I need you like.....16

363 28 5

The choosing day

"Live! Live!" Someone shook me hurriedly, "Live! Oh shit, Live, Live! The choosing is today! If you don't wake up and go fucking tell that man that you accept him, you're going to loose him forever." Shadira shoved me from the bed and I felt down with a loud thud. 

"Shadira, I hate him remember?" I told her as I stood up, walking toward her bed instead as I slumped on her bed. She groaned, her feet stomping on the floor as her hands snatched my legs, yanking me down from her bed. "No! You still chose to remember that hating part! You two fuck each other for four years Live! Four fucking years!" She tossed me on my back as she pointed at me angrily. 

"You didn't tell me about it, but the short period of time I had the honor to watch such love, you two couldn't get enough of each other. He fucking got a way to come see you when your father died when it wasn't even the weekends!"

"He got bullets to protect you when he thought you were in danger and this, this! Is how you chose to repay him? The Live I know, would be fucking standing there by his side now, not being able to wait to start a life with him."

"You father wanted you to be happy! He promised him that he'[ll take care of you, that poor boy must be feeling awful right now, thinking he had failed your father when you're the stupid one! I never thought that, that fall would leave you brainless! You're so fucking stupid Live! I love you, but I know that one you remember, you're going to hate yourself for letting him go! I love you Live, but I won't be there to console you because let's face it, you might not remember him but here!"

She pointed at her heart, "Right in here knows that everything he told you is true, I don't know why you'e choosing to ignore it. I don't know with what motives. That hate thing is so clique! Tell me something else that's not a fucking excuse. What? You slept with him, you have history with him."

"Sometimes we say we would never do someone, but we can't help who we do or who we fall in love with. It's okay to go against your own words for your own happiness. Live, your happiness is him, don't let him go Live. Once he walks out of that door, you can never see him again, no, you will, a year and a half from now, and you know what Live? Maybe once you're out there, he'll be the one that won't want anything to do with you, and that will hurt you, that will break you, but it won't be no one else's fault but yours, nothing but your fault Live."

"I tried, I tried because I know you Live. You won't forgive yourself once everything comes crashing down." With that, she stepped back and turned around, walking toward the door. I flinched, tears coating my eyes as she slammed the door close.

"Live?" I snapped out of it, sighing as I finished packing. "Ready to go?" My uncle said as he stood next to the door and I nodded, staring one last time inside of my dorm before strolling my suitcase out of the room, closing the door on my way out. 

It's been almost two years since Slain's choosing, he haven't choose anyone and chose to be a lone Alpha. A very rare case, he claimed that he hasn't find anyone worth to be his mate. With each day past my mark bleed until it died, removing Slain's claim on me. 

Like Shadira said, once my memories came clashing back at me and realization drowned on me, I couldn't even cry. There wasn't anything left for me to do, the pain was bearable, the sadness was bearable but the empty feeling I could never ignore. I felt soulless. 

I chose to be a lone Alpha, claiming that my father's dead took a toll on me and I needed more time to reflect. When I got home, my uncle started to show me everything I needed to know. He made a pack gathering where he told them that I would be their Alpha. 

Some were ecstatic but some not very convincing, seeing that I chose to be a lone Alpha. I work hard and tried to prove them that I was worth it. With the years, Slain was out of my mind, but never out of my heart. 

I Need You Like You Need Me (Old Version) Being renewedWhere stories live. Discover now