I need you like you need me

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Just a dream?

"Live, Live!" I was rudely awaken by my not so lovely friend Shadira. Wow, that was a hell of a dream. Slain and I together? We even had a child lol, how long have I been asleep?

"What, what!" I spoke cranky, not wanting to ever leave my bed. "It's seven pm, you've been asleep for 19 hours."

"That explains it...." I spaced out as I talked to myself. "What?" Shadira asked confused and I waved it off, "Nothing, oh my God! It's the weekend, my mother organized a party tonight! Oh shit."

I removed the sheets quickly, tripping on my way to the bathroom as I slammed the door close.

When I finished, I dressed in a cute dress and nude heels boots. I brushed my hair and put some gloss to give it a shine.

"Bye bye Shadira, wish me luck. Let's pray that my father doesn't bring the mate topic." I sighed, "And they ask me why I don't come on the weekends."

"Good luck Live." I made my way out of our dorm, closing the door as I through the hallways. I went to the back door where the cars were parked and after many controls I finally hit the road.

When I arrived, my father gave me lecture for being late. I just let it reach one ear and then let it slide out of the other ear, not really hearing him.

"Live you came!" My brother exalted, running toward me. "Yes I came, what would this party be without me? I'm the soul of the party."

I walked into the dining room, greeting my mother, my uncle and my aunt. We sat down and my mother served us her delicious homemade cook meal.

The dinner was good, let's just say it could have been better but it was good. I wasn't asking for much, it was fine.

"You found any candidate yet for the mate position?" Oh well, it was too good to be true. "Linden!" My mother scolded my father.

"No, I haven't and if you excuse me, I think I'll head back to campus. Thank you for the dish mom, it was delicious." I put the towel down as I pushed back the chair, standing up.

"Please Live, stay a little more." I ruffled my brother's hair and kissed my mother who sighed deeply as I walked out of the living room.

I made my way to the front door and opened the door, getting out. I headed toward my car and opened the door, getting in.

I drove out of the territory and into the road, driving back to campus. Well, I would have if my tire didn't flat in the middle of nowhere.

I groaned, just what I needed. I groaned again as I stared at the flat tire. I grunted, walking toward the open door to grab my phone.

"We're sorry, your phone is out of service." Fuck! I tossed the phone in the seat, running my fingers in my roots, tangling hard.

What am I going to do? The road is a basically a desert! I groaned loudly, slamming the door close as I leaned against the car arms crossed.

Wait! I think I have a reserve tire! Oh no, I forget to get a new one. I groaned, well lucky wasn't on my side today.

Lights appeared, angels sang down on me at that. Maybe God heard my prayers. The door closed as the person slowly appeared in front of me.

Oh no! I groaned, "Is this a sick joke?" I crossed my arms as I stared at Slain. Wow God really hates me.

"I can go." He turned around to leave but I stopped him. "Fine, I need help." I told him as I sighed, "My house is close by, you can drive my car and I yours. I have a tire there."

I Need You Like You Need Me (Old Version) Being renewedWhere stories live. Discover now