The man looked at us confused, well, he's my mate. Well was, until he left. That jerk, but anyways. You're in trouble. I ran my fingers down his face as I smiled at him.

No, you're in trouble. I whoops, pointing at myself as I laughed, Chill man, I was just trying to get her home. He pushed me toward Slain and I turned to glare at him, Hey, you don't push a lady. I scolded him as I stumbled against Slain, Oomph you're muscles got better. Do you do to the gym a lot? I touched his biceps as I bit down his lips.

Live, let's go. He grabbed my hand and dragged me toward the door,  No! I want another drink. I pushed him away and headed toward the bar, ordering a drink. No, thank you. He paid for my drinks and dragged me out of the bar much to my protests and drunk words.

What am I going to do with you drunk like this? Your uncle will kill you but not before killing me when I bring you like this. I laughed at his words, not taking him serious at all. Come on, let's go. I have to find a way to sober you up.

I hummed with a cheeky smile, running my fingers down his chest. I know a way that you can sober me up. He removed my hand from his chest and dragged me toward my car, opening the passenger seat to yank me inside.

Hey, be careful. I'm fragile. He rolled his eyes, slamming the door close. "Live, isn't Shadira's wedding today?" I jumped, not realizing that I have fallen asleep on Malik's bed. He was long gone and I was alone on his bed asleep. "You were tired, I didn't want to wake you up."

"Where's Malik?" I asked my mother as I sat up and touched my head that was pounding. "He's with Sam. Aren't you suppose to go to Shadira's wedding? It's ten am already, she's getting married in two hours."

"Yes, I'll go." I stood up from the bed, "Don't worry about Malik, he ate already and showered. He just needs to change." I nodded my head at my mom as I made my way out of the door and toward my room. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, gathering my hair up in a ponytail.

I slid off my clothes and got inside of the shower, twisting open the handle as the water poured down on me. When I finished taking a shower, I got out and wrapped a towel around me. I made my way out of the bathroom. I walked inside of my closet and let go of the towel of I put my underwear on.

I went through the rack of clothes and grabbed the dress that I was going to wear. I walked inside of my room and placed the dress on the bed, walking toward the vanity. I did my own makeup and took my hair off the ponytail, brushing it down. 

"Mommy?" Malik sneaked his head inside of my room. I turned around to face him, "Waw, who's this handsome guy?" He walked inside and I touched his face, brushing his cheek as I stared at him in the eyes. "Who's my handsome man? You are? Give me a kiss."

I Need You Like You Need Me (Old Version) Being renewedWhere stories live. Discover now