I need you like......3

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The day I met Alpha Slain

*Warning 18+*

He had the Alpha status, all scary and badshit as if he was the boss. Many of the wolves on Campus trailed behind him like stupid lap wolves. He was skilled in every way, every fight, every trick, every exercises the teacher did he knew them like a pro. He was the best Alpha in Campus, even the teacher couldn't compete with him, he was that good.

Well, that was until I came into the picture. I was a female Alpha, we didn't had many female Alphas because no matter if you're the first born, if your parents had a boy after, he will be the Alpha of the pack but I was the only child, making me the first Alpha Female in years to be born.

When I came, most males laughed at me, mostly Slain. He was over all the other Alphas, thinking he was all that, and they accepted it but I didn't. I couldn't believe how these Alphas downgraded themselves just because one of the Alphas was the best in everything he did.

When I came and did everything in less than three minutes, a few seconds before Slain did. He was left angry and humiliated, because I mean, a girl came and took his position in one try. I was his equal and he didn't like that.

I remember how he made the teacher put us as fight couples, we were black and blue, we both didn't back down so the teachers had to stop us. That made it worse, he would come to my dorm, intimidate me, making me break but I didn't.

I don't even remember how we started this hookup thing, I just know that we liked how we felt while having sex. It became like a must, we needed to have sex every hour of the day, we couldn't stop doing it.

The teacher almost caught us in our dorms, late at night pleasuring each other. We stopped for a while, until we were drunk on a Sunday and went to his house. We had sex in one of his beach chairs outside, his parents catching us in act but didn't say anything.

They were used to us being there on the weekends that they would just stay away to give us space. His mother would come in the morning and make us breakfast, showing me embarrassing pictures of Slain, making him mad at her but I would just laugh at how cute he looks.

"You're spacing out on me Live." I snapped out of it and stared down at him, "Come on, let's get out of here." I nodded my head as we swam toward the stairs. "Ladies first." He said with a smirk and I knew that he said that to check out my ass, that pervert. I stepped away and mentioned him to go first.

"What? You said ladies first?" I laughed at him, clutching at my stomach at his face. "Joking." I kissed his lips and walked up the stairs, walking toward the chair to grab a towel. I wrapped it around my body and turned around to see Slain wrapping his around his hips.

"Come on." We made our way toward the door and made our way inside, just when the doorbell rang. "Wait here." I rolled my eyes as I crossed my arms, my feet moving around as water ran down my legs.

I walked toward the bathroom and closed the door, drying my body off. I dried my hair with the towel and ruffled it with my fingers. "Live!" I dried my hands off and made my way out of the bathroom. "I told you to stay."

I rolled my eyes, "I'm not a dog Slain and I was wetting the floor so I dried myself off." I shook my head at him, "What is that?" I asked him as I walked further into the kitchen, "Your mother ordered pizza for us? How lovely."

I hopped on the stool as I opened the box, the delicious smell invading my nostrils. I hummed, closing my eyes as I bit my bottom lip. "Don't do that." Slain said from behind me and I gasped, he was in front of me seconds ago. He kissed my neck and I held the back of his head with my hand, cocking my head as he kissed down my shoulder.

I Need You Like You Need Me (Old Version) Being renewedWhere stories live. Discover now