I need you like.....13

393 23 9

The inevitable encounters

I woke up with a headache of the size of China. My head fuzzy and funny, ugh, I groaned. What the hell happened to me for me to have this headache. I stood up from the bed and made my way toward the bedroom to brush my teeth and take a shower.

I put on my sport clothing, wanting to run somehow. I put my shoes on and made my way out of the dorm. I greeted the guys on my way out of the campus, making my way toward the door. "I'm going for a run." The guard nodded, the electric door soon opened as I jogged outside.

With a lot of things in my mind, running it what I need to clear my head. The wind brushed softly, the birds chirped happily as I skipped around the rocks to get on the cliff. My feet moving in pounding rhythm behind me.

I sighed, breathing heavily as I leaned down my knees, glancing up. I was out of the woods and on other side of the campus. I didn't know that there was a beach here. I leaned up, talking of my shoes as I walked by the shore.

Please Slain, let them heal you. I stepped back when he glanced up, his eyes pitch black as he narrowed his eyes at me dangerously.

I love you. He surprised my by saying, And if I have to die to yank out this love, I swear to you that I will yank it out and I will hate you Live, until I manage to forget about you. And when that happens, when I manage to feel nothing for you, I will choose someone else, but I swear to you Live that I will never love again, never again.

I sighed, closing my eyes for a brief moment, glancing to the side to see Slain. I froze, not being able to move. I stood against the railing, watching the starred sky as the water crashed against the shore, Who would have thought? Me and you like this. Slain kissed my neck, his hands on my waist. I can go with that, we have chemistry in bed. I turned around as I faced Slain with a smirk on my face, wrapping my arms around his neck.

Yeah? How much? He asked me cocking down at me, my lips pouting slightly as I narrowed my eyes at him. How about you show me? I spoke sexually and slowly against his lips. Done. I squealed, screaming as he hovered me over his shoulders, my body tangling down as he walked us back inside of his house, showing me how much chemistry we have.

I glanced down, my eyes looking anywhere but him as I turned around. He'll come. I sat down against the shore, bringing my knees up as I stared at the horizon. "How did it happen?" I asked as I felt him behind me, "When did we turn the tables?"

"Last time I checked, you told me that it was a mistake and that you didn't love me. So now you're demanding answers? It doesn't go like this." I turned around to face him, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that, now can we talk?"

"Sorry doesn't change the fact that you hurt my feelings, it seems like that was the only thing you did these past few months, hurt my feelings. I never thought that a girl could do me the way you did. I don't let girls mess with my head, but you did more than just mess my head, you made my life upside down."

I stood up from the sand, "If you're not going to tell me, I'll go then." He snatched my wrist and turn me around, "Don't threat me, you can go. You're the one that need answers not me." I yanked my wrist away from his tight grip.

"Don't touch me ever again Slain, you're getting way too comfortable." I growled at him, my eyes firing up as I glared at him. He touched my waist and I pushed his hands away, his hands finding my body again as he pushed me forward, "I did, so what? What are you going to do?" I kneeled him on his balls but he moved quickly, hooking his fingers in my hair as he kissed me passionately.

I put pressure on his shoulders, pushing and yanking but he bit down my bottom lip, groaning, I bit him back, tugging hard as he growled at me, kissing me harder and rougher. I pushed him away from me, "I hate you, your kisses disgust me." I whirled around, his laugh only making me madder as he slapped my ass.

I Need You Like You Need Me (Old Version) Being renewedWhere stories live. Discover now