I need you like......15

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I don't wanna live forever, 'cause I know I'll be living in vain
And I don't wanna fit wherever
I just wanna keep calling your name until you come back home
I just wanna keep calling your name until you come back home
I just wanna keep calling your name until you come back home


A little reminder II

I looked around, my heels clicking on the floor as more images flashed through my head. I walked through the door wrapped in his sheets, that asshole left me in the middle of the night, he's lucky that I didn't go to the kitchen and grabbed a knife, I'm in a very good mood. He was surprisingly more than good in bed.

Maybe or maybe not, my cravings were the ones that woke me up. I wanted more. I walked through the same way my memories led me. I walked past the pool, looking away as memories in that pool flashed before my eyes.

I swam backwards, moving my arms around as he jumped in, snapping my head to the side when the water splashed on me. Hands sneaked around my back as he appeared in front of me, taking my mouth in a passionate kiss.

My hands clutched at his head, my fingers moving through his wet hair as our lips hovering over each other hungrily, his hands trailing down my body in the water, his hands touching my ass as he moved down my thighs, his mouth kissing down my chin as I tilted up my head, my lips gaped as he smooched my skin, sending shivers all over my body.

Why was he doing this? To make me remember or to torture me?

I walked toward the railing, my hand secured around my chest as I raised the sheets around my legs, walking down the stairs to the beach as I saw him sitting next to the shore shirtless, smoke around him.

My feet touched the soft sand as I made my way toward him, my hand sneaking down his shoulder as I touched his chest. You left me, I don't like that. I slid off my hand from his chest and leaned up, holding up the sheets as I walked in front of him.

He turned off his cigarette and stretched his legs, raising the sheets I sat down on his lap. He lifted his hand and brushed my face, my eyes closing as I enjoyed his fingers tracing my skin.

He touched my shoulders with his fingertips, his hands loosing my grip on the sheets as he leaned his head down and kissed my collar. My fingers brushed his scalps as I arched my back, his hands touching my hips as he sneaked them around my back, pushing me forward.

I squealed as he flipped us over, running his lips until they met my lips. My arms wrapping around his neck, my fingers tangled in his hair as we kissed passionately. Tell me why you came? He brushed our lips softly, staring down at me.

I stared back at him, my chest moving up and down softly, I wanted more. I shifted my eyes around, my hands brushing down my cold arms as I moved from the railing and walked down the stairs to the beach, he wasn't there.

What was he playing at?

I shivered, goosebumps covering my body as tears coated my eyes. Why is he doing this to me? He covered my lips with his, my nails running down his back as I pushed my knee up, his nose running down my face as he kissed my neck, moaning softly when he slid his dick inside of my vagina.

I grasped his back, his lips covering my collar with kisses as he nibbled on my skin. Slain....He turned us over, his hands holding my hips as I rocked my hips, tossing my head back as I moaned loudly, his hands running up and down my figure.

I Need You Like You Need Me (Old Version) Being renewedWhere stories live. Discover now